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Store Your Happy Memories Here:
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Dear All~
What this place is for:
This thread is a tool, a resource, and also I guess a dash of entertainment.
I’ve found that when life is grim that sometimes thoughts of past happiness can create a chink of light in the grey overwhelming press of down. They can help occupy the mind with lighter reflections.
With that in view I invite people to set down a brief passage describing some happy event they look back to with fondness and peace.
They - and others too - can then return to it when they feel the need to glean a little warmth.
It is not a place for gloomy or dire tales, those can go elsewhere.
What to do:
Just set out, as simply as you like, your recollection of some past experience that means something good to you, something you enjoyed, something from safe times.
It can be, like my story below, anything – from an account of visiting grandparents to simply cooking and eating a melted-cheese sandwich in a favorite kitchen – you get to choose.
How to do it:
Write. Write enough so someone else can feel the mood, know what happened, find the goodness. (stop at 2,500 characters please!)
Grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation are not compulsory, just write as you can – the only important thing is the content - not literary merit. Short or long - it does not matter.
I hope you enjoy, contribute and find a little distraction here when you need it.
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Dear clown of mine~
Mrs C takes FoxyDog for a walk every day, sometimes I go too if it is a short one by the riverbank. Foxy does not like those so much as she is on a lead to stop her chasing ducks.
Other places she can be let free and immediately heads for other dogs to get antiquated. She now has a collection of of freinds she meets regularly and they all tear around having fun.
Dog company with other dogs is obviosly something special and good for them.
I hope those people ring soon so you see them again
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Thank you yet again for this thread Croix. It is a comfort to read.
Just a little memory from yesterday that made me feel good.
I sat on our red swing seat on the verandah with Cookie the rescue kookaburra. Hubby calls her my emotional support animal, I think he's right.
She likes to sit on my chest and snuggle up just under my chin with her good eye peering out. Yesterday I was swinging the seat slowly and absently patting her when I realised she was fast asleep.
It's a nice feeling when a wild animal decides to trust you.
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Dear WMDisstortn~
Apologies for taking so long to respond, I've been away.
I can picture you, and think that not only are you right about the infinite variety of the sea, but also on the few occasions I attempted snorkeling I found I was immersed in a new and completely separate world, with no links to normal life and my anxieties and troubles. It was alien and absorbing.
I'm sure if you are like me it will have done you good and I hope you get many more occasions to be in the sea again
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Thanks to Covid, my sister has been working from home. We try to go walking together a couple of times a month.
We are creating happy memories together. I like to take photos on my phone while we are pout so I can look back on them and remember the beauty of nature.
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Dear Quirky and all~
Thank you for that , I hope that shop continues to give you happy memories, I'm sure htey are there, just a matter of being able to see them.
My one goes on just about every day. Mrs C normally goes to bed before me and props herself up on a huge mound of pillows to look at something particularly edifying (like the Royal Family for instance) on her iPad
I'll see Sumo cuddled up to her on his back, gravely watching the screen and purring, in feline heaven.
Then later when I come to bed he will stump over and drape himself across my feet and go to sleep. It feels rather like a sandbag has been dumped there.
Sumo's idea of sharing I guess.
Pets make a house a home
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Lately I have been thinking about buying a beautiful covered book, maybe a leather one with lined blank pages.
I was skimming the pages in a book I was reading with a title something like "upward Spiral"... ( Needed to take it back to the library) Anyway it mentioned writing down our happy memories, so I thought of this thread.
I have written on here before. Anyway it got me thinking of why it may be a good idea to write down our happy memories.
As sometimes I think along these lines ( when I am struggling) "life is awful", "I hate it" and it so challenging to see anything happy about it. And I can get so very sad, discouraged, in despair and not see anything good, whether in the past, present and sometimes in the future. Get stuck in the gloom, I guess. And I absolutely hate that place.
And at the moment I desire to think upon whatever is lovely, whatever is pure.
So if I had my personal "happy memories" book. I could read my entries easily. And if this book was physically beautiful to look at and feel. Well that would be lovely and beautiful. So yeah. And the writings inside of my happy memories would also be special and beautiful to me.
I think I need to remind myself often that indeed I have experienced the emotions of happy and even peaceful. Tell myself the truth here.
So now I am on the search for a beautiful blank lined book.
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Hi Shelley,
I really like your idea of a Happiness Book. I was given a small book with drawings in it and room to write as well. I used that as a Gratitude Journal and enjoyed colouring the drawings as well, so a bit of thankfulness writing and creativity together.
Hope you find a book you will enjoy writing in!
Cheers from Dools
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I love this idea of remembering happy memories, I really don't do this often enough:
One of my favourite memories was going to Tokyo Disneyland in 2018 with my partner. It was his first trip overseas! We went on our 2nd anniversary. It was a perfect day, the weather was sunny and warm too. We got matching hats- he got a Goofy one and I got a green alien one. We ended the night by watching the fireworks from the castle. I yearn to go back!