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Hate this.

Community Member

Hey.. need advice. 28 (nearly 29) yo f.

Been self harming, not eating, depressed for.. damn.. 18years now.

Cant go to gp alone, boyfriend says "go ahead off self if that selfish"

Cant hospital.. ambo/cop (will get family evicted.. already happened twice lol)

Social anxiety, phone phobias, no webcams.. what.. do i.. its everyday now and no one cares?

86 Replies 86

Hey Rothman, welcome to the Beyond Blue forums. We know it can be tricky to create the first post so thank you for having the strength to do so. We're so sorry to hear how difficult your journey has been and how unsupportive your partner and family appear to be. We can imagine it would've felt so hurtful to hear your partner say to 'off yourself'.  Is there anything that has made you feel happier or calmer in the past? Was going to hospital a positive expereince for you?  It sounds as though you are needing some support and we want you to know that there is help available to you. 
  Please do feel free to contact the Beyond Blue Support Service anytime via our Webchat (no webcam needed)  3pm-12am AEST here: www.beyondblue.org.au/getsupport One of the friendly counsellors can offer you some support but also provide you with advice and referrals for seeing a counsellor in a more ongoing way if this is something you feel would be beneficial.

​​​​​​​Many in our community have experienced similar feelings and will be able to talk through these feelings with you. If you would like to post further, please tell us more about what's on your mind and how we can best support you through this.

Community Member

Ive tried beyond blue, lifeline, suicide call back, butterfly.. they all either call cops&ambo(twice. went to hospital. twice. dismissed with a card that i threw out.. couldnt talk in person alone?)

/ask me to go to gp. which isnt an option due to my own anxiety and boyfriend giving up. no friends or family?

not sure.. what to do.. i just.. give up?

Community Member
Similar story except the boyfriend im alone, i don't know what to do either. But whatever advice you get here TRY all of them and let me know if you find something. And stop self harming iv just been looking at myself thinking you look like a anorexic gutted fish ( no one's going to want me ) hang in there and i hope your story turns out better


DI'd you get any help? I haven't..

Community Member
What do I do I can't alone 😞

Hi Rothman,

We're sorry to hear that you're struggling to get the treatment and support you need. We can hear that you're feeling unsupported and we understand that this is difficult. Please know that we think you are a strong person and that there is always support available to you. We would urge that you do reach out to one of the supports we recommended when you have the capacity to.

You might also find it useful to take a look at some of our Beyond Blue resources: Or you might be interested in reading about the journey of someone who at one point felt hopeless -  https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/staying-well/losing-hope-finding-hope

We hope you feel a bit better since you posted and that you can find something that brings you some peace and comfort tonight. If you would like to post further, please let us know how we can best help you get through this tough period.    

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, it sounds like you are caught between a rock and a hard place - difficult for you to get help and possible evictions.

Can I ask if your boyfriend does not want you to go to a GP alone? Or he won't with you either?

When I first saw my psychologist she suggested that I get two apps on my phone which have been very helpful to me.

While professional help would be advantageous, perhaps self education, reading and listening to podcasts could give you some ideas. I would also listen to you in this space if you liked. You have started a new journey here and sometime venting and writing here can be helpful. You made a start with the initial post. The people here are supportive and non-judgemental.


I can't go alone I'm scared/lie. Boyfriend says he gives up with me, I gotta be a big girl. He wants me to go alone. But i can't?? Been trying so much by self but lack motivation?

I haven't got help, and like u said its really hard to. And i dont think people understand that from our point of view....all advice is go to gp... i know its really frustrating reaching out for help and just being given the 1 advice that you can't do .