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Merry Christmas in 2020
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Hi Everyone,
I did try and do a search for Christmas 2020 on the forum and kept getting a message stating something like "Page not found" every time I tried to click on the word Christmas. Maybe the Grinch is trying to steal Christmas yet again!
If there is another thread about Christmas, can someone pleas let me know.
Not everyone celebrates Christmas, I understand that. This year it may be especially difficult as well due to Covid and so many other issues people have in life.
This year will be our first without my Dad. As I was decorating the tree I was thinking of Dad and the Christmas celebrations we had as children. Way back then we were able to go out in the scrub and cut down a native Christmas tree.
This year I have to work Christmas Day so I won't be able to attend Church, nor a Christmas Eve service as family are coming for dinner. I am very thankful that at present we are still able to plan for some of the family to be together. I have no idea how busy I will be Christmas Day at work. Hopefully people will be relaxed and happy!
Christmas can mean different things to everyone. It may mean nothing and that is okay too. If you'd like to share thoughts here about Christmas, the end of this year or any other celebration you have happening soon, please do so.
Today I am trying to boil a Christmas pudding! I have to ensure the saucepan has water for 3 hours! In the past I have neglected this step and ended up cooking the saucepan when it ran out of water and the pudding was a rock!
Wishing you all a great day no matter how you are spending it.
Peace to all, cheers from Dools
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My self I will try and go for a motorbike ride in the morning and then I will have a bit of remembrance at 2 pm for my mother.
I hope you have a merry Christmas Dools and everyone else on here and hope you can give yourself a special treat on the day Dools.
Take care,
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Hi Mark,
Thanks for your response. A motorbike ride sounds great. I might book myself one as a treat seeing as I am working over Christmas.
I like to light a candle for loved ones who are not with us at Christmas.
My boss told me that Christmas lunch will be provided for all who have to work, so I am looking forward to that! We are going to my In-Laws in the evening so I won't have to prepare any food Christmas Day. That is a bonus for me!
Hope you have a peaceful day Mark and the memories are not too overwhelming.
Cheers from Dools
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Hello everyone.....people who have known me for ages on Forum, are aware that I am not, definitely not a Christmas person. I won't explain my reasons, would take too long. Can someone explain to me....that unless you are of the Christian faith and genuinely believe that December 25 is the day to celebrate the virgin birth of Jesus Christ (son of God and your saviour)...I fully understand your devotion to Christmas.
If you don't fall into this category, can you explain to me why you go to so much fuss, endure so much pressure, spend so much money, read shopping catalogues, make decorations, cook elaborate lunches or dinners, spend so much time choosing gifts, lighting up your houses and the list goes on....why? Just tell me why you do it?Surely these things can be done any time and date in the year? Showing your love for family or friends, cooking lovely food, giving someone a gift? Why do you buy into the hype?
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Hi Moonstruck,
I don't fall into that category but I do give gifts and plan decorations (whether I actually do it is another story). For me, it's just a way of appreciating the people who are in my life and having a bit of fun. It doesn't mean I don't show love for my family or friends on other days. It's just nice to have a day of celebration sometimes.
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Hi Moon,
Thanks for your sharing. It is interesting (for me) being a Christian, believing in the birth of Jesus and what that means to me and also falling into that trap of expectations around Christmas.
I agree with you, some people do seem to celebrate Christmas, all the business and chaos just because the day is marked on the calendar as Christmas so they feel they have to participate.
Christmas can be an opportunity to bring people together. Yes, we can do that any day of the year. I wonder if people would make such an effort though if you just invited them to come over because it is say the 5th of April.
To me the Christian story about Christ includes sharing, the giving of gifts, letting people know they are loved and cared for.
Many different nationalities have their own traditions and customs around Christmas and New Years. I remember looking at a calendar once and being surprised at the dates some countries celebrate New Year's Eve. I remember thinking I could do a trip around the world finding out about the customs and beliefs of different people all through a year.
Moon do you have any specific day you do like to celebrate, or is every day an opportunity to do so for you?
Cheers to you from Dools
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Hi M,
Thanks for your perspective and for sharing your thoughts.
This year I am making gifts for family and friends. To me that has more meaning and purpose this year. I didn't want to be part of the business and racing around at the last minute because I am not organised and have no idea what to buy people.
Next year I am going to try to be more social and to spend more time with loved ones when possible.
Last year I enjoyed Googling Christmas in different countries around the world.
Cheers to you from Dools
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Hi Dools. I hope you do get to enjoy some part of Christmas. And thank you for your stories here as well. All that I will say about your cooking exploits is ... been there, done that and worse. Went to a blue christmas service last night cause not everyone enjoys Christmas. Though we will "celebrate" it twice, once on the day and then with parts somewhere around new year's eve/day.
So to those who enjoy this time... wishing you a very happy and joyous Christmas.
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Hi Tim,
Hope the Blue Christmas service was meaningful for you and those attending. There can be lots of reasons why people don't enjoy Christmas.
I feel there can be a lot of pressure, be it real or in our minds. Let's face it, if we struggle to get on with life nearly every day of the year, how are we expected to be filled with good cheer for Christmas! I'm going to try to make the most of what ever happens.
Oh yer! The Christmas pudding looks good. The gluten free one I made the day previously doesn't look so flash! Custard will fix that issue! Ha. Ha.
Cheers all from Dools
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Hey Dools, I saw your comment about your gluten free Christmas Pudding, I'm heading back to the gluten free world so I GET IT!
I think custard would sort it too lol.
THANK YOU for beginning this thread about Christmas!
I'm SO HAPPY you did. I'll admit I didn't have the courage to do it lol!
We ABSOLUTELY DO celebrate Christmas in our home.
The birth of baby Jesus is the focal point for me.
I understand the History of changing the date etc but I'm fine with whatever works lol...
In the lead up to this Christmas I've had melancholy memories but they haven't triggered C-PTSD this year, thankyou God lol.
I made the decision to PUSH PAST those memories to create NEW and flexible family traditions. The Values I'm focussing on are: FUN RELATIONSHIPS JOY FORGIVENESS & GRATITUDE, in any order that suits.
Because of this thread I texted my brother and s-i-l to say they're always welcome on Christmas Day and ANY time of the year.
I'll celebrate Advent, as I used to, from now on.
My most FAVOURITE memory of Christmas Day was when my children were little and all living at home. I had created "The Road to Bethlehem" from the front door leading all around the house! lol a jewelled path with a pregnant Mary on her donkey and Joseph leading the way.
I read Advent stories to the children every night. We lit a special candle and talked about the miracles of Christmas.
Then early on Christmas morning my youngest daughter woke up and RAN to the stable and saw little baby Jesus in his manger, then ran and woke all the other children yelling "Baby Jesus is BORN!" over and over again.
What I loved about this beautiful scene was that ALL the children ran past their Santa sack full of toys to wonder at the scene I'd created in the stable.
Even though I know it took ALOT longer for the 3 Wise Men to be there, they were there and the children had added all their little trucks and stuffed toys around the stable over time to BE THERE for the birth.
This was so precious to witness.
I'm not ashamed to spend whatever I want to on Christmas, birthdays, Hallowe'en or our Happy UN-birthdays too all year. This year I'm grateful we're all here and to be able to help stimulate the economy on top.
Praying that everyone receives Christmas miracles this year and every year.
Love EM