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Walking Shoes - Walking and Other Exercise
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Hey to anyone reading this.
Last night I had an idea about starting a new thread about exercise especially walking. I am aware that walking is very beneficial for our mental, emotional and physical well being. And by actually doing it....well it can make a huge difference to how we cope with the storms that we face in life.
OK, I am not real good at disciplining myself to walk, and have to really push myself to do it. And sometimes it is even hard to leave this bedroom. Anyway I am not a beginner walker, as I have stuck to sort of a plan before. So I know that it does make me feel somewhat better. But I only stayed on the plan for a couple of months, then gave up.....for whatever reason. So here I am again wanting desperately to not fail this time.
So I guess this thread is for anyone that does walk, anyone that is struggling to walk because of depression or anxiety issues. And anyone else really......
I am unsure of the outcome of all this. But my ideas included: Sharing about things we have found out about exercise especially about walking. Writing down the reasons that one would chose to walk ( like something to help motivate). Being accountable in same way. Sharing about the places where we actually do walk, like the beach, gym, around the block, with the dog, out to the clothesline and back. And any other useful tips that could help others. So here we go......
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Hello Shelly..
Thank you..My support worker is very nice..
I hope you do one day hug a tree..it’s a really nice feeling..and very grounding...
Yes I have arthritis...It’s progressing very quickly....having scans done to see if anything suspicious is happening to them..
You left me in suspense at the museum...no pressure lovely Shelly...
I hope you enjoy your night
Kind and caring thoughts sweet Shelly..
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Friendly hug Grandy
Yes I will definitely hug a tree. For the experience of it.
Poor thing with the painful hips and your leg. Wish I could help you there, so you wouldn't feel it.
😂 Sorry about leaving you in suspense. I was writing that post while I was waiting for someone. I knew as soon as they got to the car, they would want to talk a bit. Didn't want to risk losing what I had written.
... So yeah the museum was closed but we noticed a large plague on the outside of the building. It was telling us about a 4m replica of a ship inside the museum. An old ship.
After the museum we crossed over the road and headed to a building constructed of sandstone. It was absolutely beautiful and looked very British. I loved it. It is a cafe at the moment. I have had breakfast before there, sitting outside on the verendah. My sister and I discussed going for tea next week there.
This building had a set of equally beautiful sandstone steps around the back. We found them by walking under the timber bridge and through a freshy mowed area. I could hear the clunkety clunk of the cars driving over the bridge. We walked under the bridge.
After looking at all this for a while, we made our way back up to the road. The map was directed us to cross over the road again. We walked past a set of old workman cottages. They were super cute, not elebrate like the other buildings. But sort of humble looking. People were living in them. And there was a narrow sweet long garden out front.
Walking along we passed the old post office which is now the local vet. People were hanging outside with there dogs. One person and their dog were having a consultation with the vet right on the footpath. Such a strange sight. We heard what the vet was saying. Neither of us wanted to linger there long. I felt a bit uncomfortable. But it was an adventure though. Something out of the ordinary.
We still kept following the map. We found the small railway station which was supposed to be near a wharf. We did not see a wharf as such, but we saw some tall thick posts sticking out if the water on the river.
Turing up another street, we walked past the closed up trading post. We actually stood on a rickety bench seat and peered in the glass broken window. It felt a bit creepy peering in there. And it smelt unusual.
We passed the old police station, school, the old doctors house. The theater where they showed silent movies and had balls.
I enjoyed this walk, it was heaps good.
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Hello Everyone,
It has been a while since I dropped by and said hello. Grandy I like how you hugged the tree and your support worker did the same. I do that now and then or just like to sit under a tree leaning against the trunk or looking up into the branches.
Shelley the walk you just shared with us all sounds lovely, very interesting. I like exploring around old buildings as well.
One of my recent walks was with my sister in the rain. She came to our place and we walked around our town. We had rain jackets on but were soon soaked. It was cold and invigorating.
We both used the time to offload stuff and not so much take in the environment. I did the same walk the next day and took in more of what was around me.
I guess we can walk for many different reasons!
Hope to go for a walk later on today.
Cheers to you all from Dools
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Hello Shelly....Mrs.Dools and everyone .
I enjoyed your walk Shelly...It is nice to discover new areas..I like old sandstone steps and building..not many building left though...I felt like I was walking with you..Ooh old wooden bridges have so much character....Thank you for sharing...
Mrs Dools....I love walking in the rain in summertime..bit cold in winter, its always fun to get wet and jump into puddles....By going on the same walk twice, you get to see it two ways....dripping wet and damp...
I hope you get to go for your walk today..
kind caring thoughts,
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Hey Mrs D, invigorating is such a great word. Felt it today as well, when I went for a walk out near the ocean.
I am glad you walked with your sister. Even if you did get wet.
And I agree old wooden bridges do have such character Grandy.
Anyway I walked part way on the breakwater path. It was super windy, so much so that water was splashing and spraying up onto the path. We stood and watched it for a while. And watched some extremely keen surfers out there on the waves. We thought it was most likely not safe to walk all the way and we would have been drenched. It would have been fun in summer to get drenched. But yeah not today
The walk back was definitely an adventure. As the sand from the beach was blowing at us. Quite stinging on the face. The leggings I had on, were getting rather damp from the drizzle. I was wearing a toasty jacket though with a soft hood on it.
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I asked someone to encourage me to do exercise. So they sent me a text asking if I had done any today. And then they said it's a nice day for a bike ride. So that is what I did, went on a bike ride. Maybe I just needed a little push.
I also went out to the breakwater path again and walked. For around 40 minutes. It was great to get some fresh air. I did have more energy today... reason being I drank an ice coffee. I am extremely sensitive to caffeine. And I rarely drink it. It does make me quite alert.
Anyway I am glad I walked out in the fresh ocean air and rode my bike around the block. Just rode once around the block
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I am thinking you properly would like this historical town that I walked in last week Grandy. There are quite a few sandstone buildings and such.
I noticed you said you liked jumping in puddles, yeah me too.
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Today I went for a walk and talk with my sister. In that same historical town as last week.
We finished off looking at the rest of the old buildings that we didn't look at last week. Gee I really liked the look of one of them. I think it was called the surgeons house. It was constructed of large sandstone blocks.
We peered through black metal gates further on. Before us was a sandstone road of sorts which horses and carriages use to travel down to an Inn. That is what we read on the sign near the black metal gates. All this looking at days gone by as awaken a desire in me to find out more.
Anyway we kept on walking around the block and talked most of the way. We past a bakery where the aromas were coming out the door.
We ended up crossing the road and walked on a footpath for a while, then made our way up onto a grassy area with a park bench. Resting here, we saw a few dogs walking with their humans. One kept turning around and staring at us, all while wagging his tail incredibly quick. Such happiness was coming from this dog.
We looked at the vast countryside in front of us. It was so very green and flat. Beautiful. With some distant low mountains at the the back.
After resting and talking some more, we made our way back. We we not quite sure of this way. As we went off the path and walked through trees. It was getting a little dark now. I shone the torch on my phone as we walked. We were actually trying to find a corrider of trees that were planted by some church person, perhaps a priest a long time ago. They were planted from his residence on either side of this long white path in a straight line. We eventually found them. They led directly to a beautiful church door. When you look straight down the corridor , you see the rather large door. The corrider was quite long. We saw glimpses of the residence, it was not too clear. Too dark.
We eventually made it back to our cars.
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Oh just made it back to the car, before it rained. Big drops too, I can here them dropping on the car roof.
I have just walked on the breakwater path again. It takes around 40 minutes. My face feels nice, cool to touched and invigorated. The fresh air was so very good. Like I just breathed it all in inside my body
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Truly glad I walked despite my foggy and heavy feeling head.