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Facebook...The Good or the Bad...Your Say!

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Everybody

Without a doubt Facebook is one of the best social media sites. I have been on FB for a long time and found it invaluable yet very stressful at times whilst having anxiety and/or depression or even just checking it every day.

Your views on FB, its impact on your mental health, well being, whether good or not so good are more than welcome.

Thankyou for reading my thread topic!

my kind thoughts


332 Replies 332

Hi Everyone...New posters are always welcome!

Hey ecomama....always a bonus to have your input here and across the forums too!

ecomama mentioned 'Next is the "constant comparing oneself to others"... FB and Social Media seem to have a "one upping" on another person all the time. I found it so tiresome' .....and 'The sad thing is that young ppl seem to think it's REAL'

Thankyou for the clarity ecomama

Young people can provide their thoughts here too....The forums are a judgment free place to post 🙂

my kind thoughts.....Paul

I may be wrong but in my experience it seems to be more used by older people. My adult children don’t use it much they use Instagram. I would nit know how to use Instagram.

i t dies the matter what age group uses what so Islam media but sometime time I feel as soon as I have worked out how to use a social media site it goes out of fashion with my children and they are on to something else.

I know when I was growing up people complained about the bad effects of television, now people complain about social media. I saw an article back when radio was new complaining that if books were read on radio people would no longer read!!

So while technology may change there will always be complaints about the latest technology and the social effect it has on society. Just my thoughts many may disagree,

Hi Everyone

Hey Quirky...thankyou for your support as always! Your experience using FB is always helpful to the thread topic!

I dont mind FB especially as I used to have an account too...an it was fun at the time until I found myself checking it all the time...Just providing some figures below about age groups (demographics) and FB for your info!

Facebook users are 1.19 billion female and 1.51 billion male. Male users (19.3%) and female users (13.2%) between the ages of 25 and 34 years are the biggest demographic group on Facebook. Around seven-in-ten U.S. adults (69%) use Facebook. Seniors aged 65+ are the smallest demographic group on Facebook (4.8%)'

I hope the user data above is helpful Quirky

my kindest....Paul

Hi everyone
An interesting post for a topics we also discuss at home. While Facebook can be good to connect with people, I have personally found it to be more of a hindrance. Relative's that haven't spoken for years have been sending my mum messages to advise her how horrible I am all the time. It's particularly nasty stuff. It has really caused more grief than I think it's worth. I try to keep off it. It's just hard when the messages are relayed by whichever parent they've decided to contact. (My parents can't block them they don't think it's socially acceptable).

Hello ThoughtfulOne and welcome!

Thankyou for you balanced and helpful input. I understand where you are coming from as FB has its benefits yet just for myself I found it somewhat toxic

I hope you can stick around the forums...only if and when you wish of course!

my kind thoughts


Thanks Paul for your reply. I'm sorry to hear you've also had a not so nice experience on Facebook. Facebook freedom is great that's for sure!

I will see you on the forums.
Kind regards

Hi ThoughtfulOne - u make a great point

Blocking on Instagram or Twitter and other sites is no big deal - On Facebook it feels more intense to do so . Most people just close their privacy settings tighter to avoid being visible to someone who is upsetting them - but its a shame because sometimes blocking is helpful on those sites particularly if like you mentioned there's nasty things being said or for those experiencing bullying.
I've found personally that blocking people who are affecting the way I use social media by being negative or harmful, has helped me. I don't need to think about it again after that

I agree with u thoughtful one and have had a similar experience that for me Facebook was a hindrance.
I miss it from time to time but overall it wasn't healthy

Thanks for your contribution Sleepy21. It was great to hear your thoughts on the 'social convention' of Facebook. Yes I agreed blocking helps especially when people are being nasty.
Thanks again!

Hi ThoughtfulOne!

Thankyou for posting back....Facebook can be a helpful social tool as Quirky mentioned above....(when we have the privacy restrictions activated) .I just kept finding myself checking it too often....which is my problem I suppose...I find the 'friends lebel' only encourages young people to be overly competitive with the amount of friends they have which is non conducive to a healthy mindset

Hey Quirky....just in case you missed the FB demographics listed above on November 28...

'Seniors aged 65+ are the smallest demographic group on Facebook (4.8%)'

Have a good night everyone


Paul I saw it both times. I was just saying In experience in my little circle it is older people on FB. I know the statistics my friends maybe the e caption!

Thanks for pointing out the numbers and breakdown.