I have always had quotes or short stories stuck in my head and pull them
out when needed. Perhaps this is why I have bouts of positive thoughts?
I've often wondered how I'd be if I didnt have them, life would be so
much harder. One quote was from Kat...
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I have always had quotes or short stories stuck in my head and pull them
out when needed. Perhaps this is why I have bouts of positive thoughts?
I've often wondered how I'd be if I didnt have them, life would be so
much harder. One quote was from Kathy Watt, Australia's gold medalist of
the early 1990's. She was asked how did she win that medal. "Well I was
taught, to strive to get in the lead with 100% effort, then pull out
another 10% so they cant catch you, then just as you are spent- another
10% and another. They cant catch you then." How do you "pull out another
10%" from your very best then another.? Because we are not aware of what
our best is. We think we have done our best but there is more inside you
than you'd ever think possible. Getting fit? Think you've done your very
best at running distance? Well get a personal trainer and see how much
more you can do. At 17yo I was unfit and over weight. I joined the RAAF
in 1973 and for 3 months I was pushed and pushed. Seriously I thought it
was the end of me. After 3 months I ran 30kms with a backpack, holding a
rifle and did it in large boots. Amazing. But I had that drill corporal
in my ear. The difficulty is motivating yourself.How do you dig up your
inner strength to motivate yourself? I can only think of how I do it
every now and then. I think of these feats people do that inspire me. Of
course with depression sometimes I go a long time before I can put it
back into practice. You know what I mean. Recently on TV Australia's
gold medalists Ian Thorpe and Matthew Mitcham both separately had TV
interviews about their struggles with depression. They both individually
had another challenging issue and that was "coming out" over their
sexuality. What inspiring young men. They succeeded to motivate
themselves beyond imagination. Either of those interviews motivated me.
What about you? Whether its just getting out of bed, don your runners,,
keeping your social media idle until the end of the day, applying for
double the job numbers compared to the previous week, cooking a meal for
your partner....you can motivate yourself to do that extra 10% just like
Kathy Watt did. Effort, 10% extra effort should be seen as an
accomplishment- not the fact that you didnt succeed doing what other
people do, only what you were capable of plus 10% and the next day 10%
more. Maybe three steps forward and one step back. You would have
searched and resuced your inner motivation. And you'll be worthy of a
gold medal for effort.