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Walking Shoes - Walking and Other Exercise

Community Member

Hey to anyone reading this.

Last night I had an idea about starting a new thread about exercise especially walking. I am aware that walking is very beneficial for our mental, emotional and physical well being. And by actually doing it....well it can make a huge difference to how we cope with the storms that we face in life.

OK, I am not real good at disciplining myself to walk, and have to really push myself to do it. And sometimes it is even hard to leave this bedroom. Anyway I am not a beginner walker, as I have stuck to sort of a plan before. So I know that it does make me feel somewhat better. But I only stayed on the plan for a couple of months, then gave up.....for whatever reason. So here I am again wanting desperately to not fail this time.

So I guess this thread is for anyone that does walk, anyone that is struggling to walk because of depression or anxiety issues. And anyone else really......

I am unsure of the outcome of all this. But my ideas included: Sharing about things we have found out about exercise especially about walking. Writing down the reasons that one would chose to walk ( like something to help motivate). Being accountable in same way. Sharing about the places where we actually do walk, like the beach, gym, around the block, with the dog, out to the clothesline and back. And any other useful tips that could help others. So here we go......


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Hey MM,

I was thinking about what you said how you used to work as a personal trainer /instructer. And how your body is at the moment. And I am not sure if you are interested in going back to that kind of work. But couldn't you just take pictures of yourself getting fitter and healthier because that is what you are slowely doing (ie the juicing etc) and then use that as your own example to encourage possible clients. Just a thought that popped into my mind. Then again maybe you hurt your back doing that kind of work.

As to the large towel that is a good idea. And it's great you are doing laps in the pool. Would be good for your back I am guessing too. I am thinking I may wear shorts and a shirt when I go swimming

Oh gee Mrs D, that would not have been an easy time for you when you were a teenager. As you so much want to be accepted by the teenagers around you sort of thing. Properly even more so, at that age. I think I just get extremely self conscious.

As for the headaches you experienced, could you try massaging the area on your head with a mixture of coconut oil, peppermint essential oil and lavender essential oil. I do this and also drink coconut water, when I get a headache.

And oh that's right, you do walk up dirt tracks. I remember you saying that before.

Community Member
Hi Croix and Hi Elizabeth

Yes Shell, absolutely wear shorts and a shirt if that will entice you back into the water. I've been looking online at tankinis...long or short swimming top with swimming shorts, you could even buy one of those! I'm going to bcas regular costumes don't fit me.

I don't know if I can go back to personal training. I have pain in my feet and right hand. Plus a crook back. I told the professionals in the hospital I can't be on the drugs bcas I want to go back to my career but they wouldn't listen. I've had neurotoxic poison injected for 2 years...and it did damage.

I am however writing a blog about my weight loss journey and thought after my transformation I could be an online weight- loss coach. And there will definitely be before and after photos of me.

This weightloss experience is exiting.


Hello Everyone,

Shell, thanks for the advice about how you treat your headaches. I have tried massaging the area plenty of times, have used lavender oil but not the peppermint and not with coconut oil. Thanks for the tip, will give it a try.

I have been trying to encourage myself to go for a walk this morning and it hasn't happened yet! It is going to get hotter as the day goes on! I did do some stretches though so that was good!

Hope you all have a good day.

Cheers from Dools

Community Member

Been a while since I have been on this thread.

I have been walking though, aiming to walk every second day.

I have walked out on the breakwall many times, even walked in the light rain.

I walked further around on the coast on the path that is a bit hilly in sections.

And I walked on one Sunday from the beach carpark all the way to a small type market at the old "station".

I spent some time with my sister walking around the water reserve, which I have written about a lot on here before. There was one change I noticed on the trails in that reserve. And that is there are cows in the lush green paddock that borders part of the trail. Not just 1 cow either, but quite a few munching on the grass right up to the fence. I do like seeing them there.

Today I went to the gym, it has been a very long times since I had been there. I worked out on the cross trainer for 25mins.

Community Member
I will see if I can find some pictures of the breakwall in northern wales that you and Elizabeth mentioned.

Community Member

I went for a walk on the beach yesterday. It has been about 1 week since I have walked that sort of distance.

I sort of feel far away in my mind and emotions. However I noticed how cool the water felt on my feet and legs as I walked through the shallow water. The water was very clear and clean looking in the shallow bits. Almost like a tropical island sort of look.

Looking down, there were washed up broken shells and pepples. Which is out of the ordinary for this beach. You may see the odd shell at times, but not this many.

A few times I got splashed as the waves came in quite quick like and I was walking out further then I normally do. I was wearing cotton hemp shorts, which are very light, airy and dry well. I like the splashing anyway. Cool!

There were a few windsurfers out in the ocean.

The breeze did feel good on my skin and blowing through my hair. I often like it blowing in my hair, because I can hide behind my hair as it blows across my face. And the sensation of that tells me I am indeed alive and safe.

We walked right to the end, up the slight hilly sand dune, which wanders around rocks. And up to the breakwater path. This path feels nice and smooth on your feet now, as it is a few months old.

You can see into the port, which looked very clear. Sometimes it just looks misty, but not today. We did not see any cargo ships, it was all very quite. We walked along and chatted a bit.

Walked past the gated up road that leads up to the lighthouse. They only unlock the gates on weekends and when passenger cruise ships come into visit. You get a workout walking up that steep hill. Once up the top, the view is beautiful and often even more breezy. I have peered into the windows of the cottages right near the lighthouse. They have lovely old world timber floors. I don't believe people live in them. They are void of any furniture. I can easily imagine living in one myself. And in the early morning light, open the doors and windows and letting it all in as I go out and stare at the ocean. Hearing the bird noises as they wake up for the day. It just sounds awesome

Anyway back out of my imagination now... the sunshine felt good on my skin as we walked. It was not too hot. And I sort of felt nourished as the warmth was soaking into me.

We watched some little ones walking carefully on the large sandstone blocks that line the path. They are huge blocks about seat height placed all the way along. As they approached the light poles, the mumma swinged the younger one around it and onto the next large block. And off they would walk again. Just enjoying the simple activities in life. I admire that. No stress and no worries.

Community Member

Went for another walk today on the beach. I walked in the shallow water again. I could feel the water on me, I could feel the sand on my feet and I could even hear the waves. But my being was far away, detached from myself a lot. I know getting sunshine, breathing in the ocean air and walking is good for me, so perhaps I will focus on that. I chose to do something that was good for me despite having the far away sensation.

I walked a lot in the water and purposely stepped heavy so I would be splashed on my legs and feel it.

I noticed the lone seagull, with puffed out feathers walking in front fmof me. He kept looking from side to side, as if he was looking for something or was lost. He soon flew off.

We waked to the end of the beach, turned around and walked back.