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Facebook...The Good or the Bad...Your Say!

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Everybody

Without a doubt Facebook is one of the best social media sites. I have been on FB for a long time and found it invaluable yet very stressful at times whilst having anxiety and/or depression or even just checking it every day.

Your views on FB, its impact on your mental health, well being, whether good or not so good are more than welcome.

Thankyou for reading my thread topic!

my kind thoughts


332 Replies 332

Hi Quirky

no worries...I have often thought about being on FB again with the benefits you mention and thankyou 🙂

I dont understand what you meant when you said ' I know the statistics my friends maybe the e caption!'

Anyhow...I hope today has been good to you. You sound tired

my kindest..Paul

Paul and everyone.

my typos, it looks okay when I type the when I post

see typos.

I was trying to say my friends who are over 60 and like FB and they must be the exception that proves the rule that we are in the minority.

Just in my small world it is the oldies that use FB, I know know no one fro 18 To 35 who uses Fb.

is that statistic worldwide as it may vary from country to country. Statistics show the big picture and I see the little picture,

thanks again for all your threads.

Hey Quirky

no worries at all....and thankyou so much for your solid support across the forums! There is nothing wrong with the little picture Quirky.....Its what really counts

Global FB users are at 2.6 Billion in the second quarter of 2020

kindest always

Hey Quirky I find also that people don't refer to facebook for communication, business etc in the younger demographic - it's all instagram.
I think what Facebook used to achieve - connecting people who know eachother peripherally - often for dating, or making new friends - among the younger crowd, is all done on instagram.
I don't have instagram so am out of the game a bit - but I tried it for a while and was so offput by it.
Instagram with the filters and the focus on image was too much for me as I was struggling with depression.
It seems to amplify my insecurities by 100000000....

Hi Sleepy21

Thanks for the great post! I have also heard that Instagram is more popular nowadays as you mentioned

FB have been criticized that their platform is 'addictive' and have been asked to address the ongoing mental health issues associated with it

If there are any young people reading this thread topic, your experience/input would be appreciated 🙂

have a good week everyone


I know young people are into Instagram. I have no idea.

I think each generation has their own technology. I was a tv CD and cassette children.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Paul I thought would comment on what I have noticed on my Facebook is that my friends in their 40s and 50s seem to post more some all the time while my younger friends in their teens and 20s post less and some not at all.I am wondering if they are on another platform or to busy to post.



Hi Everyone

Hey Mark....Thanks heaps for the feedback! You have made a great point as my young nieces and nephews seem to using Instagram.

I think FB is a great social media platform Mark and may have to sign up again which is fine. I am a volunteer off the forums as well and 'some' of the younger people find they have to check their 'friends' status every few hours as it makes them 'feel better'. I just find this sad

Always great to see you Mark...I hope you have been doing well 🙂


Community Champion
Community Champion
Hi Paul and rest... the constant checking you mention I think is partially of that need to getting your feeling of worth from others and .... whether they like your post or did they add to the conversation or did anyone actually read it. People posting could be a like a fishing game at a show - might win, might not. People want (?) instant feedback today. When email was new waiting a day for a reply was OK. The wait was longer with letters. There was also excitement in getting a letter. Today, I can get an email and (a) get called next min about my thoughts or (b) 15min later get same call and ask if I have done it. This will sound a little extreme but posting can sometimes been seen as a replacement for conversation.

Hi Tim and everyone!

Thanks Tim for helping out...once again with your experience....I posted above 'I am a volunteer off the forums as well and 'some' of the younger people find they have to check their 'friends' status every few hours as it makes them 'feel better'. I just find this sad

Yes its a sign of low self worth for sure. I havent been a member of FB for many years. Im not sure what you meant by 'my post' ?

Thankyou for mentioning some people wanting 'instant feedback' Absolutely...and with our current level of tech some people expect it. You were not extreme at all as posting (on any medium) can be seen as a replacement for conversation

Appreciate your help Tim
