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Lost and Confused

Community Member

A week ago my partner dumped me out of the blue. We both have children and were not living together, we all got along really well. He recently finalised his separation with his ex wife and has been very stressed for months and hasn’t been coping very well. I tried to support him through everything I possibly could. We caught up for the first time a few days ago and he looked so sad with tears in his eyes. He kept staring at me but didn’t say much. He said he really wanted to try to stay friends and I said I didn’t think it would work. He said he really needed to sort his head out as he was so overwhelmed. He kept telling me about issues he was having with his ex (mother to his children) and his conversation was all over the shop and didn’t really make sense. 
Since that day, we haven’t really spoken to eachother and he has been a bit brief when I did reach out. 
we are catching up with all the kids in a few days to spend a day doing a few activities we had already planned and I’m freaking out about it. I don’t know if I’m ready to socialise like a family again and not sure why he would want us to all meet up. I’m so confused. I love him so much and have been trying to give him his space. Is this a lost cause? Do I just cut him off and forget about him? He hasn’t made any indication he wants to reconcile, just said, let’s catch up with the kids and see how it goes. Help. 

1 Reply 1

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Dear Confusedlady,


A warm and caring welcome to our forums…


I’m so sorry this has happened to you..any break up is heartbreaking even more so when children are involved….


I think that it’s a wonderful idea for the children to catch up and enjoy each other’s company again….it would have been hard on them and they are probably missing the interaction they had before the break up….


No one can say what’s going happen between you both…I think right now it’s about the children having a great day out with the 2 people who love them the most…enjoy the day and everyones company….relax and try hard to have a good time for all the children first, then maybe see what happens from then….


My kindest thoughts with my care Dear Confusedlady, 
