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Walking Shoes - Walking and Other Exercise

Community Member

Hey to anyone reading this.

Last night I had an idea about starting a new thread about exercise especially walking. I am aware that walking is very beneficial for our mental, emotional and physical well being. And by actually doing it....well it can make a huge difference to how we cope with the storms that we face in life.

OK, I am not real good at disciplining myself to walk, and have to really push myself to do it. And sometimes it is even hard to leave this bedroom. Anyway I am not a beginner walker, as I have stuck to sort of a plan before. So I know that it does make me feel somewhat better. But I only stayed on the plan for a couple of months, then gave up.....for whatever reason. So here I am again wanting desperately to not fail this time.

So I guess this thread is for anyone that does walk, anyone that is struggling to walk because of depression or anxiety issues. And anyone else really......

I am unsure of the outcome of all this. But my ideas included: Sharing about things we have found out about exercise especially about walking. Writing down the reasons that one would chose to walk ( like something to help motivate). Being accountable in same way. Sharing about the places where we actually do walk, like the beach, gym, around the block, with the dog, out to the clothesline and back. And any other useful tips that could help others. So here we go......


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Hi Guest

That is great you cleaned the car. Definitely agree with you movement is good for us. No matter what way it looks.

I don't have that much stamina or strength at the moment. Physically or otherwise. It may look like it in my words.

Some days it is extremely challenging to do anything. I do like walking outside and it often makes me feel better. So that is why I choose that mostly.

I think it is important to not compare ourselves with others. You only see a part of my life here. Some days it is hard to even get out of bed. Which is how it is for me at the moment.

So it is you that has the stamina. Cleaning the car is great. I do not have whatever it takes to do that at the moment. So yeah be encouraged.

Community Member

So so thankful I walked out on the breakwall path again. I was there earlier in the day. It felt so invigorating cold on my face. The cool fresh air. The feeling woke me up for the day. I think I should go out there earlier next time.

I walked to the end and back. The ocean looked a pretty blue and the water in the port was a silvery colour. Silver and shiny from the early morning sun.

Sounds like a wonderful walk, Shell.

I live near lots of walking tracks and an area that has many scenic walks and lots of hills.

Community Member

I went on a different walk this evening. Still out near the beach though. It was on the path much further along the coast line.

There are a couple of hilly sections. Which is good, because I so much desire to get fit again. I was puffing away, while walking up those.

The ocean was beautiful, part of it is lit up by enormous flood lights. It just sounded really..... Can't think of the word... I just liked hearing the noise of the waves as they were coming in quickly.

Along this path there are a couple of surf clubs, some cafes, picnic tables and doggie bubblers. I only saw about 4 dogs on leads walking along the bath.

I also saw a lone bird. One with tall skinny legs. An egret I think. It was standing nice and tall on top of the timber fence near the surf club. And further up there was another one by itself standing on the fence too. Cute in there own unique way

I could smell the scents of people's dinners cooking and scents from the cafe. As well as a fireplace burning logs scent.

I did enjoy this walk. And felt good after it.

Oh how wonderful Quirky. I remember you mentioning that before. And you like to hug trees.

Not a lot of bushland here right near me. Mostly small city like area with open flat paddocks surrounding it. Some paddocks have cows. And a major river that leads to the ocean.

There is a few scattered areas that have bush....like where I walk with my sister. But still relatively flat with open paddocks of cows.

Drive around 45mins away there is some national parks with walking tracks.

Do you walk every day Quirky?

Community Member

I went for another walk on the beach. This beach was an hour or so drive away from my place.

I sat on a large square coloured seat and waited for the person who I was going to walk with. I looked out at the pretty blue ocean. It was a good view from the seat.

She arrived then we set out. Walked down the timber tied steps, a couple of the steps were wonky. But it was ok. We walked and chatted pretty much the whole time. I was not so familiar with this beach. We ended up walking across the rocks as well and onto another beach. This beach was smaller though. And I started to have a few childhood memories from visiting it. Nice memories.

We walked to the end of this beach. We watched a man doing something with a plastic container which had white looking seafood in it. Was he getting bait to go fishing perhaps?? There were a couple of wading type birds hovering around him. Egrets or herons or something similar. Then further up there were black crows. Quite large ones just hanging around. We turned around there and walked back.

There were a few washed up shells on the way back. So we picked up 2 unbroken ones.

We started walking back up to the cars. We ended up going up a different way. This way was steep. We walked up a sand dune. It wasn't huge, but I was puffing. And I half fell in the sand. I was ok though. It felt good to get my heart working out.

Community Member

No walk or other exercise yesterday. The evening before I walked. It was on that path that has a few hilly sections, out along the coast line.

The sun is shining, I can see it through my bedroom window. I am about to head out and walk. Struggling some with motivation.

Community Member

I made it out to that breakwater path /beach area to walk.

I was rugged up in a jacket as it was a bit cold at our place even though the sun was out.

But the sun was out more at the beach and beating down on me. I do like sunshine, but I could not take the jacket off. I will be better prepared next time. So stuffy.

Anyways I walked on the path to the end and back. Not much to say about that, as it was similar to other times.

I did see a man trying to coax and encourage his dog to climb up the side of the bank, climb up from the doggie beach to the path. The dog had a look of uncertainty on his face. Not sure if it all worked out, as I kept on walking. Cute dog anyway.

Two guys wearing wetsuits and carrying surfboards ran past me. That is a bit different. And on the way back, I spotted a pink cotton baby's hat on the path, so I picked it up and placed it on the large flat sandstone fence thing.

Yeah not much different on this walk. I am glad I got out there though.

On the way home I pulled into Harris Farm Markets and bought some purple grapes. And for the first time I bought a double shot chilled coffee almond milk. It came in a cute cardboard carton with sort of a spout on top. It was so delicious and fun drinking out of this carton.

Community Member

My son wanted to go for a walk tonight. So I found myself walking again today around our neighbourhood. I feel invigorating by the chill in the air and walking at a quicker pace. But my legs are pretty tired. I am thinking the double shot of coffee earlier this morning gave me a physical boost tonight. I only drink coffee very rarely as it keeps me awake far too much and can make me jittery.

Community Member

Just got back from being out at the beach.I walked some on the beach and some on the path. It was the coastal path. Feel pretty out of it today. I heard things while I was walking, like children talking and the waves coming in and crashing on the sand. But it was like I wasn't present in the moment. Not much quality sleep last night.

Glad that I walked anyway.