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--->>> Psychopaths&Pathological Liars <<<---
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I'm taking a break from my studies for the moment, by sharing what I am studying and researching at the moment.
Keen for opinions, and reflections.
At the moment we are looking at Pathological Liars.
What do you know of this condition?
Can you understand how we would see this as a condition?
In the past, we have punished "the liar"!
And perhaps...rightfully so?!?
Who gets to be judge, and jury?
And why?
Do you understand the anatomy of a lie?
Lets discuss.
In my home, we learned that telling lies, sometimes kept us safe.
Sometimes, telling the truth, still got me a hiding!
So telling lies, became a negative-positive phenomena.
In other words, lies - the negative, kept us safe - the positive.
Have you ever experienced something like this in your life?
If the act of telling lies is normalised it can become a condition - a pathological condition!
The Cure...well for me anyway!
Just start telling the truth...start with oneself, and people that one trusts - Could be many, could be just one trusted friend.
My friend, Tricia, once told me that...You Only Need At Least One Friend In This World.
And, I believe that too!.
More is nice.
But trust is the key.
The door is ones soul.
We are the guardians of the Soul - The Mind, and the home of the Spirit - The Body.
Now, Im getting a bit metaphysical...are you into that?
I am.
But, that can be rather intense for many...
...because it involves looking at the whole picture - The Holistic Self.
We consider this to be the TRUE WAY to complete health.
Just stop me if this is of no interest to you though...
...I could write about this stuff...
...and ever...
What do you know about psychopaths?
Did you know that......they only make up 5% of the population...
...but actually contribute to 50% of the crime in this world?
Thats why I am doing what I am doing - in terms of my studies and research.
Not completely but a big part of it.
My research has 4 main branches.
I'll discuss that at another time.
But - Psychopaths, cost us all a lot of money!
Did you know that?
But...they are sick.
Some say incurable.
I am autistic.
They say that is incurable.
Some autistics are high functional, some are not.
Some psychopaths are 'functional', and 'some' are not...at all!!!.
We, as a society must address this in a serious way...lets discuss!
Or, not...'cause I'm gonna study the stuff anyway.
But I enjoy healthy intellectual-debate and conversation.
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I just took Bundy for a bit of a walk, which helps me to process.
Much of where I am at atm, comes to fear.
Fear of failure, and even fear of success.
I know its human to fear.
But that doesnt make it any easier to release.
Im scared to tell you too many details, because, what if I fail again?
What if I tell you all exactly what I am doing etc, and then I fail.
What if?
But what-if I succeed right?
Im even scared of success, because that would mean that I'll have to deal with all the compliments, and appreciation of my work, even the thought of people telling me how good my work is, makes me cringe.
It is a vicious-cycle.
Attachment to the limiting belief, and the aversion of that belief, keeps you locked on that belief.
Its a negative feedback-loop.
I treat these forums as a place for me to 'meet' others, chat, and learn.
If I can offer up some support and assistance, I will, where and when I can.
But, as youve observed there are 'things' that I do withhold.
Boundaries that I still guard.
I've been hurt and abandoned and betrayed more times than I actually care to admit.
And, sometimes it wasnt even my 'fault'! <- sarcasm.
I have a huge resistance to letting 'goodness' into my life.
It feels foreign to me.
So, I talk all brainy.
But, you know what?
And you can believe this, or not,
As I have begun sharing how it really is for me - the sexualisation, the homelessness, the murder of a partner, the HFA, I do feel a lot more okay with myself.
Thats all I can genuinely give people at the moment - I am okay.
Im not the nicest person, most of the time, even though on here, people have told me that they think Im a nice guy, I do this because I need to be healthy now.
I have to reach out.
I am learning to serve others.
I meant it when I wrote that I have been born into a leadership role in my tribe.
I hated that.
How dare they say that this is what my life is all about?
I ran away.
I hid.
But, that has honestly caused me more harm than good.
And, I get that now.
I cant wait to be with my people again, and to show them what I have learned.
In Maori its called - Tohunga - its just like shaman.
I am a shaman for my tribe - A tohunga.
But this was made illegal by the colonialists.
I am using creativity as a means to marry the old ways of the Tohunga, with the new ways, Neuroplasticity etc etc etc.
Creativity - noun - the use of imagination or original ideas to create something.
Im gonna change the world.
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My dear sweet honeysuckle K;
Your randomness isn't random at all, can't you see that? I can...
Years ago I bought a newspaper out of the blue; didn't know why, just did it. When I read it, there was an ad for a course in Marketing. It jumped off the page and couldn't have been further from where I was or where I wanted to be. But I did the cert IV and have used the info 'many' times to help me with my work and goals.
My mind has evolved; I wasn't always organised or calm. My head danced around just as yours does. When having conversations with people, I used to jump at key words or phrases and it'd be like links on a page. I'd go into a random mental spree of words leaving my counterpart lost and trying to keep up.
This is our authenticity trying to release itself. As you've shown time and time again, you back-flip from confident, to worried. You don't have to prove anything to me, except earn my trust as I must for you! I am your greatest supporter...use me! I've challenged you as any good friend would and I wouldn't have it any other way because your greatness is a match for mine. How arrogant is that?!
You once said; "All is as it should be" You can't fight nature or the Universe K. Ease up on the Goal for a moment, and let the big U do its work. When we push too hard, U is trying to satisfy many wants and desires. If we concentrate on 'now' in the moment, U can do its magic. As easy as buying a newspaper!
If I didn't learn how to take notice of things that jump out at my consciousness, I wouldn't be here. Yes...fear is your enemy. Not because of guilt or shame or PTSD etc, but because it's opposite to love. When we run from fear, we're looking behind us. If we run 'to love', we're always looking ahead to see what excitement and wonder U has in store for us.
TBH...I say this especially re your 'work'.
Shaman? Now 'that' I can talk about. They're the ancient psychologists, mind walkers yeah? Seeker and returner of lost memories and souls; they help us remember who we are. I'm a Shaman hun!
It's nearly 4am, but I'm pumped with that bastard Adrenaline...damn. However, I'm putting it to good use.
I'll see you on the next page lovely...
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Just a couple of words Matt;
You Rock!!!
S xo
Esse'; Part II (Read part I first)
Shaman's hold the secrets of U inside them. You're finding your way home honey...with my help I hope. If you consider that Matt 'calmlyinterrupted' for a reason, it may mean you needed to re-evaluate what you were saying, change focus or take a 'calm' break. This is what I know to be true...
Every second of the day...we're supported by U. There is no wrong or right, there just is...
In 1993, I wanted to leave my job but was held up by an outdated policy. The only person who could override that was the deputy minister. I sat in my car and had an idea...drive into the city and make him let me go right there and then.
I drove what should've been 35 min's, in 20 min's because I didn't get one red light! There must've been 50 of them. I refused to leave until he signed off on my resignation, and he did. In 10 min's he would've been gone and I'd have driven all that way for nothing. It was meant to be...
Each one of those green lights was part of my Universal 'plan'. So was the idea that just appeared out of randomness...
There are so many of these story's it would blow your mind. Most people call it coincidence; I call it 'Grace'. There are literally hundreds...
When I was home one night, I began to cry and grieve as if someone had died. Then, as quickly as it began, it stopped and left me bewildered with no explanation.
Early next morning the phone rang; my sister's daughter had swallowed a very toxic substance and was rushed in the care flight to hosp...right at the time of my outburst. Why did this occur; I've asked myself this many times. Maybe to write it on this page at this moment in time 22 yrs later...please consider my question about who our thoughts belong to and why I asked it so randomly.
Time and space doesn't exist...our bodies are vessels; intermediary's. That is my conclusion...
'Ours is not to question why, ours is but to do or die' Charge of the Light Brigade..Shakespeare. This depicts a battle and act of courage to save a seemingly lost soul from death. Why did this phrase pop into my head at this precise moment?
I'm here for you my dear friend...
Sara xoxo
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Morning peeps,
I find that many hands make light work.
Love you all.
We all rock!
I wish I had more time.
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Firstly - BrotherMatt...does rock!.
Secondly - Thank you, Sara.
For taking the 'time' to write what you have, and to care - Thank you.
1) As a child I was taught by the elders of my people, that thoughts don't belong to us.
It essence no thing belongs to us!.
I am one with IO (The Maori word for - Source) - Universal Intelligence, God etc...
Therefore all 'thoughts' are all part of 'the story', and our coming into beingness, adds to that story.
I am IO come to beingness, as 'me', learning more about the 'life' that IO has created.
As the Omniverse expands, so too does IO.
Most people assume that 'god' is kinda static, like 'god' is the same as 'its' ever been - we believe that IO is ever expansive, because 'intelligence' is ever-expansive.
Creativity and Imagination, have no limits.
This is why I love creativity so much.
As a man I have felt so limited by life.
And yet Creativity shows me that there are no limits.
Thats why we exist.
IO loves diversity, and 'wants' us to add more to 'the story'.
Thats why we exist.
Thats why when I 'pass on' - I dont 'die' - I simply return to my 'real form'.
Energy doesnt 'die'.
This is why, on a personal level, I truly do not fear death.
I know that this is a 'top' fear for so many, and I know fear well, but the fear of 'death', thankfully not one that I have had to 'fear'
(I very rarely get to speak on this level with anyone anymore - Aside from my Aboriginal and Islander friends that I love, and maybe a couple other 'enlightened' friends, who enjoy speaking on this level, here in OZ, most people dont wanna talk about 'spiritual' stuff in this way. Because ultimately it does come back to people looking at the questions about the meaning of life and death, and that scares most people. I aint scared of that chat! . But thats okay. Im not here to force people to get this. This is just what I sincerely believe to be true. I just forget sometimes)
2) When you write of fear and love...
My autistic brain doesn't get 'love' in the way that most people process it.
I used to punish myself for that but my psych has taught me that, Apathy is actually the opposite of Love.
And that the opposite of Apathy, is Empathy.
I can get that because its sciencey!
I get the neo-cortex, so I get that, for us humans, thats where love 'starts'.
Does that make sense to you?
It does to me.
So, I have reframed love, and I am going from there with it.
Taking the mutt for a walk now!
To be cont...
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3) I completely understand that there is no such thing as actual 'randomness'.
I will keep on 'stressing' this until people get it, but this is why I am so big on Creativity.
For me, Creativity, is the link to it all.
Like I wrote, I have done so much study, and worked at so many jobs, at one point it did seem so random, but then I 'discovered' creativity in 1995.
Ever since then my brain has become like a moth to the flame.
Its interesting because in 'real life', I am actually far from this, in that, I dont speak 'randomly'.
4) Can I be honest?
Thanks. (LOL)
I feel that I am drawn to you too, Sara - I am here to assist you too, on this journey, and my random ramblings have been me wanting to just pour it all out because I have felt that, 'finally, someone that I can speak to about ALL of life'.
Its like my brain explodes, in a good way, whenever I 'meet' a kindred spirit.
Like with Brother Matt - he is open-minded, and a lot more holistically-intelligent than he gives himself credit for!
5) I dont want to be here in OZ anymore.
I hate it here.
Sorry, but I do.
But, I accept that I am here for a reason.
And, I accept that the ways of IO are a mystery.
I have to wait until Bundy passes on until I can go home.
Bundy is too old to fly now, and so I wait.
I do mean I wait impatiently, because I dont ever want him to pass on.
But his spirit must pass, eventually.
So I am staying proactive.
I continue my studies etc.
I am moving to Melbourne, to set up a creativity consultancy company.
Im getting back into performing arts, I miss performing so much, Sara!
Im on BB, because I am so isolated.
At yet, as youve observed I flip flop.
One that is at the same time, one with his purpose, and also scared-shiteless of it as well.
I know that this is all part of a grand learningness, that I as spirit decided for myself, way before I was born.
I wrote about this to Dr Kim, the other day, so dont get this twisted, I am well aware of this.
In 'real life', I am forever being told about how much of a good person I am, and yet, I still struggle with that.
For me, I am releasing these limiting beliefs.
Thats what its come down for me, others may see it differently, but I am running with that.
I am releasing all the limiting beliefs that I once uploaded, and needed to survive, but now I no longer need them.
This is why I am researching the 'how to's' of life...
I am learning how to be the best man that I was born to be.
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I have actually just written the last piece of what I want to share re: all this...but its waiting to be uploaded etc.
So, I will leave this chat, for the moment, until its uploaded, and will go from there!
Hope youre having a great day, but if not, know that I am here for you.
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here we go...
I said I would leave the convo, but you're gonna just have to get used to the fact that I love my brain.
I love thinking...I love doing other things too, to balance that all out.
As BrotherMatt now knows, I write poetry and sing etc...just 'cause I love it!
I love the creative process, and when I must write, I must write.
I hope that you can understand that?
Like now, I HAVE to write, it feels good, and thats how I know its right to write...when it feels good!
You said -"This is our authenticity trying to release itself. As you've shown time and time again, you back-flip from confident, to worried. You don't have to prove anything to me, except earn my trust as I must for you! I am your greatest supporter...use me!".
I could gesticulate and articulate my feelings about these statements, for the rest of my life. <-hyperbole!.
But, you get the drift.
"This is our authenticity trying to release itself" -
Couldnt agree more!.
"As you've shown time and time again, you back-flip from confident, to worried"-
This isnt me'trying' or 'wanting' to flip-flop.
Do you get that?
If I knew how to be confident the whole time, dont you think that I would be?
I ask these questions rhetorically.
Isnt part of the human journey, learning to navigate oneself through the rough waves, and to be at ease when the seas are smooth?
Am I not allowed to be human, and to feel out these 'emotions', as best as I can?
Just because another may already be 'there' am I not allowed to take my own time with this, without having to edit my words and thoughts for others?
When I first read your comment, I felt judged by you.
Who does she actually think that she is?
Shaman, she aint no shaman!
I'm sure you know why I reacted like this!
If you don't, Im happy to share why!.
You HAVE challenged me.
Part of me wants to reject that.
Aggressively - Fight response has been my go to mode.
My name means, "Warrior", born a fighter.
Learning to be a lover.
Learning to balance both!.
Fighting the good fight.
In Maori we call a 'challenge', a wero.
I am grateful for this challenge!
I accept.
And, I surrender as well.
I get it.
I will not use you...too much.
I shall hold you in humble reverence.
Know that I am here to be 'used', as well.
Its interesting that you JUST see it as 'confidence' and 'worry', this whole time I thought it was MORE than that.
Do you get that?
If thats all it is, I can get that sorted.
Thats too easy.
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Coincidence this is 'not'. I didn't say that...I said it was 'Grace'.
Your reply is so defensive and I wish it wasn't. My intent is part of 'my' creative process. You challenge me too and I'm so loving that. Speaking of love..to me love has many guises. The biggest though is; 'To thine own self be true'. Shakespeare was a legend..he rocks! The rest is more about 'respect', humility, empathy, joy, caring, wonder, strength, nature and I could go on for a full page.
So, challenge..your interpretation seems to be about me being 'parkiha' (spelling?) It isn't at all..it's challenging your intellect and confidence. For me, changing my self talk 'language' from negative to positive, and learning mindfulness, saved my life. I had to self assess with clarity and humility to get there. I challenged myself. Without this process we stay static as you said. U is expanding and with it we too are pushing the boundaries of self and connectivity.
BTW..I used 'Shaman' as a metaphor. I don't have tribal links to my past and this is sad, not disrespectful. I consider myself well read and experienced with 'life' because I have 'guts'. I've learned thru experiential means, trial and error. I'd like to be respected and admired for that. It isn't a comparison ok?
As you've described yourself as creative, I describe myself as the creative challenger. I challenge people all the time, sometimes unknowingly. Most times I'm thanked for it; sometimes I'm cursed. But I now see it as part of my U plan.
I can't escape my destiny. I challenged people just by being born! It kills me to know this and has taken me many yrs to come to terms with it. So please don't put me down for having the gift of creativity, organised/analytical thinking and confidence.
It's upset me you've taken me this way. Now I feel attacked; it may not be the case, but I've worked long and hard to get where I am, and the learning that came with it should not be belittled or compromised. I say this with all due respect for yourself and your process too.
It' in my DNA to organise and filter into something tangible. I've been desperately attempting to reel your thoughts in to become part of 'physical' reality. But getting you past 'theory' is proving difficult. An action plan has a beginning and an end. It can't stay within the boundaries of an 'idea' forever.
...over page
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Esse'..you have the advantage of tribal and familial law. I do not. You have somewhere to go 'home' to..I do not. You have the advantage of being a man..I do not. Women cannot be intelligent! Didn't you know that!? (sarcasm)
I'm feeling anger, and as much as this scares me, it's a hell of a motivator. This challenges me to no end..I've been put thru enormous pain, anguish and sexual/physical abuse for standing up and speaking and having the female form. My knowledge, wisdom, confidence and courage has been the bain of my life.
Today PTSD has again risen to push me to my limits. My shaking and tears are testament to this; I push thru as I always have and will. But now it's morphed into locking myself away; a recluse.
I can't write anymore...I'm so upset. I thought this was a safe place.