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Walking Shoes - Walking and Other Exercise
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Hey to anyone reading this.
Last night I had an idea about starting a new thread about exercise especially walking. I am aware that walking is very beneficial for our mental, emotional and physical well being. And by actually doing it....well it can make a huge difference to how we cope with the storms that we face in life.
OK, I am not real good at disciplining myself to walk, and have to really push myself to do it. And sometimes it is even hard to leave this bedroom. Anyway I am not a beginner walker, as I have stuck to sort of a plan before. So I know that it does make me feel somewhat better. But I only stayed on the plan for a couple of months, then gave up.....for whatever reason. So here I am again wanting desperately to not fail this time.
So I guess this thread is for anyone that does walk, anyone that is struggling to walk because of depression or anxiety issues. And anyone else really......
I am unsure of the outcome of all this. But my ideas included: Sharing about things we have found out about exercise especially about walking. Writing down the reasons that one would chose to walk ( like something to help motivate). Being accountable in same way. Sharing about the places where we actually do walk, like the beach, gym, around the block, with the dog, out to the clothesline and back. And any other useful tips that could help others. So here we go......
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Dear Shelley,
Once again I am so sorry to read you are struggling. I am pleased to know you were able to get out for a walk with your sister and you were able to go to the beach.
People keep reminding me it is okay to have a bad day, I do understand that, problem for me is I would like a lot more better days! I need to find ways to make my mind change so I can appreciate life more as it is and accept what I can't change.
I'm catching up with my sister for a walk today in a town close to her. We will take a road out of town and see where that leads us.
Yesterday I parked my car on a local road and went for a walk. I did not realise it was a no through road so had to turn around when I arrived at the last farm. I walked back to my car and man drove past in a ute, stopped and watched me for a while. Maybe I should have reversed my car and had a chat to him so he was not concerned as to why I was there.
The scenery was low rolling hills, canola crops, maybe a wheat crop and some huge gum trees. There were some old almond trees as well and I wondered who had planted them and had there been a house in that area at some stage.
Once again I encountered some protective magpies so grabbed another small branch to wave above my head!
We have some glorious weather so being outside is lovely. I do realise for so many people these activities are not possible for one reason or another so I hope you are able to fill your days with exercise and happy activities some other way.
Cheers all from Dools
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I liked reading what you wrote about your walk Mrs D. So very different the surroundings where you are to here. But I suppose that is a good thing about living in Australia. Such diversity.
I am guessing that man does not get a lot of people just wandering about.
Glad the magpies didn't get you.
And yes thankyou, I will be okay.
Ah your sister, have a good time catching up and walking with her.
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Hey everyone!
Ive been a bit lazy over the last couple of months - haven't gotten out and about as much as I would have liked to. Basically I go to work in the dark and come home when its dark BUT The days are getting longer and the weather is getting better!
hope everyone is well.
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Hello Gambit (:
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This afternoon I went walking partly on a beach. But then we needed to head back up the steps to the path that goes along side. The person who I was walking with wanted to, plus the tide was way up on the sand, so there was not a lot of beach to walk on anyway. But it was nice to feel the cool sand on my feet.
We walked all along the path, which was quite busy with walkers, runners, dogs, babies in prams and skateboarders. We walked right up to the ocean baths and watched the waves wash on into them. Bit choppy the ocean today, with waves going on all directions. Loved the breeze in my hair.
We walked all the way back, which included a few hilly sections.
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Just arrived home from 60 minute walk around here. It was so breezy and refreshing.
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Today I went for a walk with my sister in that historical town that I have previously written about.
It was a beautiful walk because we kept stopping to study many plants in people's front yards. The gardens in this town well some of them are formal looking so we saw a lot of gardens with neatly clipped hedges. We saw a magnolia tree with the pretty white and pink large flowers. A few gardens had those growing. We noticed a row of orange cliveas growing right in a row along a picket fence.
We stopped and stared for a while in the old historical surgeons house front garden. I noticed a citrus tree growing along side the house. The garden needed a bit of work. But we could sort of see the structure of perhaps a formal type garden years and years ago that properly would have look beautiful.
We walked past the historical police station. A tall looking dog barked at us as we walked by its yard.
One thing that stuck out to me was that people were saying hello to us as we walked on. I am thinking perhaps they see us almost every week or so going for a walk in that town. Maybe they think we live there. IDK. 🤷♀️ My sister says hello back. I am usually less talkative.
We sat for a while in an old bathtub that has been converted into a timber type seat. Hard to describe really. We sat there and chatted.
We watched the utes drive past one by one. A few were quite noisy.
To finish this walk we crossed over the road and walk down a bit of a hill to a car park.
I am glad I walked today. And smelling some of the flowers too adds a bit extra of a blessing. One smelt sweet and lightly fruity.
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Today I went out to the beach. We walked along, with me walking in the shallow water. The person who I was with was walking in shoes. But not me... no shoes on my feet, I really like the feel of the sand and the refreshing cool water too much. And it can make me feel better. Grounding I think it is called. However I did wear like beach sandles whilst we walked over the wide large pipe. This pipe was further up and it has extremely prickly sharp stones on it. Very painful to walk on... I know beacause I have walked on it before.
Anyway walking in the water, felt so good. We walked right to the end where there are rocks. We passed the ocean baths on the way. There were quite a few people out, being a Saturday. Little ones were happy swimming and playing at the waters edge. They have such happy, carefree and cute faces.
We started walking over the rocks. They felt real nice, smooth and flat for a while. We sat a while, right near the ocean and watched the waves come rushing in. They hit the rocks and sprayed up white frothy foam. I found myself mindlessly pulling of those tiny cone shaped shells, the ones with little animals inside them. They stick to the rocks those shells. After a while tears just fell. The tears may have been a mixture of other emotions I was feeling and the fact that I had just pulled up the homes of these tiny creatures. And relocated them in a pile. The other person wanted to get up and keep walking. But I needed to put these shells the right side up. So that is what I did. Maybe I just feeling super sensitive today. I dont know. After I had finished I got up and we kept walking on the rocks. Climbing up over some. We soon came to the prickly concrete pipe. We walked along that. It is properly about 1 metre wide.
Further on and after getting if the pipe. I noticed 2 running pups. The owners were a way behind us. They were calling out to them. They were so excited to be free, these cute pups. One started sliding in that green slippery seaweed moss stuff that you see sometimes in large shallow rock pools. So cute. It seemed to love it.
After the rocks we turned around and headed back. I really liked the feeling of the sunshine and ocean air.
We actually walked back a different way. We followed the concrete path that goes along the beach. Maybe because the person I was with wanted a coffee and there is a few places along this path that sell some. I drank a green juice.
We kept walking along this path. I am glad I walked.
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Hey Elizabeth, yeah I was sort of missing you and what you write about. So I am glad you popped in.
I am sorry that you are not free enough to walk where and when and how long you want to. It must be challenging for you. Wish I could say something that would help you somehow, but I don't know what.
Hopefully life will be back to normal soon. Nice chatting with you a bit Elizabeth. Glad you enjoyed what I wrote too.