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Walking Shoes - Walking and Other Exercise

Community Member

Hey to anyone reading this.

Last night I had an idea about starting a new thread about exercise especially walking. I am aware that walking is very beneficial for our mental, emotional and physical well being. And by actually doing it....well it can make a huge difference to how we cope with the storms that we face in life.

OK, I am not real good at disciplining myself to walk, and have to really push myself to do it. And sometimes it is even hard to leave this bedroom. Anyway I am not a beginner walker, as I have stuck to sort of a plan before. So I know that it does make me feel somewhat better. But I only stayed on the plan for a couple of months, then gave up.....for whatever reason. So here I am again wanting desperately to not fail this time.

So I guess this thread is for anyone that does walk, anyone that is struggling to walk because of depression or anxiety issues. And anyone else really......

I am unsure of the outcome of all this. But my ideas included: Sharing about things we have found out about exercise especially about walking. Writing down the reasons that one would chose to walk ( like something to help motivate). Being accountable in same way. Sharing about the places where we actually do walk, like the beach, gym, around the block, with the dog, out to the clothesline and back. And any other useful tips that could help others. So here we go......


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Went for a walk around the neighbourhood tonight. I could smell the scents of people's fire places. Like that smell it's sort of a cozy relaxing one.

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I hadn't walked or exercised since the last time I wrote about it. Today I did though. Walked out on the breakwater path.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Dear Shelly...

I am always in awe of how you get yourself outside and take nice walks...

A couple of days ago one of my fur babies decided she would find it fun to sneak past me when my gate was open..and was very naughty because when I called her she looked at me and took of down the street...I stood their calling to her for a few minutes, did she answer me..yes..by looking at me and then continued to walk the opposite direction....I had to go get her..but afraid to go get her..if I didn’t she could walk to the main road and get hurt..or the rangers might pick her up...so I decided to go get her..

Looking in a straight line I took a deep breath and started on my quest...I found her a few doors down from mine in a yard...so I called her again, she walked up to me..then as I bent down to pick her up..she took of again....eventually I caught her..she was puffing so much and not trusting her to follow me, I carried her..luckily she isn’t heavy....

On my way back I took more notice of the things around me..so many pretty flowers are out in the people’s houses..one house has a giant steel wagon wheel with a climbing rose blanketing most of it..the Rose has a deep red colour...another house has a rusty old wheel barrow in the front of it...with some type of flowers growing in it..pretty little purple flowers..I think it called yesterday, today and tomorrow...I noticed the cows across the road all laying under another gum tree a couple door down from me...Okay home now..not much of a walk I know...and I wouldn’t have done it if it wasn’t for my little fur baby...Strange isn’t it how my dog took away my fear of being outside while I was trying to bring her back home..

Kind thoughts with some caring hugs lively Shelly..


Hi dear Grandy, I do like your story about you going after your doggie. And I am glad that your saw all the beautiful flowers and noticed the cows.

And no not strange at all. Love conquers all fear. The love you have for your little fur doggie won over the fear. That's the way I see it anyway

Sorry if my reply to you sounds blunt or something. Appreciate you so much just popping in here.

Community Member

Walked on the breakwall path again. I write about that more then other walks. It is the default walk I guess. I don't need to think much about it. Just go.

The ocean was pretty rough as I started to walk. Big white frothy waves. On the port side there were waves also. I listened to the gentle lapping of them as they hit the rocks. Then the waves seem to be bigger on the port side the further I walked along. Good waves, so much so there was a bunch of surfers in their black wetsuits on that side. Sitting in the water. Surfers walked past me too. I did watch a couple of them ride the waves in.

I didn't walk right to the end today as waves on the beach side were splashing up onto the path. I did feel light sprays of water in some sections though. I was ok with that. Just the more heavier ones further along. I can listen to the water too and you can tell that it may splash on up. It sounds quick like. Like a roar sound.

I did struggle some with self consciousness today. Felt like people were looking at me as I walked along. And I was feeling tired. But it was good to feel the fresh air and breathe it in. And it was good to move as I had been cooped up a lot in bed for a couple of days.

Anyways thankful that I went

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Shelly....

I like the sound of the break wall path...getting unexpectedly splashed with sprays of cold salt beach water would be refreshing...

It’s an awful feeling thinking others are watching us..that’s how I feel when I try to walk....

I used to like watching surfers..and the surf boards with the sail on...they must have good balance to be able to do that...

Its good you went for a walk today...and moved your body a bit..so very well done...sweet Shelly..

Kind thoughts with my love, care and hugs..


Hello Grandy, yeah I think you would like walking along the breakwater path. Especially in the quiter times. And you could bring your 2 doggies if they walked on a lead. Or just walk with them on the special doggie beach. They could run there. Would they like the beach do you think?

And yes I think they must have good balance those surfers and be good swimmers too.

Really you feel that way too when you walk... the self conscious feeling. Is that why you don't like walking by yourself much? I use to feel it lots in shopping centres. So I use to pretend I was looking on my phone at something every now and then. It sort of helped.

Nice chatting with you a bit Grandy. And I would love to walk with you. You feel like a safe person.


Community Member

Went for a walk earlier on tonight. I did feel tired but super glad I got out there.

I walked along the coast line path, the one that I can see a lot of the ocean and has a few hilly sections.

There were only a couple of others on the path. Even a black kitty ran across it. There are tall houses along the other side with a skinny road in between. The kitty ran towards the houses. Some food scents were wafting from the houses as well. BBQ maybe?

From where I started walking you can see the beach quite well, as there are very strong flood lights beaming from near the surf club. But further up it is darker on the beach. So yeah the path is better at night, especially because I walked by myself.

I could hear the ocean as I walked along. And one of the surf clubs had gentle strumming from guiter coming out from the open door. So I heard that as well. Sort of soothing.

Like I mentioned before there are a few hilly sections, and I found myself puffing as I walked up them. Good healthy, feel good puffing.

I walked to the ocean baths. I did not see anyone near them though. There is a sign right near there which has the most common birds you can see around this area. I always look at this sign when I walk on this particular path. I have seen 2 of these birds around. But cannot remember the name of them. And I have read the sign a lot. The one the size of a seagull with a little black mowhawk is pretty cute. Just like the mowhawk I guess. OK just waffling on now.

Glad I walked anyway

Wonderful Shell. Glad you did the walk and enjoyed yourself. And your descriptions as always are so clear. I am buzzing from all the coffee. You have inspired me to wean off the coffee (a bit slowly I will do it though as 8yrs of massive amounts) and you have inspired me to try for a little bit of walking again. I am so deconditioned from being in bed for months. So it will have to be gradual eg 1 min, 2 mins, 5 mins etc - But I will get there, will see. Thanks for sharing Shell 🙂 ps I think I had the same almond coffee as you - It was called First Press Brewed or something - and it has sent me buzzing so bad from caffeine buzz, oh well, no sleep for me tonight by the looks. It was very nice though.