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Sophie_M Money stress? You are not alone!
  • replies: 4

So, I’ve been chatting with my friends over here at Beyond Blue and it seems we all have something in common right now: money worries. Whether it’s stressors about finding enough cash for the basics or wishing we had enough money for a holiday, we al... View more

So, I’ve been chatting with my friends over here at Beyond Blue and it seems we all have something in common right now: money worries. Whether it’s stressors about finding enough cash for the basics or wishing we had enough money for a holiday, we all seem to be experiencing a greater amount of stress surrounding money than we have in the past. And it’s impacting our ability to show up fully for the things we love. It’s not uncommon for us to experience shame and fear around expressing our financial challenges; it can be hard and somewhat taboo to openly discuss money matters. However, we believe this conversation is incredibly important and beneficial to have. Like all challenges, ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’, so let’s help each other out. Of course, discussions about the economy and how to manage our money during inflation are a much larger (and frustrating!) conversation… but what we would really love to know is what your personal experience around money is. Are you feeling the pinch too? How is added financial pressure impacting your wellbeing? When was the last time things felt even slightly easier? And if you have struggled with money in the past but come out the other side, what suggestions do you have for others who might still be finding their feet? This is an opportunity to share openly and honestly about your experience in a judgement-free space. There are no wrong answers, and we encourage you to share all the things that you might be finding hard to express in your every day life. If you're interested - Beyond Blue also have a 'money and mental health' quiz to gauge a sense of how finances may be impacting your mental health and what to do next. Looking forward to your answers! Abundant hugs from yours truly, Sophie M.

Just Sara A Bouquet for Pearls - share your appreciation for other members
  • replies: 715

Every now and then, members share a beautiful Pearl of Wisdom. How often do you think to yourself; "OMG that's great! I wish everyone could see this." Presenting someone with a bunch of flowers is a generous way of acknowledging their insightful word... View more

Every now and then, members share a beautiful Pearl of Wisdom. How often do you think to yourself; "OMG that's great! I wish everyone could see this." Presenting someone with a bunch of flowers is a generous way of acknowledging their insightful words. I hope this thread stays active through members giving out praise regularly to people they feel deserving, and therefore keep generosity of spirit alive within the pages of BeyondBlue Forum. My bunch of Red Roses (my choice) goes to Wishful for the following sentence; 'Personally, I see no reason to be praised in me, but I'm learning that seeing through the eyes of others can be more accurate!!' I so hear you Wishful. Just beautiful... Try to keep your leading comments short to focus on 'their' words. Choose specific flowers (or a gift if you like) to present to them. Sign off respectfully and sincerely. I hope this takes off... Spreading the love...Sara

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Guest9337 Three things you aren't sorry about today...
  • replies: 76

I am not sorry for opening this thread. I am not sorry for Inviting everyone to have a go at it! I am not sorry for helping people practicing to not say sorry too much! Idea, a thread were we aren't sorry about hate, ingratitude, being safe, thinking... View more

I am not sorry for opening this thread. I am not sorry for Inviting everyone to have a go at it! I am not sorry for helping people practicing to not say sorry too much! Idea, a thread were we aren't sorry about hate, ingratitude, being safe, thinking about revenge and acting for fair restoration. In this thread people are encouraged to practice avoiding saying sorry in a moral and friendly way. I am not sorry that I stand up for rights about children. I am not sorry that I spilt the milk, but I will clean it up right now. Other forms we might take are less about letting go of sorry, and more about using what you are sorry about as motivation. I make no apologies for feeling hate about what is happening to children in detention centres and I'm going to write a letter about it! I refuse to be sorry for any one who wears hot red revealing shorts and a boob tube to a funeral and has been told they cannot come inside. I am not sorry that I said “fair go mate!” when someone elses child hurt my finger. I am not sorry that I broke up with my abusive partner, so that I can be safer. I am not sorry that you got drunk because you believe I told my best friend I like the movie One flew over the cuckoos nest, when I’ve previously told you I don’t like it. I am not sorry for changing my mind, I have new information now and am making a better decision now than back then. When anger rises, I will not apologise for being angry, because the thing that makes me angry is against the laws of Australia. Or how about. I will not be sorry about plotting a morally fair a legal revenge upon my abuser. I am not sorry for thinking about or wanting to kill someone that I will never meet and have no real intentions of taking action to harm them or anyone else. I cannot apologise for feeling hateful towards the people who purposefully and wilfully cause direct and severe harm to the elderly. I’m not sorry for feeling excitement about the potential of this thread not being helpful, because I hope and pray that peoples actions about my inspiration will be entirely helpful! dng

car10001 coronavirus nsw truck driver passes through nsw
  • replies: 1

Hi As you’s probably have heard about the truck drivers from nsw going to perth through sa and vic, apparently they stopped at a couple service stations at port augusta and ceduna. If cases pop up from there and state locks down what would be a way t... View more

Hi As you’s probably have heard about the truck drivers from nsw going to perth through sa and vic, apparently they stopped at a couple service stations at port augusta and ceduna. If cases pop up from there and state locks down what would be a way to get a exemption to have second accomodation and/or other workshop in different property to main one and go there and stay there unless leaving to go to there and back to primary residence or leaving for essentials. What’s likely chance of cases popping up from there and state locking down as found past and future lockdowns hard because am at age where am wanting to have own space even if part time stay to start off with own kitchen bathroom and lounge area and the primary residence only has about 500m2 yard and the aunt will likely stay there whole life time and what am doing to get it is as about as close as am going to get for quite a while and just trying to do what previous generations did and make do for now. Am single and only have one wage so it’ll be longer because usually it takes longer if on a single wage and you need 2 normal incomes or 1 really good income however if you don’t mind waiting longer it is possible on 1. Find past and future lockdowns hard because only current options for a proper shed and own space generally have to close and don’t yet have anything else and trying to make do with current options until the more ideal thing comes however long it takes. Am waiting until am able to buy as with cost of renting it’s nearly as much as buy plus with renting you’re limited to what you can do to place and with buying you’re not and you get to choose how it’s setup and choose colours and fittings and stuff, Normally the minimum is 10% for a deposit but 20% or more would be better and sometimes you can get away with 5% under certain conditions. What could be done to end future lockdowns or where could you quarantine seperate to rest of household in event that the house had to quarantine because yard is only about 500m2 and it isn’t big enough to put a tiny house or large van to live in where you’s be able to quarantine seperate or not be affected. Due to being happy living at primary residence currently just want to most importantly get the shed trouble sorted and part time stay sorted and have latest and new gear and paint and fit outs then do rest as am able to afford and the current home will still be primary one atleast for while Thanks

  • replies: 7

Gidday Everyone! Over the next two weeks on Channel 7, we are about to see some of the most inspiring feats you could imagine. I am talking of course about the ParaOlympics. I wonder what us mortal folk could learn about these amazing human beings? I... View more

Gidday Everyone! Over the next two weeks on Channel 7, we are about to see some of the most inspiring feats you could imagine. I am talking of course about the ParaOlympics. I wonder what us mortal folk could learn about these amazing human beings? I am sure she wouldn't mind but I was struck by what Para Cyclist Emily Petricola had to say in the media the other day. She ran a successful PR business, and noticed when she was 27, that she was falling off her high heels when walking around at work. After trying lower heels which didn't help, she also notices numbness in her body. Yes, she was diagnosed with MS. That day she said she lost a huge part of herself including her identity. Stuff started going wrong with her body every single day - falling over, dropping things etc. Somehow she had to regain confidence in her body to help her self belief. It took a while but a cycling friend was as surprised as she was to find that despite MS, she had natural ability on the bike. Fast forward to today and she now has multiple world titles on the track and is a ParaOlympics medal favourite! And a high school teacher. How good is that - doesn't that make your skin tingle! Just imagine the challenges she has and still faces every single day, and the strength she must have to keep her mind positive and focussed. I personally had a shoulder injury six years ago that stopped my kayak racing career in its tracks. I felt depressed for ages after my specialist told me 'no more kayak racing'. Yet here is Emily, with uncurable MS, saying 'In some ways MS has given me a ridiculous opportunity I would otherwise never have had!' Just thinking - could it be that it's up to each and everyone of us, regardless of our personal circumstance or challenges, to FIND THE GIFT we all must have? Can our brains and emotions be reset by adversity and trigger our next accomplishment? I hope that some of our forum members find the ParaOlympics and athletes as inspiring as I do over the next two weeks. Sorry to rave on a little bit but sometimes I can't help myself! Please feel very free to share your thoughts. Bye for now - The Bro

EfG2021 Act of kindness, care and compassion for the others for the day
  • replies: 1

Hello all, I am not sure if this is the right place to post, but i will give it a go. I thought some time ago about pushing myself to, at least, one act for which I feel kindness, care and compassion. I have been feeling better everytime I do somethi... View more

Hello all, I am not sure if this is the right place to post, but i will give it a go. I thought some time ago about pushing myself to, at least, one act for which I feel kindness, care and compassion. I have been feeling better everytime I do something and would like to share it, not for bragging about how good or mediocre I am, but because it makes me feel good and proud and that makes me move on. Anyway, open for your stories, this one is mine from yesterday at the supermarket: there was a lady yelling at the teller because some issue (didn't care too much for the issue itself) but it was really aggresive. I don't know why, but i just approached (this is in the self service area) and step in between both of them and ask the teller to calm and step back, then I turned around and just, with my hand and with no words, ask the lady to calm down (all in gestures). I don't even know what was driving me, but the lady just calmed and said thank you to made my day and still don't know why was I doing it. thank you for reading it, by writing I am feeling better and calm today and looking forward for my next opportunity to show some kindess to the universe.

pl515p1 Essential - absolutely necessary; extremely important (Or so they say)
  • replies: 4

Hello, I just want to know, is healthcare, and mental health truly essential? If so, why must we still be separated by telehealth, when the counsellor, and the patient are both vaccinated, tested negative to COVID, sit more than 1.5 m apart, and wear... View more

Hello, I just want to know, is healthcare, and mental health truly essential? If so, why must we still be separated by telehealth, when the counsellor, and the patient are both vaccinated, tested negative to COVID, sit more than 1.5 m apart, and wear a mask? Why can we not be? I held yet another telehealth session today, and I do not hold blame on my counsellor, or psychologist, they have gone above and beyond for me, I fell apart today, and I can see in her eyes the wish to be by my side to comfort me. Whenever I am in her presence I feel protected, I feel a sense that I am moving forwards, she allows me to be vulnerable, but provides the warmth and comfort I need after feeling so exposed. When our sessions are over, she walks with me to the door, I feel supported as we say "until next time". Whenever we hold telehealth sessions though, I dread the close, see, after we say our goodbye, we wave, then the screen fades to black, and I am back in an empty home, so cold, so alone. I feel worse after these sessions, and I want to know why, after almost 2 months, we cannot return to the care I, and many other severely require, all protocols would be more than met, this cannot go on much longer, I cannot continue to outpour emotion and feel more and more empty and alone. Where once I felt hope going to see her, now I feel trapped in hopelessness, I have thought about giving up, I see her wonderful face look at mine pained, shackled from providing me the care she is capable of, I feel as if I am letting her down feeling so low. I classify my mental health, grief, and PTSD as essential to my well being, and ultimate survival. Someone tell me what harm would come from allowing us to share a space in person, saving me from falling into complete despair, and giving me hope for the future? Can anyone answer, Please? Or am I just another number slipping through the cracks of an inadequate government.

  • replies: 12

Hi Everybody I have found it really hard to understand and control emotions if I don't succeed at something that is important to me. Things like not getting that job you really needed and were very keen on, or just losing a race, a game, or anything ... View more

Hi Everybody I have found it really hard to understand and control emotions if I don't succeed at something that is important to me. Things like not getting that job you really needed and were very keen on, or just losing a race, a game, or anything you wanted to win! I wonder what we can learn from the Olympics? I was struck by Genevieve Gregson's reply, when asked how she felt about snapping her achilles tendon in the 3000m steeple chase when in sight of the finish line. It was also her birthday! "I'm not OK yet but I will be" was her incredible response. Here she was on crutches, her hopes and dreams in tatters after many years of sacrifice and training. Her inner strength and self belief drove her to explain that she was already mentally working on a recovery and training plan, after surgery that would keep her on crutches for many months. Of course it hurts big time when you fail for whatever reason. In races I often looked for all sorts of excuses, or if I didn't get that job it was always that stupid company's fault and I didn't want the job anyway! A while ago I changed how I responded, looking inside myself, remembering the success I have enjoyed, and even congratulating others who had beaten me. Is that called being a good loser? The real thing is, it made me feel much much better about losing, and the pain became manageable almost straight away. Call it karma, but a few years ago I lost a job application after interview and I was sure it was going to be me. I sent the company a nice email thanking them for the opportunity and reinforcing my interest in working with them. I allowed myself to feel pretty miserable. Know what? They called me a week later, told me the other applicant was not suitable, and I got the job and loved it for four years! Maybe instead of trying to run from pain, we should embrace it, lean into it, go through it instead of trying to go over it? When things fall apart, isn't that the opportunity to find what we are really made of? I think Buddhists call it 'Suffering Properly' - let yourself feel pretty crappy, sit with your feelings but try to not let them force you into sudden actions you may regret later. Pretty soon you may start thinking about all the things you like about yourself (there are always lots of them if you look deep inside), and preparing for the future and another challenge! I think I might have raved on a bit so please forgive me. How do you handle things when you lose? Let me know! Seeya, The Bro

startingnew today im proud of myself for...
  • replies: 387

it's important to give ourselves a pat on the back sometimes for doing something scary or challenging or out of our comfort zone so whats something your proud of yourself for?

it's important to give ourselves a pat on the back sometimes for doing something scary or challenging or out of our comfort zone so whats something your proud of yourself for?

Katyonthehamsterwheel Building resilience - how?
  • replies: 3

Feel like I seem to fall apart over the slightest thing. And I mean, fall right apart. How do you build resilience? Looking for ideas, tools, resources… What works for you?

Feel like I seem to fall apart over the slightest thing. And I mean, fall right apart. How do you build resilience? Looking for ideas, tools, resources… What works for you?

Scapegoated New Antidepressant working better but people who scapegoat
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STILL get to me because I have trauma from my narcissist mother and pedophile older narcissist sister doing that. They would watch me then ridicule and criticize me all because the BIG MAN ON CAMPUS my father favored me. They are mousy and I am prett... View more

STILL get to me because I have trauma from my narcissist mother and pedophile older narcissist sister doing that. They would watch me then ridicule and criticize me all because the BIG MAN ON CAMPUS my father favored me. They are mousy and I am pretty and exotic so they are extremely jealous and they hurt me when I was little emotionally so now whenever someone LOOKS at me I feel very self-conscious and I also do not like being scapegoated and people-narcissists -SMELL scapegaots coming and they will hunt you down. So Any group-at work or at school is potential for scapegoating and this new antidepressant makes me feel less self conscious but people are still staring and it just bothers me less. Someone told me that the guys say "she's really pretty but weird." Well, yeah, if you had two psychopaths for a mother and adult sibling mother like figure you would be "weird" read: TRAUMATIZED too. I just go about my day doing what is healthy for me. trying to connect with Nature. Today I got my period so I didn;t feel like exercising.

  • replies: 17

I don't know about anyone else, but when I'm having negative thoughts, the only way for me to stay on top of my head is to keep busy. For me it helps to be productive and creative, whether that be by working, doing my assignments, exercising, paintin... View more

I don't know about anyone else, but when I'm having negative thoughts, the only way for me to stay on top of my head is to keep busy. For me it helps to be productive and creative, whether that be by working, doing my assignments, exercising, painting, or writing poetry. Does anyone out there want to share how they cope when they're feeling 'not so hot'???