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Walking Shoes - Walking and Other Exercise

Community Member

Hey to anyone reading this.

Last night I had an idea about starting a new thread about exercise especially walking. I am aware that walking is very beneficial for our mental, emotional and physical well being. And by actually doing it....well it can make a huge difference to how we cope with the storms that we face in life.

OK, I am not real good at disciplining myself to walk, and have to really push myself to do it. And sometimes it is even hard to leave this bedroom. Anyway I am not a beginner walker, as I have stuck to sort of a plan before. So I know that it does make me feel somewhat better. But I only stayed on the plan for a couple of months, then gave up.....for whatever reason. So here I am again wanting desperately to not fail this time.

So I guess this thread is for anyone that does walk, anyone that is struggling to walk because of depression or anxiety issues. And anyone else really......

I am unsure of the outcome of all this. But my ideas included: Sharing about things we have found out about exercise especially about walking. Writing down the reasons that one would chose to walk ( like something to help motivate). Being accountable in same way. Sharing about the places where we actually do walk, like the beach, gym, around the block, with the dog, out to the clothesline and back. And any other useful tips that could help others. So here we go......


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Hi Elizabeth and Shell,

Yes - I agree with Elizabeth. I always enjoy reading your posts - and particularly those last 2 posts descriptions of your walks - really lovely to read, and even better to be there walking/experiencing it. I am a tad jealous.

Sorry you are still struggling there Elizabeth. I am glad you posted too, as I had been concerned for you with all that you are going through and then the storms you mentioned also. As everyone says we hope your situation improves soon and you can resume your walks.

Take care both of you.

Are you are so sweet Golden (:

Community Member

I have been thinking about exercise type of activities that just look fun to actually do.

Thing is I am unsure whether it is confidence I lack or whether fear is holding me back from doing them. Or even attempt them.

I would really like to learn to ride a horse. To me it just looks fun as I have watched others riding. And they look like they really enjoy it. Not galloping fast or anything, but just gentle riding. Am I afraid of the horse? I don't have anyone I could ride with.

I have watched people roller skate, ice skate and roller blade. That too to me looks fun also. I have actually tried roller and roller blade, but I was unable to even stand up properly. It scared me somehow. I wish I could do it. As it does look so freeing zooming along like I have seen others do.

I would also like to do indoor rock climbing. But things within me seem to always hold me back. I have even gone so far as searching for one around here. And there is a place about 20mins drive away.

Also learning and flying a kite. That also looks fun to me. Moving the string thing to turn the kite and moving it again to make the kite do dips and stuff. But still something is holding me back. Why don't I even try? I don't have a lot of people in my life with which to share any of these experiences with. That would be kinda nice if I did.

And also kayaking, paddle boarding and sliding down sand dunes all sound fun and adventurous to me. As does walking through the tree tops. There is a place I know of again not far from me that you can do that.

Sometimes I hear my hubby's voice. "Be careful with your ankles" Well my ankles are perfectly well. There is absolutely nothing wrong with them. Why do I have to be careful? Is he the anxious one, not me? I mean I know I do feel fear about some things. But generally not fear about that. But it feels like he puts fear into me about it. His own fear not mine. Does this hold me back?

Does lack of money hold me back? Well yeah probably it does some. But I could save up, couldn't I?

Also riding a motor scooter or a small motor bike also appeals to me. Never done it. As does riding a camel. Now I have actually done that. The camel smelt a bit horrid. I rode one at the Royal Easter Show.

Anyway maybe I could do all these exercise type activities.

Community Member


Just arrived back home from a walk out at the beach. My son and I went out around 7:30pm. I was surprised at how dark it was out there. I looked up into the night sky, there were plenty of stars, but I did not see the moon. It was beautiful looking up there.

We walked along that path that goes along side the beach. It is hilly in sections so I could feel my body getting a good workout on the hills. I am working at becoming more fit, because my quality of life seems better then. I was out of breath on the hills.

The path has tall lights every now and then, so most of it is lit up in gentle light. There were also dots of light coming from the cargo ships out there waiting on the horizon. It does look pretty.

We watched a small dog walking very quick like with his humans. It kept looking back at us. Well my son properly. Dogs often do that to him. It's little legs were mega cute.

Another animal we saw as we walked was a rather large spider just crawling across on the concrete path in front of us. I did not like the look of it, not sure what kind it was. I walked much quicker then and walked on the very far side of the path. It was black. Yikes!

I did enjoy the walk a lot and it is always nice to catch up with my son. He talks quite a bit as we walk. And we get along really well.

Community Member


I walked on the treadmill today. The one in our front room. Walked for 30 minutes while listening to music. I had much more energy. Had the level on 4 today, working my way up as I became more fit.

Community Member
Walked up to the shop and back. About 40mins all up. To get my heart rate up, I walked briskly for 5mins up the slight hill. I was puffing. But a good out of breath. Feel so invigorated.

Hello Shell,

Do try horse riding if there is a place near you. I'm scared of heights, so being on a horse is a bit scary for me. I've never gone faster than a walk but still there is something about it that is wonderful. Most places let you start just riding around a yard if you are a raw beginner or you can venture further. You can either join in group sessions or solo. I'm only a beginner as I've only been on a horse about 6 times all up. I have ridden by myself & you don't feel alone as you are sharing the experience with the horse you are on & they are so lovely & gentle. I haven't ridden in ages, but your post has reminded me, so I've just googled to see if there is a place near me & there is. When it reopens after covid I will be going.

Thank you for reminding me of something I think I can do despite my anxiety/depression.



Hi Shell,

What great ideas. I have similar thoughts to yours - except the rock climbing, I'd pass on that one. It is good that you know what you are drawn to; maybe decide on one thing and try that first. Then it is not so overwhelming and also cost wise too. If you enjoy it then you can do more of it as you like. I think horse riding would be lovely. I used to do it occasionally as a child - probably not done it for at least 25 years now. But it is nice to be outdoors in nature and horses are calming animals and very instinctive too. They are just such beautiful animals. I hope you are doing okay and having a nice day 🙂

Ah you are such a sweet person Golden. Maybe you could have a go at horse riding again as well?

Good idea choosing just one. I think I missed out on trying a lot of activities when I was younger. Except doing compulsory sport and stuff at school. I don't think I had much confidence at all.

Is there any other exercise or sporty type things you are drawn to? I do like dancing as well. And have thought of attending a class for that. Just don't know how I would go.

Hope you are had a nice day too.


Hey dear Paws,

Did you grow up with horses at all? That's great that you are going to start riding again. I would love to read how you get on with that. Like after covid.

Thankyou for your encouragement to have a go. I have looked around my area. There are quite a few places that offer beginner lessons. And I had a read today on how to sit on a horse. Just thought if I knew a little more it may help. My niece actually owns a horse. But she is quite busy in her life at the moment, so not too sure if she would be free to show me anything.

Hey did you wear any special clothing when you riding?
