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Walking Shoes - Walking and Other Exercise

Community Member

Hey to anyone reading this.

Last night I had an idea about starting a new thread about exercise especially walking. I am aware that walking is very beneficial for our mental, emotional and physical well being. And by actually doing it....well it can make a huge difference to how we cope with the storms that we face in life.

OK, I am not real good at disciplining myself to walk, and have to really push myself to do it. And sometimes it is even hard to leave this bedroom. Anyway I am not a beginner walker, as I have stuck to sort of a plan before. So I know that it does make me feel somewhat better. But I only stayed on the plan for a couple of months, then gave up.....for whatever reason. So here I am again wanting desperately to not fail this time.

So I guess this thread is for anyone that does walk, anyone that is struggling to walk because of depression or anxiety issues. And anyone else really......

I am unsure of the outcome of all this. But my ideas included: Sharing about things we have found out about exercise especially about walking. Writing down the reasons that one would chose to walk ( like something to help motivate). Being accountable in same way. Sharing about the places where we actually do walk, like the beach, gym, around the block, with the dog, out to the clothesline and back. And any other useful tips that could help others. So here we go......


4,382 Replies 4,382

Thankyou Golden you are sweet.

And also your name matches your profile image (beautiful) and actually in my mind as well matches the sunrise that Mrs D wrote about on her walk.

Is there somewhere to walk near you? Do you walk in the supermarket at all? It is still walking/moving. And there is even nature in a supermarket to enjoy. Ah the fruit and vegetable section. The array of colour is beautiful in there.

Hope you are doing ok today

Community Member

I went walking on the beach again yesterday. Nice to feel the ocean breeze in my hair, it was so windy my hair kept blowing across my face. Making me feel like I could sort of hide under it.

Sat on a small sand hill for a while, just breathing in the air, and watching the waves come in as they do. The sand hill had no other foot prints, not even from the seagulls. I loved that, as it was me that made the very first ones. The hill was leaning up against the rocks. Above those rocks is the breakwater path. Guessing the hill was made over night from the tide.

Nice walk

Hey everyone,

I'm going to open up a little more even if I'd rather keep this hidden.

I am now morbidly obese! I used to be very fit looking with a body others would compliment...

I worked in the fitness industry as a fitness instructor/ personal trainer.

Ppl would laugh and I'd be the gossip of the town if ppl knew how much weight I've stacked on and how completely different I look now.

I blame forced psychiatric drugging that sedated me, gave me stiffness, and pain, which I still have today. Not as bad but I'm still limited.

I wrap an extra large towel around me, hope to God no one that used to know me sees me and hide in the water like a potato and do my laps.

Ecomama I think brought this up but the majority of ppl would secretly admire us for doing something about it.

They would see me swimming my laps and be grateful that I'm having a go.

Shell my back injury happened at a job I used to have.

Dools stretching doesn't really help it, it's just there.

So, I say do as I do...wrap a massive towel around U and once you're in the water you're quite hidden, and do what you love!

Dear Shell,

I understand the not liking the way you look or thinking other people are looking at you.

As a teenager I had really thick black hairy legs and Mum would not let me shave them. I used to go swimming in my jeans when ever people were around or I would find secluded places to swim. I was the player at netball with the longest skirt and longest socks!

My headaches and fatigue are a daily part of life and have been for years. I might have to try a different Dr and see if they have any ideas. Feeling too exhausted this morning for a walk.

We have many birds here, crows, magpies, kookaburras, the galahs have been here for a while, sometimes there are parrots and corellas and pigeons. There are other birds I don't know the names of.

We also have the constant noise of the traffic on the highway, mainly trucks all hours of the day and night. I like to walk up a dirt road away from the traffic noise.

Sometimes I drive somewhere I know will be quiet for a walk. The continual traffic noise unsettles me occasionally.

It is going to be hot today. Maybe I will go for a walk early tomorrow!

Cheers to you and all from Dools

Dear Monkey,

I honour your openness and thank you for it.

I'm sorry that stretches do not help you at all. Part of my back injury was muscular and ligaments and light stretching helped me. So did lots of bed rest! There were days I could do very little due to the pain.

Congratulations to you for going to the pool and swimming. I do enjoy the soothing ability of water.

It is so unfortunate that medications can have the side effect of putting on weight. People out there need to realise weight gain happens for many different reasons.

May we all have Monkey's courage, enthusiasm and determination to do the things in life that we enjoy and we know benefit us.

Cheers all from Dools

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Shell(l)

That breakwater was in the north of Wales, it had to shelter the packet steamers that joined Britain and Ireland and was subject to the most ferocious gales. It had stood up like new -at least when I was young - amazing.

Memories of Wales and my Nain and Tide (grandfather) are some of the best of my childhood (as you can see in my Happy Memories thread)

Your walks, and the way you describe them, are a tonic which I enjoy a lot. Seems to appeal to so many more too - around 3,500 posts is a real tribute

Thank you


Elizabeth CP
Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

I'm imagining you are talking about Holyhead in Anglesea Nth Wales as that is the only port I know off for boats to Ireland in that area. We used to catch a train to Anglsea for our holidays when I was little. I loved it!!!

I have read but not posted much Like Croix I love the vivid descriptions given by Shell and the funny anecdotes by Dools. Monkey good on you swimming even when embarrassing.

My walking hasn't been as consistant as it should. I seem to be stretched in every direction. I have been very tired over the last year which if not caused it is certainly exacerbated by my stress & MH issues.

With the new year I reviewed my goals and am trying to get back on track. Last Fri I went for a walk early with my husband to a waterfall. The walk went through rainforest with lots of tree ferns. Apart from the walk/exercise my aim was to find something to do on a hot day. I've elt very trapped for the last couple of summers because of my fears of getting hot or sun burnt. By going early to a shady cool spot it gave me a positive experience. Unfortunately today is too hot to attempt that.

The path was very muddy and slippery so my husband slipped& got bitten by leeches so we arrived home and had to clean him up including cleaning up blood from the leech bites. At least he stopped bleeding fairly soon. Anyway abit of an adventure and it was lovely in the shady forest.

Hi Elizabeth and to all reading,

Your walk in the rain forest near a waterfall sounds wonderful to me, leeches mud and all. Today it was 30 degrees at 6.00 a.m. so no walking for me!

I did water the garden though so enjoyed some fresh air. I'm trying to think of coolish places to go walking here and the only place that comes to mind is the supermarket! A drive to the beach in the early morning or late evening would be delightful, shame it is over an hour's drive away!

Hope you all enjoy some form of exercise or can at least plan some walks for when the weather is more suitable or find alternatives in your homes.

Cheers all from Dools

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Elizabeth~

I've not spoken with you in a long time, I'll have to read your thread and catch up on how you have been.

Yes it was Holyhead and you will find many of my happy recollections about that place starting here:


Which deals with travel from London to Holyhead by steam train as a lad on my own (times have changed). In the same thread from time to time there are more snapshots including Llewellyn the milk horse and more mixed in with memories of other times and places.

I used to swap tales with Gruffud who had the same heritage. All Welsh spoken there is easy for Google Translate to put into English. Wales was the happiest part of my childhood.


Elizabeth CP
Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

I hope you are doing OK Croix. I've had to limit my time on the forums because of my stress levels.

I have Welsh relatives so love visiting North Wales both for the countryside as well as family.

Today I just walked to the supermarket but at least it was a walk. I also did some work in the garden so that was exercise.