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Purpose of life without kids after separation?

Community Member

I made the choice to leave my wife, kids and the family home because our situation and family environment was toxic for all of us and we were all victims and perpetrators of DV.


Both the wife and I have ongoing mental health issues as well as myself battling a gambling addiction. 

I have had zero contact with my kids for 3 months now and can’t see that changing anytime soon. I feel the mother is very controlling in allowing me access to our kids and I have no faith in the family court system. 

I have no friends in life besides my work colleagues who don’t know the extremities of my situation.  

I feel lost and have no direction in my life. I miss my kids dearly and feel empty and very lonely without them. I don’t look forward to the weekends as I’m just sitting around by myself all weekend.


I’m too nervous to try and meet new people and I have no idea about how to make friends as an adult. I really struggle to see how I can be happy again in the future. 

Any help or suggestions? There’s so much more I can go into but I think this is a good overall general start.

1 Reply 1

Community Member

Sorry to hear op l could only imagine how you must be feeling , NOTHING, and no one , would ever stop me seeing my d and l've never for the life of me understood why men let their mother do this rubbish.

You can fix this not only do your kids desperately need to see and have their father but their father does too. No decent man should ever be without his kids even if he does have a few problems guarantee without even knowing her their mother does too but having your kids back in your life will only help you and them too in whatever you need to do.

Best way is to work with your ex and ea other for the best for your kids if you could poss turn that around . You need to see her alone while the kids aren't around and try to work this out as calmly and respectfully to ea other as poss.if at all poss.

But l'd be willing and l did back when, even though it made me sick to the stomach , at least just calmly mention , only last resort, if she just won't cooperate though that it will have to go to court then but hopefully she won't wanna deal with that either and just the suggestion will be enough was my hope and it worked thank the Gods. We grew up instead and have worked together 11 yrs now. You know gone are the days women can do this rubbish a dad has full right to 50 50 time with his kids now in this country.


The very best of luck with it all anyway.
