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Three things to be thankful for today

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Some days it is really hard to find anything to be thankful for when we feel overcome by the darkness and fog of depression. If I look hard enough, I can find something to be thankful for.

I would like to encourage others to write down three things they are thankful for, and to realise there is a sense of hope available to us all. Sometimes it is just a little hard to find!

So my three things for today are:

1: The lovely singing of birds in the morning as they welcome in the new day

2: The ability to read and write

3: A lovely hot shower.

Wishing all the "family" in BB Land a day full of noticing the nice things in life. Kind regards to you all, from Dools.

4,903 Replies 4,903

Thankful for


my body as it keeps me moving

learning new things daily

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Today I'm grateful for..

~ having the freedom to shop with my daughter

~ being able to buy her the desk and office equipment she wanted

~ buying lots of self-care beauty products, that was fun!

Love EM

I'm thankful for:

1) my partner driving all the way for our road trip

2) for my sister in law who is so thoughtful

3) for my friends who are awesome

I'm thankful for

~ My friend who was making me laugh

~ Teacher who was really nice today in violin lesson at school

~ School running organiser asking me how I was going

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Yesterday I had a massive fall at the local shopping mall which was wet outside and slipped over ...

... So today I am extremely thankful

- that I do not have sciatica, given the bruising and impact around my sciatic nerve (end of spine).

- that overnight I have had no symptoms of head trauma, because the lump on my head where I fell was quite significant and it has now gone down.

- that I am still here and can function normally, apart from alot of stiffness in my hips and head.

Community Member

I am very thankful that the ache in my mouth has eased off a lot.

I am very thankful for my sister

I am thankful I was able to buy some new cookbooks, ones that I can physically hold and imerse myself in. They will arrive tomorrow or the next day. I am even thankful about receiving a parcel

Thankful for

my house not flooding

waterproof over pants

a big umbrella

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Today I am grateful for

~ my job

~ my gorgeous kids

~ the openness to learn from others.


Community Champion
Community Champion

1) I am able to see the final service for someone very special who has passed away, giving me a sense of ending and closing a chapter in my life

2) I was feeling good enough to mow the lawn (just a long job sitting on a ride-on, not hard in good weather) It's been needing doing for a while

3) A friend's elderly dad is managing a very long car trip ok

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

- i askd for help from someone and they said yes

- clean, freshly washed clothes

- not getting a parking ticket today!