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Finding your inner calm
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Hi Everyone,
This thread is about finding your inner calm, its something I've worked on for the past four and a half years.
"One of the best lessons in life is how to master how to remain calm"
Mastering how to remain calm takes inner work but once you can master it your inner would becomes very peaceful.
Its something that needs to be tackled internally, sometimes we 'react' to certain things instead of responding.
We all have the choice of how we will respond to something it just takes practice.
If something is going to cause you to lash out and react in a negative way, before you do this you need ask yourself is it really worth it?
If you can just remain calm in this instance your inner world will thank you for it, our minds tend to race forward with reactions but if you can just allow the mind to do this and "watch it" but let your body and internal self to stay deep seated in "watching" and not responding you will see how your inner calm can start to take place.
We all have a inner breath, learn to follow this breath and use it as an anchor and a grounding tool.
If we can learn to control our breathing everything becomes more calmer and we have more clarity in the moment.
Everything takes practice but if this is something that will eventually bring you more inner peace then its practice well spent.. life is a journey and if we can learn how to master how to remain calm in every situation we win.
Practice and perseverance will always get you over the line.
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Hi ladybird22,
Thats ok 😊
Im glad you found the thread helpful.
I think that sounds great that you are going to try some meditation and deep breathing.
I understand sometimes we forget to do it but when we do remember to do it really does help.
Ive found on some days if I do feel a bit off centre I can usually pin point it to not doing meditation for a couple of days. Once I start doing it again everything begins to settle inside myself and I then begin to flow on the inside.
I think it’s great that you became aware of your attitude needing changing in the moment because once you are aware… you can then choose to change something so you become more calmer.
Im glad that you where able to slow down your breathing and be mindful while looking out the window…… it always brings clarity to us.
I’m sorry your partner isn’t well I understand how someone else’s moods can affect us because of their energy……… with practice you can learn to hold your own energy vibration and other peoples moods don’t effect us as much… it takes practice.
I understand that you would both be concerned about your daughters eviction…. I know it’s hard … I’m glad you were both able to talk about things and come to some understandings.
Having something to look forward to sounds great…….. I really love your ideas….. please put something into place so you have that to look forward to 😊
I hope you got to meditate today.
This is such an important practice because the more you do it the more that calm place inside you will become available….. when you do feel not so calm remember to go back to your calm place you have learned in meditation and your body will take you back there.
Your inner calm is inside you with practice you will become a free flowing river of calmness and nothing will be able to shift you from it.
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Love is installed in everyone of us, if we can do our every day living through love this will help to lead you to your inner calm.
LOVE has the power to transform a person.
LOVE is a place inside of ourselves, I believe it's part of our soul.
If you are feeling aggravated on the inside maybe towards yourself or towards some one else,
You could ask yourself what would love do,
You will feel an instant softening inside yourself and if you keep your awareness on this feeling and follow it through you will start to feel your inner calm taking hold.
Nothing can nourish the soul but light. (Rumi)
I believe that LOVE is the light if you turn to face LOVE then your soul will feel alive.
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When I think about inner calm, I think about self-kindness and peace with one's self.
A quote has really stuck with me for a long time!
'You have been criticising yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens' - Louise L Hay
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Petal I've just read your post on another new thread and tried to reply, but for some odd reason it keeps jumping to another thread?
Anyway your post said something to the effect that once you lived with OCD and viewed life negatively. But you changed and now have learned to see life in a way.
I truly connect with this as I've known all my life that I was a sensitive soul and many things hurt me inside. I'm still that sensitive soul and I feel almost too much.
I feel my daughters pain both mentally and physically sometimes & very tuned into other people. It's more than a gut feeling, it's like my soul is like a deep soft sponge. This might be good sometimes but most of the time it's not because basically the world isn't a positive world and it never was.
The fact is now I am living in this world and I have a melancholy state of mind. I'm a friendly and cheery person, but that's just what the world sees. Most times I need to protect myself from negative energies so I hibernate away from people a lot, but I know how to balance that & make an effort to get out n about and do kind things for myself and others.
What I'd like to know, if u r comfortable sharing is to change your perspective on life, what did you do to see life in a positive way?
Did you have therapy, do a course or just a lot of research and study to change your mindset?
I'd love to turn things around for myself & at my age I feel it's now or never. I know about meditation & trying to find my calm place but how?
Do I set up a quiet place at home where I won't be disrupted, listen to nature music and meditate etc?
I'm very interested to know how you changed for the better as I need that too. I'm so wanting to find my calm place.
I need some strategies to put in place and id be grateful if you could help me..
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Hi ladybird22,
Happy to help you 🙂
Yes I went through severe anxiety OCD my journey took me to a therapy I did for my OCD but this therapy also taught me alot about the person I was in that moment, one of the things in therapy that we did was learning how to challenge our thoughts by learning this I also became aware that my perceptions could also be challenged and changed they didn't have to stay the way they were I could change them and in turn my reality changed.
I learned to really open my mind , I learned that not everything had to stay in black and white I could change the way I thought and perceived things....our perceptions can always be changed decide to challenge yours and try to see them in a new positive light......
With the condition I was experiencing at the time my mind was full of negativity so I had to work really hard to change that.
It was a mind set change for me.
I read alot of positive affirmations these helped to renew my mind, my news feed is full of them I read them on a daily basis.
I practice gratefulness every day, I go out side and I thank god for giving me this beautiful life, I really look at the blue sky and become in aw of it like wow how beautiful, I fill my lungs with the fresh air and thank god that I get to breathe it, I think wow Im so lucky to be here in this beautiful life.
How we decide to perceive things in life becomes our reality.
With meditation I recommend you do a guided meditation, try to find one for learning to watch your thoughts, by doing this type of meditation it will teach you unexplained things and it can teach you that you arn't your thoughts at all but the observer of your thoughts....... just because you have a negative thought this doesn't mean you have to give it your attention just allow it to be there and float on by and then act the way you wish in a positive way.
I like to meditate before sleep I just do the meditation in bed before sleep..
Forgiveness is a big one for mind set too, I use to always have negative thoughts relating to people come up daily that would also cause havoc with my internal system, so when my mind would bring this up I would say to myself that I forgive this person and then move forward.... we aren't excusing the persons behaviour but we are forgiving them for ourselves and not for them, you will benifit from this it can lift a huge weight from yourself.
Keep looking for the positive in everything even when its really hard to this will help you to renew your mind.
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Hi missep123,
I couldn’t agree with you more 😊
Being kind to ourselves really brings forward positive emotions and calmness within.
I also love the quote.
Thankyou 😊
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Thank you Petal22!
Another thing that I like to do to help me find my inner calm is to close one nostril and breathe into the other, and then swap sides and release. I heard that Miley Cyrus does that when she's nervous before a concert!
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Thank you missep123 for that tip 😊
I’ll try it.. ❤️

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