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Store Your Happy Memories Here:
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Dear All~
What this place is for:
This thread is a tool, a resource, and also I guess a dash of entertainment.
I’ve found that when life is grim that sometimes thoughts of past happiness can create a chink of light in the grey overwhelming press of down. They can help occupy the mind with lighter reflections.
With that in view I invite people to set down a brief passage describing some happy event they look back to with fondness and peace.
They - and others too - can then return to it when they feel the need to glean a little warmth.
It is not a place for gloomy or dire tales, those can go elsewhere.
What to do:
Just set out, as simply as you like, your recollection of some past experience that means something good to you, something you enjoyed, something from safe times.
It can be, like my story below, anything – from an account of visiting grandparents to simply cooking and eating a melted-cheese sandwich in a favorite kitchen – you get to choose.
How to do it:
Write. Write enough so someone else can feel the mood, know what happened, find the goodness. (stop at 2,500 characters please!)
Grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation are not compulsory, just write as you can – the only important thing is the content - not literary merit. Short or long - it does not matter.
I hope you enjoy, contribute and find a little distraction here when you need it.
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Dear missep123~
The idea of having memories that highlight the singular treasured events with the person you love is not something just confined to mental health , I believe it is there for most folks.
My first wife, who was not subject to any MH issues, treasured our visit to a well known harbor revolving restaurant on our first anniversary. I still have the matchbox with our photo on it (a promotion of the venue) and do gaze at our happy faces. A wonderful tme.
I'm hoping to repeat the process in the next week or so as it is near the 25th anniversary of my marriage to my current wife (sadly my original love passed away).
I think it is something to do with sharing, as you would know. Thank you for sharing.
I'm hopeing this to will become a sort of milesotone for us
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Hi Croix!
I really like how you described happy memories- I like to come back on this thread as it really does give me happiness to reflect on my own and everyone else's memories!
That memory sounds beautiful Croix, I'm sorry to hear of their passing but I truly see a lot of strength and vulnerability in your post!
I wish you a happy 25th anniversary to your current wife! That is a huge milestone. I hope that you are able to celebrate it!
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Thanks Croix, for the link to this.
I would like to tell you all the fun Mekitty and I had. This is one of the best:
When I bought some food, the bigger dry food chunks to help keep her teeth clean, and I thought, get her some exercise too, so I held a piece in my hand, waved it about and got her attention. Then, I chucked it, often through the doorway into the next room, saying, "Fetch, Mekitty!"
It might ping off the window or wall, or wardrobe, (I can't se where I am aiming), and , off she would go. I would hear her little bell jingle then stop. Then, crunch, crunch, sounding as if she is cracking small stones.
She did not find all of them immediately. Later, in the middle of the night, I would hear from under my bed, crunch, crunch...
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Dear All~
Miz: I too love books, and one memory I have, I really don't know if it is gratitude, relief or happiness.
I was in a psych ward and the other people there were getting me down, a miserable place. Then a psych nurse -who was not in the same group as me, noticed I was not progressing and went home and brought back an adolescent's fantasy and simply gave it to me.
It was a wise choice, as my concentration -and ability to read - had both taken a nose-dive.
That book held my short ability to concentrate, as just about every line had a pun or play on words. I'd always loved language and those witticisms as much as the plot kept me mastering more and more lines.
Eventually I've reached the stage of speed-reading I had before, but still go back to that book and enjoy it all over again, as I do other favorites. It is a beneficial escape.
Did you discover how Sumo Cat got his name? -it's early on in this thread. Actually he is busy supervising me right now (with both eyes closed) on his special plush blanket by my left elbow as I sit here typing in front of the wood fire.
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Croix, didn't you know, cats do their supervising with their whiskers?
I have search for the origin of the great Sumo Cat's name, but did not find it.
Before I got Mekitty, I was feeling desperate to hve a cat. I realised I had to prepare my flat first, especially to get rid of a lot of old crap, just to make room enough and for safety's sake. While, with help, I did that, I kept thinking, as if I was looking for something which had gone missing "where's me kitty, where's me kitty". Before I ever saw her, I had named her, Mekitty. I saw her Saturday morning, January 23, 2010, on RSPCA website. She was already two months old.
That's Mekitty! No doubt about it, even though they called her Christine. She looked as if she wanted to be further away from the camera, but a wall would not allow her to lean back any more than she was. I wonder how they get the animals to stay still, as if posing for portrait pictures. It was never easy with Mekitty.
I had to travel a fair distance to where she was, not wanting to wait, going by taxi.
The RSPCA provided me with a bag of (expensive) food, adoption pagers, vaccination and had her little operation so recently she still had stitches. I had to take her to my Local Vet the following Monday.
She did not enjoy the travelling.
She hid in my flat. I looked everywhere. My anxiety getting the better of me, to the point when I thought she had only been my imaginary cat, not real at all. I phoned a friend I knew then. I was so scared, she was lost, caught where she could not get out, or outside somehow, or, somehow not real.
Eventually, after looking around again, I found her, under my bed, backed up as far into the corner against the walls there - sleeping.
Bringing her home, those years I had her, all the fun, which I will recall here, was so good, did me a whole lot of good.
Mekitty would wake me up by walking along the length of my body, from my toes to my head. When she arrived she would "Meow!" right in my ear.
& thinking of books, listening to audiobooks is like speed-reading for me. I have heard a couple thousand since, hmm, 2003? I think. I have re-read a lot too. Terry Pratchett's are often wonderful fun, how he played and explored so many ideas and social constructs and still had room for utter silliness, all woven so finely, as a tapestry of words.
I'll be back -Schwarzenegger. Just the way he delivered the line is worth remembering!
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Thanks Miz
Writing is something I like to work on. In late 2005 I went along to a Writing Workshop for people who were blind or had low vision. I was so nervous. Thinking I was going to not write anything or worse, something 'bad', as in not written well in any sense, and I would be embarrassed and humiliated. But I had decided, a decision set in concrete, I was going to try. I wanted to get my writing 'active' again. I needed to.
I met a wonderful woman, who was facilitating the workshop. She had thoughtfully prepared the exercises we would do. She had people there who would, if asked, read, or write for us, as required, what we wanted. I could still write using pen and paper. Some were using braille, some using a small voice recorder, and a few asked someone to scribe for them.
I was not able to read my writing aloud. Too nervous, I could not raise my voice.
One of the exercise was to paying attention to this exact moment. Using our senses, all you could sense, inside and out. What are you aware of, and use that to begin your writing.
I took a couple minutes to think, to focus, (but I am not writing about my feelings!)
It was a hot November day, my stocking socks were irritating. I wanted something to eat. I had a capsicum...
Some people like apples; I like capsicums, so, maybe that 's weird?
So, I wrote: my crunchy munchy capsicum, yum, yum, yum, so crisp and juicy in my tum, tum, tum...
Something silly, like that, they will laugh at me. I don't know if I want them to read it. But when it was read, the laughing did not sound like derision. The wonderful facilitator was smiling, enjoying my spontaneity, the fun of it, and observed it really was in the moment.
After the workshop ended, and I heard some good writers, and met some, too, and we got to talking about how we would like to do this sort of thing again.
And our writing group was born. The facilitator became the group's facilitator, intending to only do that until we got ourselves established and created our own facilitator. Never happened.
That was a good day, great memories. And some very good writing came out of that group.
I learned many things. One of the most important was to begin with first thoughts, no censoring what I want to write, and no critiquing; that comes later when editing and redrafting. Immediately, I was learning to set aside thoughts of whether what I was writing was good or bad, right or wrong, worth writing or not. I was writing; that's the important thing.
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Hi mmMekitty,
I think that's so wonderful! What a great happy memory.
I really liked what you said about writing down first thoughts, not censoring what you write and no critiquing. When I try to journal I find that even then I am trying to write in an appealing rather than authentic way!
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Dear mmMeKitty~
I'm afraid I've no time to write this evening, however you did say
"I have search for the origin of the great Sumo Cat's name, but did not find it"
If you go to the page one of this thread using this link
you will see my post of 31 January 2017 entitled "The Household" there
Incidentally Sumo does indeed have a very fine set of whiskers
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I felt like storing a happy memory here today:
One day last summer, my partner and I were in the city. We had a wonderful day- walking around, the sun was shining, ate amazing food and looked around at a few shops. We were waiting at the bus stop to go home but then we decided to spontaneously take the bus which was going to the zoo instead! I still remember it vividly now. It is such a happy memory for me.