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Facebook...The Good or the Bad...Your Say!

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Everybody

Without a doubt Facebook is one of the best social media sites. I have been on FB for a long time and found it invaluable yet very stressful at times whilst having anxiety and/or depression or even just checking it every day.

Your views on FB, its impact on your mental health, well being, whether good or not so good are more than welcome.

Thankyou for reading my thread topic!

my kind thoughts


332 Replies 332

Hey Katy!

What a great post and thankyou 🙂

You mentioned how FB is helpful...which it can be for sure. You also summed up what I have been trying to say since I wrote this thread...

Katy mentioned "It's kind of like high school"

One of the most accurate posts I have read where FB is concerned....

Hugs and appreciation x


Another thought comes to mind,

There is always going to good and bad unfortunately we cannot change that.

What we can change is our own actions and if they are always good and encouraging maybe we can make a difference 1 step at a time.

Hi Blufftuff

Thankyou for your post! I totally agree with you about there will always be the good and the bad...for sure

Making a difference 1 step at a time is an excellent idea!

I hope you have had a good day Blufftuff 🙂

my kind thoughts


Community Member

well there has been a lot of debate on whether FB is good or bad.

Right now with being restricted to our homes and unable to see family or friends, I feel it is an amazing tool to keep us connected to the outside world.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi Paul,I am now finding Facebook my tool to get updates on the coronavirus.I try to avoid the media on tv as much as possible but find i can get information on the restrictions that just keep happening and how to stay safe.One thing is to avoid any comments as there can be some nasty comments and can find it depressing.

If you rely on updates from Facebook on the corona virus you need to be selective about which sites you trust.

That goes for every site be selective.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
The advice is from our Prime Minister and State Premier.I give up.

Hi everyone and thankyou for contributing to the discussion too 🙂

Hey Blufftuff....you mentioned a great point with staying in touch with family and friends....Nice1 🙂

Hey Mark...thankyou for helping out! You mentioned an important point when you said "One thing is to avoid any comments as there can be some nasty comments and can find it depressing"...I agree with you there Mark as FB can be an awful place if a person has even a low level of anxiety/depression....just my humble opinion..

Hey Quirky....you are spot on when you mentioned "If you rely on updates from Facebook on the corona virus you need to be selective about which sites you trust"

I understand that FB has its benefits as Blufftuff mentioned...and if a person is comfortable being on a site that has zero moderation to safeguard the mentally fragile members...thats okay..its just not for me as the 'friends' seem to be acquaintances

Mark....I watch SkyNews for about an hour a day and thats all as its all too heavy as you have mentioned before on the forums...I cant find what advice you are referring to that our Prime Minister and Premier mentioned...Feel free to let us know 🙂

Have a good weekend everyone!

my kind thoughts always


Community Member
My attitude to Facebook has changed completely since late last year. I do have a personal page with a photo of nature and my name. That is all. I do not post at all, I have not included any of my personal information whatsoever and I don't do friends. My time on Facebook is extremely limited. I only have an account for a small amount of groups I have joined. I use it also to check out business pages. That is all I use Facebook for now. I am not interested in anything else on there or any of the real horrible stuff that goes on in it. I think Facebook lacks a personal approach to handling Facebook issues especially when it comes to online bullying etc.... For a multi million dollar business I expect a whole lot better. I am not a big fan of Mark Zuckerberg either. I think a lot is left to be desired by him, I think he is a bit of a smart alec and I think he should be doing way better with something he designed. I don't believe Facebook should exist to be honest. The cons far outweigh the pros for me.