Relationship and family issues

Anything to do with managing relationships and family, including parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships.


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BeyondBlue Hey there - read this to see what this section is all about
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Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a ... View more

Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a negative way. As always, we want to hear your story and how it impacts you and encourage everyone to support each other with kindness. There are a few things to consider when posting in this section so we can all get the most out of it: Everyone’s situation is unique. We all do our best to share what is important in our story but we can never share it all. Let’s be mindful we can’t know all of everyone’s story. Anonymous but public. These posts are available to everyone and while the moderation team will keep it anonymous, its still up for everyone to read. Have a think about what you want to share to get the best support for you. Please stay safe. This space is an amazing way to seek support from others who might understand what you are going through. We want to hear how you are going and what is happening for you. Please also consider 1800RESPECT if you don’t feel safe or 000 if you are in danger right now. You deserve to be safe. Thank you again for joining this conversation, your contributions are worthy and important to us here. Beyond Blue

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Milly89 I feel so lonely and don't know how to make new friends
  • replies: 3

Hi, This is the first time I have posted anything on here, so here I go! i believe that I have suffered from some form of depression for many years now but have never done anything about it. 2 years ago I left my hometown and moved in with my boyfrie... View more

Hi, This is the first time I have posted anything on here, so here I go! i believe that I have suffered from some form of depression for many years now but have never done anything about it. 2 years ago I left my hometown and moved in with my boyfriend at the time, we have since separated. I now live alone and find myself feeling very lonely and upset a lot of the time. I notice this is worse when I get home after visiting my family back home. I have always struggled to make friends, especially as I've gotten older. I only have one friend where I live now and no family. I have tried to make new friends but I lack the confidence to just put myself out there. i have a job that I really like but most of the time I just want to give it up and move back home so I am closer to my family. I just find myself to be sad and miserable a lot of the time. I always feel jealous of my brother and sister who seem to be able to make friends with anyone they meet, they both have heaps of friends that they are always socialising with and just wish I could be more like them.

weapingtears Hit rock bottom!
  • replies: 9

Seven years ago i had the unfortunate luck of finding out my wife had cheated on me while away on an event. While it was a depressing and extremly hard time ( I think i was frightned of what could happen if we parted), i got over it and moved. While ... View more

Seven years ago i had the unfortunate luck of finding out my wife had cheated on me while away on an event. While it was a depressing and extremly hard time ( I think i was frightned of what could happen if we parted), i got over it and moved. While she promised not to go on this event again. At some some stage in the next yea i was home feeling unwell with the kids while she went up the road for drinks for a friends send off. An hour become hours and eventually she arrived home and i could smell it on her. She confessed she had been with someone. Again in fear for myself i guess i let it go and moved on. Now to be fair to her here. This is where I now did something stupid. I think out of spite hurt i dont know. She found out and i thought she was going to leave me, it neally killed me. Eventually we passed over that and a couple of years went passed uneventful. She went away to do a course for five days but tweaked my concern was when she wanted to back for a refresher course a few months later. I was worried! Two days later i receive a call from an irate "wife", she had found text meassges on her husbands phone and when quizzed said they (my wife and him had intimate encounter). Again my heart sunk like the titanic, but again i was scared of what may happen if i didnt let it go. Slowly we have got back to some sort of normal life until two years again my wife wanted to go back to the "Event". I agreed but but my concerns very clear and she assured me nothing would happen etc. To my best knowledge nothing did she was very loving with texts etc pics and phonecalls for the two week period. As we were under the pressure financially last year she did not attend but went again this year. Now she was very cold from the minute she left, barley spoke on the phone to me ignored most of my messages and two days before she come sent me a message and says oh at the end of the month there is no money left.... I fear she has gone a had an affair again while away and blames me for our financial situation. As iam a primary producer our income is all and sometimes nothing. We have fought for the last few days she hasnt come near me since she returned. She is hiding her phone messages from me which i suspect are from "someone". Last night she says she wants it over she cant be here anymore! Iam devastated for me but for our two children who dont deserve this to happen. I just dont know if i have anything left........

Mary_Jane My children are all grown and gone
  • replies: 2

Hi - I am new to this. I have probably suffered from depression for most of my life but am only starting to realise it. I'm not coping very well at the moment and have started new medication which is messing with my head. My children are all grown an... View more

Hi - I am new to this. I have probably suffered from depression for most of my life but am only starting to realise it. I'm not coping very well at the moment and have started new medication which is messing with my head. My children are all grown and gone, all sons with three married and the youngest still single. I have gained a daughter-in-law and lost two sons through their marriages. I wonder what the point of it all was - having children - when you pour your life out for them and then they leave with hardly a backward glance. Thirty years of my life and now I have to find other things to do. My grandchildren are too far away and so involved in their other families that we don't see them much, unless we make the effort. Hardly seems fair. I'm tired of always being the one to make the effort. I'm wondering if I have divulged too much but would welcome some support from others who know what it's like. Regards Mary Jane

Lucy96 Stress and anxiety from dealing with a break up
  • replies: 1

Hey everyone, About a month ago my relationship with my boyfriend of 1 year ended and I havent been able to accept it and move on. I keep blaming myself for what has happened and feel guilty especially since I feel like my actions are the reason thin... View more

Hey everyone, About a month ago my relationship with my boyfriend of 1 year ended and I havent been able to accept it and move on. I keep blaming myself for what has happened and feel guilty especially since I feel like my actions are the reason things are the way they are. About 6 months ago, my boyfriend and I were rocky and I kissed someone else. I know I did a bad thing and i should have cut all contact with that other person but I didnt. My boyfriend asked me a few times if anything happened, but I denied it. Eventually once I felt ready, I came clean to my boyfriend, even though it was a few months after the kiss happened, and apologized and did all I could to make things better, but he never let it go. Instead, he became verbally abusive, continuously put me down and degraded me, and I felt like this is what I deserved. He continued to be this way for the last few months of our relationship, and because neither of us wanted to completely throw it away at this point, we mutually agreed to go on a break until we both got our own lives sorted, but instead 3 days into the break, he told me he didnt want to fix things. Even though its done now, I am struggling to let go. He seems to be having fun and to have forgotten about me, and is always spending time with another girl. This keeps upsetting me and making me very anxious. For a few weeks now, I keep getting nightmares about him being with this other girl and I wake up with my heart pounding and feeling very down. I don't know how to properly let him go, and I need help to do this. Its hard and painful seeing him move forward while i'm here feeling sad and guilty about what ive done, and I feel like i'm the reason he became abusive towards me. How do I let go of the past, and also get over my guilt? Thank you in advance for anyone who is willing to offer me advice or has had similar experiences to mine

Burco Depression over an ended relationship
  • replies: 4

It's hard to put all the detail I want to, but I'll try I’m 28yo and for one reason or another I’ve never been in a relationship, I guess I’ve always lacked the confidence to go out and been overly nice so I didn't scare them away. I hadn't been happ... View more

It's hard to put all the detail I want to, but I'll try I’m 28yo and for one reason or another I’ve never been in a relationship, I guess I’ve always lacked the confidence to go out and been overly nice so I didn't scare them away. I hadn't been happy for a long time then in December I met someone. I struck up I guess a relationship with a girl just before christmas, I was so happy I finally had someone to share my life and what I was doing and where I wanted to go with someone. She was doing some travelling and heading back to the UK (I lived there for 5 years and was thinking of going back before I met her).. everything sort of just lined up and I thought maybe it was fate.. finally life was looking better. Then it all came tumbling down and I’m devastated, its been over a month now since I heard from her and I’m still bursting into tears when I think of her. The last I heard she was talking to a mutual friend not knowing what to do and if she was going to go back home or not. She told me it wasn’t going to work out because she was in love with someone back home in the UK who had 3 kids and she never wanted to be a mum/stepmum.. I guess I was just shocked. She had told me she broke up with a boyfriend a month before she came over.. I said look I like you as a person enough to not want to lose you completely and perhaps naively said I want to be friends. Things got a bit emotional after that, I told her she was the closest thing to a girlfriend I’ve ever had.. she told me to stop being so nice and to grow a backbone.. I told her she was an alcoholic and needed to get some help.. that didn’t go down well. All I can think about is this broken girl, who’s father died when she was 14, best friend committed suicide when she was 22 and has so many personal demons that could be so much more if she only sought out the help and support from her friends/family/loved ones. I know I can’t help everyone and she needs to help herself first.. but through circumstance she came to Australia to sort herself out and met me, the most nice/giving/honest/genuine guy I could be who would have given her the world and a fresh start and I’ve just made myself look like a desperate creep who she doesn’t want to talk to and possibly ruined her trip. I feel a bit like I’ve just failed her. I opened myself up more to anyone than I ever have, and I still wasn’t good enough for her as there was someone better.

BrokenFamily Separating from my husband who is suffering major depression
  • replies: 10

My husband of eight years has been gradually becoming someone I don't like, and I wasn't aware that he was becoming more and more depressed as the years went by. For the last twelve months or more he has been extremely stressed over everything, espec... View more

My husband of eight years has been gradually becoming someone I don't like, and I wasn't aware that he was becoming more and more depressed as the years went by. For the last twelve months or more he has been extremely stressed over everything, especially the small things that most people would shrug off. He has been unable to be happy about anything and every time he spoke it was negative. Our seven year old son felt the effects of being in dads way or too loud or simply just present it felt like. So the last week before I asked him to leave was bad. Constant fighting and playing the blame game. Then he became verbally abusive, attacking me at every opportunity and speaking to me as though he hated me. I made the decision to separate, at least temporarily so he could sort himself out. That's when he decided to tell me he thinks he's depressed. I should have recognised it myself, but I guess I was too close and didn't notice the progressive snowballing of his sadness. He begged me to let him stay, promised he would get help, but I just can't live like this any longer. I feel like the only way he will actually get serious help is if I keep strong and separate. I know if he were to move back in we would just argue, and I would lose what little feeling I still have for him after years of manipulation and gloom. But on the other hand I feel so bad for making him do this alone. He has been to an assessment and has an appointment to see a psychologist, it's only been a few days and he is doing all the right things, but struggling emotionally. He says he can't do it without me. But I can't help him because I don't want him around our son when he's like this. I want to stay apart until he has at least been on medication for a month if he needs it, I need to know he's serious about getting help and I need time to see he's capable of being happy on his own. He blames me for his unhappiness. I think I'm doing the right thing for my family, but I'm sure others may have a different opinion

CK1234567890 My partner is pushing me away
  • replies: 1

My boyfriend and i have been together for 5 months. We rarely fight, we have common interests and right from the start everything was wonderful up until a week ago. We had plans for the saturday night and when the time came to go see him, he message ... View more

My boyfriend and i have been together for 5 months. We rarely fight, we have common interests and right from the start everything was wonderful up until a week ago. We had plans for the saturday night and when the time came to go see him, he message and said he was not feeling right, had a lot on his mind and was feeling overwhelmed with the things in his life. He said he was sorry for pushing me away and didn't want to hurt my feelings but he didn't know what he was going to do. He said he wasn't sure if he wanted to be with me. I spoke to him face to face that night and he said that he wanted to be with me, that he enjoyed spending time with me and that he didn't want to lose me. We spoke via text every day during the week and i gave him space to think. He had family over this weekend, but he arranged to catch up with me sometime saturday. When i messaged him saturday i got no reply until 5pm when he said he was on the roof all day. We talked and arranged to meet Sunday at his house. I go around on Sunday to find he isn't there and he hasn't returned any of my calls or text messages. I sad in one of them that i was aware that something was wrong but we can't fix it without talking and still nothing. I am already not enjoying my job and quite a few things have gone wrong. I have felt anxious and upset all last week and today i am struggling to stop myself from crying. I feel like i dont have anything positive to focus on, because everything seems to have gone wrong at once. I don't know what i have done wrong or what i could have possibly done to avoid feeling like this, but now i'm struggling to cope. I'm terrified of being alone and i think i am in love with this guy which makes it that much more painful. I just don't know what to do and i know that a couple of weeks is hardly anything. People live feeling like this for years and i know my situation sounds pathetic, but i just can't shake the horrible, overwhelming sad feeling.

Lookingforpeace Sad, lonely and craving affection
  • replies: 7

Hi everyone Just feeling a bit sad and lonely and need to vent. I've been with my partner for 5 years and he's never been overly affectionate (whether in public or privately), and i have always told him that's something I crave. Well last year we had... View more

Hi everyone Just feeling a bit sad and lonely and need to vent. I've been with my partner for 5 years and he's never been overly affectionate (whether in public or privately), and i have always told him that's something I crave. Well last year we had lots of problems and seem to have gotten through them, but lately I've been finding myself just feeling really lonely and unloved because he's still not giving me the affection I need and I'm still healing from our issues of last year. I tend to get a lot of attention from other men but obviously don't want to go 'elsewhere' for the attention i crave. What more can I do when i have told him specifically that's what i need??

JJTangled Breakup + loneliness = unhappiness
  • replies: 1

I have a few positives in my life. My professional life is fabulous aside from the extreme tiredness and I'm nearing completion of a Masters degree. I have two beautiful children who I adore. However, I feel very unfulfilled. My marriage ended almost... View more

I have a few positives in my life. My professional life is fabulous aside from the extreme tiredness and I'm nearing completion of a Masters degree. I have two beautiful children who I adore. However, I feel very unfulfilled. My marriage ended almost 4 years ago and I continue to struggle with 'getting over it'. I feel like maybe I never properly grieved or sought help at the time. Coupled with the ending of it, I lost many friendships and my "in laws" whom I felt were family. I have no family in Brisbane. I feel dreadfully alone at times I don't know even know when I last invited to dinner/coffee/movie with a friend let alone when one contacted me just to touch base. Xmas Day I was alone in my home doing work waiting for my kids to arrive. Xmas Eve was alone. I wonder quite often whether they'd even notice if I moved away or other things. I'm considering a move to North Qld to be closer to my family but that comes loaded with other issues. I sink to very low points at times and consider other options which have a less than ideal outcome. It's such a sad and lonely place to think you could just pop off and barely anyone would notice. it makes me question my value and worth to others. I have joined a social group but that is hard to fit in with - work, study and parenting. Just wanting some advice I suppose about how to get over my marriage breakdown and move on happily and how to combat this terrible loneliness. Thank you. beyondblue's clinically-trained moderators often work offline (invisible to you) on issues relating to suicide or self-harm. At the same time, general supportive comments from the community are encouraged. If you have concerns around suicide or self-harm, please phone our support service on 1300 22 4636. Normal 0 false false false EN-AU X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi; mso-fareast-language:EN-US;}

elouisef23 Post Breakup Depression
  • replies: 6

I've struggled with depression and anxiety since late childhood (I'm now 25) but had started to get a bit back on track this year and feeling stronger. A couple of weeks ago my long term boyfriend broke up with me and it's really thrown me. At the st... View more

I've struggled with depression and anxiety since late childhood (I'm now 25) but had started to get a bit back on track this year and feeling stronger. A couple of weeks ago my long term boyfriend broke up with me and it's really thrown me. At the start I felt grief and cried a lot but now it's morphed into depression and in many ways is more difficult to deal with as I fear it never ending. I'm aware that he's just one person, I'll probably meet someone else and I have to keep living but knowing this doesn't relieve the depression. I now really struggle to get up in the mornings, don't want to go to uni or see anyone and struggle to see the light and the hope. I realise now I was way too reliant on him as my closest friend and connection as I'd just moved to a new city when we met and I do not have any other close friends here. I am fortunate to have family support but they have their own lives and I really miss having that close connection I had with my boyfriend. I know I need to meet new people but it's so difficult when I'm feeling so depressed and isolated and I fear I'll never experience the same connection again. Has anyone been through this and emerged the other side?