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Facebook...The Good or the Bad...Your Say!

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Everybody

Without a doubt Facebook is one of the best social media sites. I have been on FB for a long time and found it invaluable yet very stressful at times whilst having anxiety and/or depression or even just checking it every day.

Your views on FB, its impact on your mental health, well being, whether good or not so good are more than welcome.

Thankyou for reading my thread topic!

my kind thoughts


332 Replies 332

Hi 2quik!

always a bonus to read your posts and they are appreciated more than you know!

Good on you for reducing your involvement to suit your own set of circumstances.....I understand the good points re FB yet the 'friends' tag isnt what is seems to be. Just for myself...I find FB unhelpful where my own health is concerned

my kind thoughts and respect 2quik


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

I see a lot of negativity spread quickly and easily on social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp...) and it is too easy to get sucked into it. Just one click, one swipe, one minute to type an angry reply........That's all it takes.

It's so unfiltered and uncontrolled, and before you know it you're exposed to a bunch of stuff that can affect your mental health.

I think it speaks to the human need for connection, however we aren't really facing the problem. We need to get better and caring about each other, not substituting true companionship with "likes" and "instagram stories." It's not what we truly need and deserve.

ls it poss' for two strangers in different countries to get the exact same yahoo email address. or was my old fb acc just hacked ?

l only opened a real fb acc for a few wks years ago , deleted that one then opened a dummy one . Thought l deleted the dummy one too but l still get fb emails so l tried to login pw had changed but same email so they sent me a code and l got in.

Only it was some Arab guys account now , using my email address. So no idea whether we both happened to have the same email or whether he hacked my old fb acc or opened one somehow using my email or what.

Well the whole site was in Arabic couldn't even read settings so l youtubed for pics of deleting fb eventually figured out what was what and managed to delete the account in Arabic. Then l get a fb emailed saying ,,, l think ,,,, l've deleted my acc,

So now l'm wondering if this guy can just reactivate it again somehow once he figures it out. Anddddd , l was actually thinking of opening a new fb acc just for my business using of course my email acc, same one the Arab guys been using. You can see whare this is all heading so wth do l do with it, don't wanna anymore new email addresses, also wondering if this guy goes into my email , although l dunno how without the pw and l've never seen any Arabic emails in there.

Damn internet. rx

Hey rx. So frustrating and confusing, i've also had my fair share of troubles....
I'm hoping that by changing the password you've ended the troubles, but I just wanted to check, did you deactivate or delete the account?
Also you could set tighter controls where they send an sms to you every time you try and login, that would stop him being able to login. I was hacked once and for a short while after that used that method, to feel safe again.

I don't think someone else could have your exact email account (could be wrong...) but perhaps it was hacking.
Maybe check the security settings and try add tighter controls

Hey sleepy.

Thanks for that , yeah whata pain. l saw on yt you could delete it but the layout was totally different so in Arabic l couldn't tell , l actually guessed , clicked 4 or 5 different things , but the last one l tried looked pretty similar to the yt pic and fb closed me out. Then l got an Arabic email and l could make out " de " in part of the word so whether that said l'd deleted it or deactivated it , ldk.

Couldn't believe l got that far tbh.

true ! you could also- type "translate arabic from english" into google and a box will come up - copy the arabic text from the email into the provided box, and then it will translate it for you!
It's a huge pain.

I've been hacked before on facebook so i know the pain. Feels horrible not knowig who or why.
Just know that someone who does that is not so well... hope it works out!!!!! i don't think i'd get as far as you did lol truly amazing

Hi Paul,

Oh thank you so much. It is so nice to receive a compliment. I needed one tonight and it has lifted my spirits a bit. Thanks 🙂 I hear you Paul, I too find it very unhelpful when it comes to my health as well. I will never change my mind about Facebook either. Thanks for sharing.

With respect


Hey Sleepy,

You said : I think it speaks to the human need for connection, however we aren't really facing the problem. We need to get better and caring about each other, not substituting true companionship with "likes" and "instagram stories." It's not what we truly need and deserve.

I agree.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi guys,

I think Facebook is like anything else in the world - it's very useful if used wisely and in moderation, but it can be toxic if unconsciously overused.

1) In my view, the first key thing to work out is... why you have Facebook?

For me, I like to stay in touch with overseas friends, create/join events, be part of communities in groups and follow certain people/pages.

2) Once you work out why you have Facebook, try to stick to those activities.

I find that if I mindlessly scroll through my feed or get in a 'social media hole', it's detrimental to my productivity and mental health.

Sometimes I still do it, because I'm a human and thus I'm flawed, but I try to avoid it as much as possible.

3) Perhaps you can make self-rules to limit certain aspects

E.g. give yourself 5 mins a day to scroll through your feed, turn off all Facebook phone/email notifications, remove old pages/groups that don't interest you anymore, etc.

Hopefully this helps you to have a healthier relationship with Facebook, social media and technology as a whole!


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

I agree with Nico. One more thing I'd like to add about the toxic aspects of FB. We've all probably got "friends" who're posting things that don't necessarily make us feel good about ourselves. Or those who're posting daily updates that you're not interested in. I know the idea of unfrending someone is a tad dicey since some people do seem to get riled up after getting unfriended. There's a feature that lets you "unfollow" these people. That way, you're still friends with them, but you will not be bombarded with posts I don't want to see. Best part is that they will never know you're not actively following their updates.