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--->>> Psychopaths&Pathological Liars <<<---
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I'm taking a break from my studies for the moment, by sharing what I am studying and researching at the moment.
Keen for opinions, and reflections.
At the moment we are looking at Pathological Liars.
What do you know of this condition?
Can you understand how we would see this as a condition?
In the past, we have punished "the liar"!
And perhaps...rightfully so?!?
Who gets to be judge, and jury?
And why?
Do you understand the anatomy of a lie?
Lets discuss.
In my home, we learned that telling lies, sometimes kept us safe.
Sometimes, telling the truth, still got me a hiding!
So telling lies, became a negative-positive phenomena.
In other words, lies - the negative, kept us safe - the positive.
Have you ever experienced something like this in your life?
If the act of telling lies is normalised it can become a condition - a pathological condition!
The Cure...well for me anyway!
Just start telling the truth...start with oneself, and people that one trusts - Could be many, could be just one trusted friend.
My friend, Tricia, once told me that...You Only Need At Least One Friend In This World.
And, I believe that too!.
More is nice.
But trust is the key.
The door is ones soul.
We are the guardians of the Soul - The Mind, and the home of the Spirit - The Body.
Now, Im getting a bit metaphysical...are you into that?
I am.
But, that can be rather intense for many...
...because it involves looking at the whole picture - The Holistic Self.
We consider this to be the TRUE WAY to complete health.
Just stop me if this is of no interest to you though...
...I could write about this stuff...
...and ever...
What do you know about psychopaths?
Did you know that......they only make up 5% of the population...
...but actually contribute to 50% of the crime in this world?
Thats why I am doing what I am doing - in terms of my studies and research.
Not completely but a big part of it.
My research has 4 main branches.
I'll discuss that at another time.
But - Psychopaths, cost us all a lot of money!
Did you know that?
But...they are sick.
Some say incurable.
I am autistic.
They say that is incurable.
Some autistics are high functional, some are not.
Some psychopaths are 'functional', and 'some' are not...at all!!!.
We, as a society must address this in a serious way...lets discuss!
Or, not...'cause I'm gonna study the stuff anyway.
But I enjoy healthy intellectual-debate and conversation.
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MuchMuchMuchMuchLove&Care&Support&Appreciation for you!
Okay, confession time...If I wasnt digging what you were writing, I wouldve already told you to 'go away'...in French...if you get my meaning.
Ive already done it to others on these forums.
Not my best moments, at all.
I love you already.
Im obsessed with you.
Its the autism.
You're a genius.
Okay...we all are!
I think you know what I mean there too!
But, some were identified as such...early on...and the others of us, not so much!
This is what I was wanting to head to with everything re: psychopaths.
A rose by any other name...
If we were able to identify the psychopathic child early enough, we could 'groom' their 'genius' brain...to do good for the world!
Theyre just undiscovered geniuses...that are running amok in the system, that we created to protect and serve us.
Theyve worked out how to play that system, and now we are punishing their genius.
Thats why I love creativity.
I meant it when I wrote that creativity created war, and it can uncreate it too!
Im so deeply saddened that you were never given the right and best encouragement.
I totally get it.
Thats why I am now learning to be my own parent!
And to teach myself that my feelings are valid.
As, are Yours, and Tommy Whats-His-Name, as well.
Thats just emotional-intelligence, but emotional-competence is the other half of the full-picture...the holistic emotional self!
Emotional competence is what you just asserted in your previous post.
You are a living testament to Neuroplasticity.
Despite the PTSD, you are now relating to it...rather than from it.
I hope you know how HUGE that is...if you dont, let me tell you...You are a Champion!
And, I will not stop encouraging you to accept that for yourself, until you do...ever!
We are allowed to agree to disagree, right?
And, if ever we disagree, we can sort that out like mature, mindful, respectful human beings.
I came from violence, and rape, and crime...I used my intellect as a shield, and as a sword.
I get you.
I really believe that I do!
Please dont leave me hanging...JOKES.
You take all the time that you need.
Heres some metaphysics for ya,
All is exactly as it must be.
There is nothing in existence, that isnt meant to be.
Today, was meant to happen.
You were always going to write that post.
You are on the right path.
I genuinely love smarty-pantsed people...Geeks&Freeks are the best types of people, right?
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A rose by any other name...I love Shakespeare and the like
Much Ado About Nothing...classic comedy...one of my fave's
Merchant of Venice...'nother goody;
..and of course...Romeo and Juliet..ahh..'be thee fairer than the month of May'
Lots of twists and turns...all in the name of love...
I read your post twice..I loved it! Thankyou like minded Geek traveller..I've just sipped the last dregs of my 3rd (very large) coffee and am craving another. I so need to leave this site (and eat btw), but alas, I am hooked...
Metaphysics..I dare not reveal this love of mine to-whit demons shall pierce my soul with jagged revolt and madness... (that's mine btw)
Discussion: Known science vs the unknown, unexplained, scientific anomaly..
Case Study: A homeless woman presented at hosp with a medical condition. She was also suffering the effects of an MPD. Bloods were taken and it was found she had Diabetes. When her personality morphed, bloods were again taken and it revealed no sign of Diabetes. Conclusion?
Give it to be baby...
Sconnor xoxo
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Was she the bride of Dracula, possessed by his demonical evilness?
Has it anything to do with, change of personality, also equals an altering of the self at a sub-atomic level, changing the 'blood' - as she morphs, her very blood morphs as well ?
Was the nurse that was taking the blood that day high on some really potent wacky-backy, and mixed up the results?
Are we actually talking about Myeloproliferative Disorder (MPD), rather than, MPD - Multiple Personality Disorder?
Was she an alien?
I'm right down the middle with the science-known VS science-unknown question.
What is now known, was once unknown.
Many of us once believed the earth was flat.
To me, I guess I go by the noun definition of the word.
Science - the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
Just that we must now extend our definition of 'physical and natural world'.
And, you?
And, what were the findings?
I bet she was an alien!
I like my coffee...triple shot espresso.
Can only drink one in the morning.
Im really sensitive to 'speedy' stuff - even coffee.
But I still enjoy a strong short black...sounds like Im writing about myself!
I cant take the 'speedy' drugs...they put me to sleep!
Love the euphorics, and hallucinogenics...but the speedy stuff, konks me out!
"I dare not reveal this love of mine to-whit demons shall pierce my soul with jagged revolt and madness"
Love it.
You really are a fantastic writer...please keep sharing!.
"There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so".
William Shakespeare
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The reason I put this case study and discussion to you under metaphysics, is because I've experienced similar 'happenings' and religion just doesn't cut the grade.
When you hear the terms; 'As above, so below', or 'You are what you think' or 'Reality is just a state of mind', it brings labels like 'New Age' into the fore.
I delved many years ago and what came from it were more questions, especially; "How/why did that work?" Well, it just does. Like you I tried to fathom the 'whys'. The deeper I was engulfed, the more confused and frustrated I became. There just didn't seem to be the 'language' to explain.
Consider this; each time we create a thought, how do we know it belongs to us? Using the premise that all thought and emotion is part of our EMF, if we're standing next to someone, wouldn't our EMF's (physically) join? When we include the EMF of techno equipment especially those sending and receiving electrical impulses or waves like TV or radio; what if those 'artificial' forms of EMF could interfere with all living things?
So, if this premise (above) is correct, there'd be a great deal of free floating electrical thoughts and emotions out there being carried to and fro by artificial means, not just in the moment, but everything ever thought or uttered or felt.
If we also consider how our brains are having to evolve at lightning speed, wouldn't there be some evidence to correspond? Mental disorders 'could' be seen as this.
If we also consider, each cell of our body carries memory and information that possibly can be changed through thought or thought transference, couldn't it be possible to change physical reality? Like that of a human body?
I may have turned this into a mish-mash, but without actually being able to state what my anecdotal evidence is, I'm unable to make a compelling argument. I'm trying to make this 'fit' into scientific 'speak'. It does carry over to Quantum Mechanics, but the math is just too big. And me being the practical gal that I am...
I'm sorry for hijacking your thread Kaitoa. My mind is racing and, I still haven't eaten. Speaking of blood sugar.
I must finish for the sake of my poor body and endocrine system...
LoveMuch...Sconnor xo
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No need for 'sorry' - that was an awesome read.
EMF - I wish I had more than 2500 characters!
I know I could just keep 'p.s.-ing' but that gets tiring.
On a subatomic level, we all have a bit of Elvis in us, and a bit of Hitler.
That energy never 'dies', and you raise such an interesting question,
What about the artificial forms of EMF?
Are our thoughts our own?
Love that question.
I have had to admit to myself, and accept that, the more I learn, the less I know.
Sometimes, I wish I could turn this autistic brain off, in that...we cant possibly work out all the 'whys and wherefores'.
Thats why I enjoy metaphysical conversation actually because it frees us from accepted and even acceptable logic.
If a friend says to me that she believes in fairies...I believe her!
As long as it brings her more peace of mind, and harms none...its all good.
But theres absolutely no scientific reasoning behind it at all...but her believing it, makes it so.
And thats actually enough for me.
Mr Know-It-All...her believing in fairies is all the proof that I need...that she believes in fairies!.
I dont have to.
I dont need to discredit her belief system either...even though there is no fact behind it at all!
And, that is the way of life.
Because, we dont know...we 'know' so little at the end, and at the beginning of the day too!
I guess the metaphysical is a way for me to balance out all the 'logic', much in life is just not logical at all.
Rare things...happen all the time!
In our solar-system, being human is a rarity...as far as we can tell, Earth is the only planet in our solar system, with beings like us...humans.
We are 'rare', on the grand scheme of things...and yet, there are billions of this rare thing eating burgers, farting, taking selfies...all over this one world.
I guess I am simply supporting what you wrote re: I've experienced similar 'happenings' and religion just doesn't cut the grade.
I too have experienced some far-out happenings...that my sciency-geek brain, just cant work out.
So, I learned a while back...sometimes, we just have to ACCEPT before we can UNDERSTAND.
And sometimes, we will never ever get to understand...but the acceptance of the 'thing' makes life so much easier to cope with.
I will never get to fully understand why my grandfather raped my aunt.
I love him still.
He has passed.
Me trying to work that out...just does my head in.
So, I accept that it is what it is, and just love my aunt!
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OMG Esse'
I was bottoming out with low blood sugar..so sorry!
I'm too scared to even look at it...my last post I mean.
Sconnor...tail between my legs xoxo
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Hey Sconner,
I did actually reply to your post, last night...it's taking awhile to 'upload'.
Your last post,made perfect sense...hopefully, my response will show soon.
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Good morning sweet man; Kia Ora!
I hope you're well rested. I've promised myself I'll eat today to avoid low sugar crash. You know, I just took my med's and 5 min's later couldn't remember till I looked at the broken blister foil. Sigh..
You've been like a warm blanket wrapped around my hurt Kaitoa. Your words of encouragement and comprehension, keeps my fire burning.
I'm kinda' disappointed your reply didn't arrive. I've never opened up like that to someone who actually understands my 'inklings'.
So with the subject matter at hand, I'd like to think I have what it takes to assist your plight.
1/ I think we both 'get' early intervention is the way to go 2/ We could also agree the indigenous coding system I referred to is relevant 3/ Psychopaths are highly intelligent yet lack emotional/social connectivity (Though will use it to manipulate/control) 4/ Early identification, nurturing and mentoring has proven successful (evidence based) 5/ The goal is to ensure the 'subject' can eventually become independent, self aware and motivated to self assess and apply strategies to 'excel' for the greater good 6/ Support systems could be in place for on-going maintenance 7/ Identifying a spectrum?? 8/ As a program, Creativity would be the main focus of mentoring and teaching strategies (A cognitive creativity action plan as you've mentioned)
There's also the ? of duel diagnosis with sociopath behaviour (Charlie Manson) as well as mental health disorders/illness'. Will early intervention identify/curb these factors? (nurture/nature)
Ethics/funding/politics/law also have a role, though not at this stage of course.
Could you briefly explain what your main goal/hypothesis is so I can apply this to 'my' cognitive process? Random thoughts tend to frustrate me as I'm a 'list' person who needs organisation. I usually hone in on one of your lines and run with that. It doesn't mean I don't find it all fascinating, it just gives me an avenue of response that suits me.
For instance, when I write, I constantly edit to eliminate unnecessary words/paragraphs/space to ensure maximum benefit of character count. Anal? Sure, but effective.
We both obviously have different styles of learning and creating. But honestly, I think we complement each other. Yin/Yang..
Lovely to talk like this sweetness...
In my warm blanket...Sara xo
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Hi Sara_C,
Firstly - Do we really have to wait 'til Monday for my response to your post above, to show...Grrrr <- I'm not actually 'talking' to you Scones - I know that you arent 'God'...although meta-physically speaking, we are God!
But far-out.
I'm just frustrated.
Welcome to "Autistic-Brain Moment".
I was born a rather frustrated sperm methinks.
Why cant life just run perfectly!?! <-sarcasm.
Autistic Brain = Constant Random Thoughts!
WOW - The way you 'gathered' the points like that...now that is perfection!.
Your modes of 'learning' may be 'different' to mine, but there are clearly some similarities as well.
I like lists too, and as Tony Robbins would put it, Chunking info!
You do it so naturally.
Your post will most defs open up this convo for me...into other 'realms' of thought and modalities <- such a wanky word, 'modalities'.
In short <- Yeh good luck, this is me, that Im talking about...SirRambler!.
Anyway, to keep it simple...My goal is to remove the 'veil' of confusion that most people in this world have about, Creativity - I cant stress this point, more than I do...wherever there are humans, there is creativity.
As you put it, I have 'designed' a "cognitive creativity action plan".
Im convinced that creativity is one of the 'answers' to creating a better world for all.
I am now simply gathering empirical evidence.
All the quantitative 'stuff' that one needs.
But, also the qualitative as well.
I have found that most people are actually 'looking' for the 'how to', rather than the 'why', of life - Does that make sense? Writing can be enjoyable, but also limiting at times!.
I am creating a 'how to guide' for want of a better term.
But for specialised groups, as well.
Sucrose-Sugar Addicts.
Psychopaths etc
Repeat Offenders
Autistics <- I know thats not the PC term to write. But, I am autistic, I can write that if I want!
For a few reasons as mentioned in above posts -
Psychos are costing us all a lot of money.
Sucrose addiction...is the most damaging addiction, of all addictions. Deal with the addiction to ' bad sugars', and we see that it makes it so much easier to deal with other addictions - I am happy to extrapolate on that as well!.
Repeat Offenders - Cost us all heaps, as well etc etc etc.
Autistics - This one is personal. For obvious reasons...since I am one!
I will have to go into more depth with the other questions that you have posed, more to come...
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'God' has answered my prayers...the post is there now.
I can stop being a big prick!
Thanks 'God'.