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Fear of abandonment

Community Member

I can't seem to shake the feeling that everyone in my life would be happier without me and that I should just leave everyone alone. I don't see what I bring to peoples' lives and I know they'd all be better off without me bothering them. I shit at providing comfort, I have so many issues that burden others, and I'm not a likeable person. Everyone is just too polite to say anything about it. I know I should just leave before someone tells me the truth. It'll still hurt but at least I'll have control over it all

1 Reply 1


Welcome to the Beyond Blue online forums. It was so brave of you to reach out here. We can understand how difficult it must be to feel like others would be better off without you. 

We're reaching out to you privately to check that you're okay. In the meantime, we'd really encourage you to call our counsellors on the Beyond Blue Support Service. We are available 24/7 by phone at 1300 22 4636, and the team is really good at talking with people feeling like this and working out options for more support. 

If you're feeling suicidal, you must take immediate steps to keep safe. If you feel unable to keep yourself from acting on your thoughts about suicide, this is an emergency, and you need to call 000 (triple zero).

It sounds like the Beyond Now suicide safety planning app may be a helpful resource for you. You can read about how it works and where to download it here: Beyondnow Safety Planning App. You can even call Lifeline on 13 11 14 and compete with one of their counsellors over the phone.

We hope that you find our forums to be a safe and supportive space to talk through your thoughts and feelings. Our community is full of lovely people, and some have experience of dealing with suicide and feeling done with life. We're sure they'd love to hear a bit more about you. We'd love for you to check back in here and let us know how you're doing. Maybe you could share a bit more about what's going on for you and the issues you mentioned.

Our community is here for you, and we're sure they'll spot your post soon enough and have some kind words and understanding for you.

Kind regards,

Sophie M