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Meditation, Manifesting, Gratitude & The Law of Attraction
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Hi everyone,
Not sure where to start so hope I can express myself clearly and maybe with others' input we can expand on this. I'm interested in people's thoughts/ experience with meditation, manifesting, gratitude & the law of attraction. I've recently started using the Smiling Mind app to meditate when going to sleep and sometimes when feeling a little anxious, like tonight. It is something i thought i could never do as my mind rarely stops, however, with persistence, I find I enjoy it. I guess i tend to have a negative mindset which I am determined to change.I always felt uneasy about thinking positive things as i thought i would jinx myself, and that whenever I made a positive comment or felt happy it would go wrong or something negative would happen. So i refrained from allowing myself to be too happy, I guess to 'protect' myself. Recently i have been feeling happier, stronger, expressing gratitude and taking note of when things have come to me when i needed them. Coincidence, or answers to what i put out to the Universe? I like to think the latter. A work colleague one day told me to manifest something i wanted, put it out to the universe , so I'm trying. Example, recently we needed to measure the floor space at reception so we could calculate how many people we could have in at one time. I needed a tape measure, which i did not have. At that moment our handyman walked into the office. Guess what he had? I am getting into the habit of practising positive thinking instead of thinking/expecting negatives. If something 'negative' does crop up, it can be dealt with, it's not the end of the world. I look for the positive in every negative situation. I am becoming more aware of being grateful for little things, things like getting a good car park at work, a warn cosy bed, a tidy house. I feel when i am expressing gratitude I am putting positive thoughts out into the universe and I notice more positives instead of focusing on negatives. Late last week we had internet issues at work and a colleague i found a little annoying. I've been feeling very drained, agitated, negative for a few days. This morning things were not running smoothly for me. A result of my negative mind perhaps? Little things became a big deal, my morning was crap. If i look back, it wasn't really an issue, i just did things in a different order which gave me more relax time this evening. The Law of Attraction, positive thoughts, positive experiences.
What are your thoughts?
cmf x
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Time to focus on positive thoughts. I had planned to go shopping today & a friend popped into my mind & thought I might see her at the shopping centre. Well I did. Yesterday we were at my partner's for dinner for his son's bday. He had a few friends over, one of whom used to be a noisy, annoying kid but has grown into a beautiful young man. We chatted, i asked what he is doing this year & how his parents are. I mentioned to my partner over lunch today what a lovelyyoung man this boy has become. Polite, well spoken, intelligent. After lunch we went to see a movie & who should we bump into...the young lad & his parents. They were seeing the same movie as us AND were had tickets sitting in the same row as us. When we got home there was a white feather at my front door.
Definitely time to focus on positive thoughts🙏
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Trying to re focus again. I've been anxious and my vibe is low. I'm feeling negative about everything & not liking who I am.
Time to raise the vibe & allow good things to come to me.
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So glad I found this thread again. For a while I lost my way of finding threads. So glad to be reconnecting with amazing people here.
Don't you hate it, tuning out. It's kind of like 'I was so well tuned in, I thought I had it for good this time and absolutely nothing was going to lead me to lose reception'. Then bamm, along it comes, something that shifts that. Then you can be left asking 'What is it? Tell me what it is, this thing I need to focus on for now so that I can manage to tune back in and master this challenge'. It can take days to work it out or even weeks sometimes. Cue a seer, someone who can see why the disconnection is there. They lead you to see and then you start to hear and see all that naturally comes to mind without thinking. With such high levels of excitement, we become a high energy receivers of sorts (for a while anyhow).
Personally, my brother was my seer last week, leading me to see what I was struggling to see for the last 6 or so months. He raised me to see the problem and the way ahead more clearly. He raised me to feel inspiration run through me and raised me to open my mind further. So hard to live without raisers in our life, that's for sure.
Not sure if I've mentioned before the idea of 'the many facets of who we are'. If you can imagine an old style wagon wheel, with the hub being central, all the spokes represent aspects that make up who we are. If my self is the hub, it becomes a matter of 'What part of myself do I need to work with, under the circumstances?'. While the seer, wonderer, adventurer, meditator, sage etc tune me in to the powers that be, what tunes me out involves other facets that make up who I am. The pessimist or the aspect that is conscious of everything that's depressing in this world, the procrastinator, the stresser, the inner critic etc will all provide a sense of disconnection. Some of those 'spokes' are high energy facets of self and some are low energy.
So, if I say something like 'I can't stand myself' or 'I'm not liking who I am', I then have to ask 'What aspect of self, that has come into play, can I not stand living with?'. Being 'sensitives' (those who are sensitive to feeling), we can easily feel which facets are the high energy ones and which are the low energy ones.
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Hi therising,
So nice to have you back. How are you. I too am struggling to find threads & reconnected at times.
A seer you say? Could this also be someone who puts things into perspective to ease our anxiety?
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Hi Cmf
Amongst the challenges that life loves to give us, I am doing well thanks, especially with help from those who make a difference. Hard to do life at times without such people, hey.
When I was much younger, I recall hearing a number of psychics saying stuff like 'Everyone has the potential to develop their abilities to different degrees'. I never understood how this was possible. Eventually I came to learn... it was simply about being able to see what comes to mind without thinking I suppose you could say (in the case of clairvoyance, aka clear vision). It's about observing things through the mind's eye. It's kind of like what daydreamers do. They go to a place in their mind to find what's there. They see outside the square. Expert daydreamers can leave the square with a simple suggestion, such as 'Imagine this...'. Bamm, they're off through the gate and running within a split second. Some guided meditations can gradually take us to the gate, through it and outside the square.
A problem solving meditation could look a little like being led through the gate (into the imagination) where there is a path through a forest. Fireflies light the way, leading to a talking rabbit. The rabbit has something to say, 'Go down the path and you'll find a little cottage which holds the answer to your problem/s'. While imagining all the finer details, you find the cottage, open the door and are suddenly overwhelmed by the hundreds of clocks in there and the deafening sound of them all ticking away'. Anxiety rises while you slam the door behind you as you leave, while coming back to reality. Aha! That's it. The problem relates to an overwhelming issue with time. You become a seer of what's stressful, through your imagination. Hope that makes sense.
Nikola Tesla was a great seer. Through his imagination, not only could he see what needed to be invented but while in there (outside the square) he could take the mechanism he saw apart, observe any possible faults, put it all back together again, watch it working and then he'd simply bring all that back with him when he returned to reality (inside the square). Then he'd make what he saw real. He was a regular visitor of the place of possibility and answers.
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So many Angel numbers lately. Interestingly, I saw 777 yesterday, & found the below meaning;
777 is about taking time
to focus on yourself and
to be alone.
Interesting because my partner is going overseas next week for 5 weeks.
Cmf 🙏
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Do you feel some time to yourself may make some positive difference? I hope so. Hope it leads to some amazing moments and revelations that serve you in a lot of ways.
Not sure whether you find time to yourself is something that needs to be carefully managed at times. I find when I'm in an open minded wonderful mood (full of wonder), time to myself is amazing and much needed. On the other hand, if I'm in a frame of mind where I'm conscious of everything that's depressing and/or angering it's a whole other story. Interesting how time to our self can work so differently. Sometimes it's a great thing in the way of re-membering our self. It's like you can be giving pieces of yourself to everyone and when alone time comes about it becomes a matter of putting yourself back together in a way. Kinda like 'I'm a people pleaser for those folk. An adventure seeker in service to that person. A problem solver for this family member' and so on. So, when we put our self back together, without others around, we can please our self, take our self on some adventure and we've got the time to solve our own problems that we've been meaning to get around to doing 😊
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Hi therising,
Yes I think it may be good. I'm hoping the weather improves so I can spend time in the garden & do some spring cleaning. I'm excited for him now, seeing his family overseas.
Wow. So many Angel numbers. 777 again today & 2222. I'm loving it 🙏
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Wow. 222 & 333 today. All about me seeing duality of a situation. Expressing myself, being vulnerable. Wow resonates so much at the moment
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I love how the Universe responds. Twice now o felt a little flat that I haven't spoken to my partner who is overseas & both times he's called 🙏