Relationship and family issues

Anything to do with managing relationships and family, including parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships.


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BeyondBlue Hey there - read this to see what this section is all about
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Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a ... View more

Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a negative way. As always, we want to hear your story and how it impacts you and encourage everyone to support each other with kindness. There are a few things to consider when posting in this section so we can all get the most out of it: Everyone’s situation is unique. We all do our best to share what is important in our story but we can never share it all. Let’s be mindful we can’t know all of everyone’s story. Anonymous but public. These posts are available to everyone and while the moderation team will keep it anonymous, its still up for everyone to read. Have a think about what you want to share to get the best support for you. Please stay safe. This space is an amazing way to seek support from others who might understand what you are going through. We want to hear how you are going and what is happening for you. Please also consider 1800RESPECT if you don’t feel safe or 000 if you are in danger right now. You deserve to be safe. Thank you again for joining this conversation, your contributions are worthy and important to us here. Beyond Blue

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Tbrown How can I help my husband
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We have a new child only 4 months and ever since we found out we were pregnant my husband became very stressed wondering how we will cope financiallly and how our relationship will survive. I reassured him constantly and seemed to have calmed him how... View more

We have a new child only 4 months and ever since we found out we were pregnant my husband became very stressed wondering how we will cope financiallly and how our relationship will survive. I reassured him constantly and seemed to have calmed him however lately he has really become quite depressed. He says it’s nainly his work but also caring for our daughter. I do every feed so he is not losing sleep and he is at work every day while I care for her. When he arrives home I am very careful not to throw her onto him and allow him to relax before I suggest a cuddle. When she cries he finds it hard to cope as he says he hates that he can’t settle her. Every time she cries now I take her straight away to save him the stress. I am constantly tiptoeing aroundhim anf trying to do so much to keep him happy- I never ask for much and e courage him to go out to footy etc. it is taking its toll though- he just snapped at me with tears in his eyes when I asked him why he was so down. He says I ask him all the time and he’s sick of explaining it’s his job and that he never ever gets any downtime. I know how he feels because I am the same but that’s what happens when you decide to be a bloody parent! I don’t know how to help him anymore I just do t know what to do. It’s been almost a year of this change in him and i miss us so much. He has had 2 sessions with a psychologist but then he decided he was getting better. I am honestly at a dead end I don’t know what to do.

Shadowgirl Overwhelming heartache
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I don’t really know where to start. Am feeling so weighed down by life and the toxic people in my world. I have so much to say - but words don’t come out. Just a deep sadness in my family that I fear will never heal.

I don’t really know where to start. Am feeling so weighed down by life and the toxic people in my world. I have so much to say - but words don’t come out. Just a deep sadness in my family that I fear will never heal.

white knight Fortress of survival part 3 (workplace)
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In parts 1 and 2, I concentrated on the theory that we with mental struggles often miss out on learning the "screening" process when people enter our lives. We don't hesitate to welcome them in and often, such people are not compatible to our persona... View more

In parts 1 and 2, I concentrated on the theory that we with mental struggles often miss out on learning the "screening" process when people enter our lives. We don't hesitate to welcome them in and often, such people are not compatible to our personalities and less suitable to tolerate the symptoms of our illness. One of the techniques I offered was to build your fortress and develop such processes. A person enters your life and instead of inviting them straight away into your 3rd floor lounge room you begin with an eye piece at the fortress door, then a foyer, then office and so on until they have passed various ongoing tests which is automatic in most people. The purpose of the fortress of survival is to protect you from people that hurt you, removing them from your life before your feelings are dependent. The workplace is different. Having had 90 jobs in 15 professions over 41 years and only ending up with two friends of any substance, my feelings are that there are many people like yourself that believe they have friends in the workplace when really those friendships are not friendships of any depth at all. The workplace is an environment where you have to survive. Your financial welfare depends on it earning an income. Often management know your dependency you have on your job and will use that leverage to get the best out of you often well over your capabilities particularly when ill and not performing at your best. Make no mistake very few work colleagues and supervisors right to the top will have tolerance for your illness. I'd recommend you not let out information on your illness. However, there could be a manager that you have faith in as he/she has displayed an appreciation of your work ethic and more importantly he/she has shown empathy for your struggle to carry out your work. Also be wary of any mania you have. Supervisors tend to "flog a willing horse" when distributing a workload. I call it "playing the game" where everyone else goes missing (or goes for a cigarette) when work comes wont ever win against these people so "if you cant beat them join them" meaning- go missing also. If a colleague is filing her nails instead of lifting her phone knowing you will do the the game with the least fanfare. Complain and you'll make enemies. Playing the game means being friendly with everyone but trusting of few if any. Survive the workplace by being a worker of over average output and remember the fortress of survival TonyWK

BeautifullyBROKeN One is the loneliest number - The fine line between excepting some hard truths, & trusting your own judgement.
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Hello Fellow Warriors, I have come here many times, and many times I have considered reaching out, but never made the time, or couldn't find the words. But today, I am making the time, and hoping that the words find me. Almost three years ago, Depres... View more

Hello Fellow Warriors, I have come here many times, and many times I have considered reaching out, but never made the time, or couldn't find the words. But today, I am making the time, and hoping that the words find me. Almost three years ago, Depression and I had a totally unexpected head on collision. In an instant my independent and established life, collapsed before my very own eyes. The main difference between my situation, and an actual head on collision, is that when you're in a head on collision with a vehicle, you're left hurt, dazed and confused, but you know that you should try not to move, and that trained medical emergency professionals are coming to your aid and will fight for your survival. That those who love and care about you, will rush to help and offer you support. But when you have a head on collision with depression, there is no 'stop, drop 'n roll' type learned guidance, nor are there any medical professionals coming to take control of this situation. There is only you....and a shit load of confusion, denial and the impending dark clouds of hopelessness. Well in hindsight, that's how it felt. I continued to fall deeper into my hole for a long time, and struggled to find the right kind of help and support for me.... Any who, fast forward to now, and while I am not depressed anymore, nor am I taking medication. I just can't seem to loose the shackles completely and return to the real world. I have lost my identity and my purpose. I never realised (until I met my black dog) how important some of life's 'givens', like having a loving partner, feeling appreciated, getting married, and having a family were to me. Over the last three years I have come to terms with, and fully excepted the fact that I might not experience these things, and thats ok. But I have not been able to find a new dream to chase, or passion to follow that enlists the same type of fundamental fulfillment in me. I worry I never will. Many people around me have felt that it is their duty to bring my, at times big emotions, and character flaws to my attention. This has happened many times. I am fully aware of how others feel I should behave emotionally, or how they would like me to behave. Now though, I can struggle to know if, and when, I can or should, trust my own judgement. This in turn does not help my issues with confidence and self worth.....Sigh! I'm out of characters, so I'll wrap it up there for now. Thanks for listening. x

Lucyinthesky marriage breakdown and don't know what to do
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Have been married to my husband for 9yrs (together for 17yrs) and we have 2 beautiful young children. But things haven't been good for many years, we have had lots of other challenges along the way (work-related, health, deaths in the family etc) and... View more

Have been married to my husband for 9yrs (together for 17yrs) and we have 2 beautiful young children. But things haven't been good for many years, we have had lots of other challenges along the way (work-related, health, deaths in the family etc) and have stumbled along but now it really feels like there is no future together. It is at the point where we can hardly stand to be in the same room together, there is no intimacy and I hate how he is sometimes with our son, he can be so strict and venomous towards him when he is naughty and it breaks my heart (I am crying as I type this!) There are trust issues too, I don't think he has actually cheated on me but I found messages on his phone related to a hook up site (when I was 7m pregnant with our second child) and a couple of weeks ago found that he had a condom in his wallet; when I confronted him about it he pretty much turned it around on me and said he didnt see why I'd be bothered anyway as we don't have any intimacy anymore. I have told him things cannot go on like this and we are miserable all the time, I have suggested counselling (both as a couple and individually) but he shows no interest. We are in a tricky situation in that we are from overseas and are currently in the process of applying for permanent visas, and have no family (or really close friends) here. Sometimes I wonder if he is just hanging on until our visas are accepted (as it is based on my job rather than him) and then he will leave. I feel so helpless. I cannot bear to think that this is how our lives will be from now on, but with 2 small children and the fact we do not have support around us, cannot see an easy way to separate, especially as I am not in a position to be able to work and look after our children on my own (not that he would want that, he has said he would never want to lose contact with his children). I have found myself looking at accommodation nearby so that maybe we can take it in turns to have space apart, but not sure we can afford this....feel trapped and so low I feel if we didn't have the kids I would have walked out long ago. Has anyone been through similar or have any advice? Even just typing this out feels like a bit of a relief, so thanks for reading....

single_mum_extraordinaire Feeling emotional and angry
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Hi All, I’ve decided to join this forum so I can talk about how I’m feeling to people who don’t know me or my story. 5.5 years ago I separated from my Fiancée and father of my 2 girls aged 5 & 7. It’s been tough but I’ve come this far. We used to do ... View more

Hi All, I’ve decided to join this forum so I can talk about how I’m feeling to people who don’t know me or my story. 5.5 years ago I separated from my Fiancée and father of my 2 girls aged 5 & 7. It’s been tough but I’ve come this far. We used to do shared agreement so 50/50 but 12 months ago I took them full time. He has moved to a good 50km from me and the girls with his now fiancée (2 year relationship) and is barely around to help out or be at any schooling events for the girls. I feel like when we decided on me having them full time he would still assist and be there but he isn’t. I feel stuck because I have put my whole life on hold, I have sacrificed so much, I am missing out on things I want to do because I’m raising these girls on my own. I’m emotional and angry at everyone around me because they’re happy, they’re doing great things, they have great relationships, loving normal families, great jobs and here I am just getting through each week financially and emotionally. Am I supposed to feel like this forever? Will things ever get easier. If you’d asked me at 21 where I seen myself at 31, it wouldn’t be here. This isn’t what I planned.

PauloF Girlfriend lives overseas - what do I do?
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I’m from Australia and a girl from Germany come here on a working holiday. We hit it off pretty fast and cut a long story short we were dating while she was here. She then left to travel Australia for 2 months which we kept constant contact. When she... View more

I’m from Australia and a girl from Germany come here on a working holiday. We hit it off pretty fast and cut a long story short we were dating while she was here. She then left to travel Australia for 2 months which we kept constant contact. When she come back nothing had changed and things had gotten better between us and we decided to try long distance. She has now been back in Germany 2 months and wants me to go visit her around September which is the time I could get off work. I’m worried about going to visit her because I’d have to stay at her family home with her parents and I’m not sure if they would appreciate that all that much. I plan to move to London within the next year to work for a while so we were going to keep the relationship going and then possibly look at other options in terms of moving to where the other one lives if we are still going strong. She insists she likes me a lot and really wants it to work and is pushing me to go over and I want to I’m just worried about such a big trip in case something goes wrong plus the massive cultural difference between Australia and Germany and the obvious fact I cannot speak German. Could someone please give me any advice. I really like this girl and feel a real connection. Thanks

fifowife the struggling fifo wife. The emotional yo-yo of my fifo household.
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He went back to work yesterday. When I had work, I am normally too busy to feel this sapping, draining flatness that is dragging me down today... and has been since I was made redundant in august. you see, I feel like I can't speak out to people abou... View more

He went back to work yesterday. When I had work, I am normally too busy to feel this sapping, draining flatness that is dragging me down today... and has been since I was made redundant in august. you see, I feel like I can't speak out to people about how him working away can take its toll. "Oh I am sure the money will help ease your pain", "don't complain, you have got it good"...... But I don't. I am in a town 300 km from close family and friends. I have previously struggled with depression after years of trauma due to parental drug abuse, the death of my step brother, and then the crushing pain of watching my mother slowly die for years... until she finally did 5 years ago. I pulled myself put from under the black dog about 2 years back, and have been reasonably happy since. But feeling this way again is just tearing me apart. I know I should keep busy and active to stave off the bleakness, but this weighty sadness and lethargy settles on my shoulders week on week off... and I can't do anything besides the mere essentials... I am fiercely financially independent, and always pay my own way.. and not having an income is wearing me down. I have a job; but no work. I think that is compounding the stress/anxiety/depression weighing on me. I have been trying to quit smoking, to institute new routines in my home (never had one and don't know where to start!) Of exercise and healthy eating and productive use of my time.... I have tried therapists to help me learn to change and follow through on new goals. But I think this fifo lifestyle is not helping. Every week when he leaves, I am flat and lethargic and overcome with sadness for a day or so. The constant changes emotionally is making it hard for me to try and be better, do better, live better. And now we going to try for a family, I am terrified I am going to end up like my mum. Terrified I don't have her around, terrified of doing this alone 6 months of the year. Stressed about money, trying to learn to be a functional adult, trying to learn how to make positive long term lasting life style changes, and every week, I feel like I lose ground. Any other fifo wives or people who can relate to my story, and who share your experiences and what helped you deal with a fifo husband, and making positive changes for the long term? How did you or are you doing it? Note: moving not an option, nor is leaving my marriage. I need to work on me to make this work. OTHER THREADS BY FIFO WORKERS AND FAMILIES Fifo husband left wondering and confused all the time Withdrawing and sadness How to care for myself while caring for depressed husband Struggle street with partner

Susiec My depressed husband wants to leave, but won’t leave.
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My marriage is an absolute mess right now as my husband says he doesn’t love me and wants to leave. He said he wants to find peace on his own, He says everything about me irritates him and that he is so unhappy, this has been going on for the past 6 ... View more

My marriage is an absolute mess right now as my husband says he doesn’t love me and wants to leave. He said he wants to find peace on his own, He says everything about me irritates him and that he is so unhappy, this has been going on for the past 6 - 8 month, but he won’t leave and thinks I should, as he doesn’t want to leave the kids. Everytime we communicate right now, about anything, he turns it around to talk about himself and wanting to leave. He says very mean things to me, is angry and his first reaction is to yell at all of us. Tonight we had a behaviour issue with our son, I tried to discuss this calmly with him, but he can’t cope and turned it again to our marriage. He even said he was opting out of parenting. He has a history of bipolar, but has convinced himself he is over that, takes no meds, does not look after himself and is a binge drinker and will not seek any help, even though I believe he is crying out for help. Our home life now is unbearable, we all walk on egg shells waiting for the next explosion. i am so stressed and the kids are withdrawing from their Dad. I am at a loss as to what to do, I try and be strong, but I’m exhausted now and no idea what to do next. i would appreciate any advice from others who have been in this situation.

Nomdad Feeling isolated and controlled
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A bit of background info. My wife and I have been married for 9 years. She suffers from anxiety, depression, and OCD to varying degrees. She refuses to treat these with either medication or therapy. I entered the relationship with a very naive view t... View more

A bit of background info. My wife and I have been married for 9 years. She suffers from anxiety, depression, and OCD to varying degrees. She refuses to treat these with either medication or therapy. I entered the relationship with a very naive view that I could help her work through her problems and eventually "fix" it. For the first 6-7 years her condition was quite bad. She suffered frequent panic attacks, isolated herself (and me) from everyone, and required constant support and attention. The only way I could deal with this was to disconnect from friends, stop speaking to my family, give up my hobbies, and focus solely on her and keeping her happy. This worked well at the expense of my individuality. I was now a robot that would work, cook, clean, and give any spare moment to her. I tried a number of times to bring up my feelings but was shot down immediately and told I was being horrible and making her feel worthless and depressed. Whenever I got too fed up and went against what she wanted, she would tell me she has nothing left in life and would threaten suicide. In more recent years her condition has improved. I'm still doing everything but the panic attacks stopped and her depression was under control. Things seemed to be going well, my robot ways had improved things. We now have 2 kids together. My wife decided to be the stay at home mum while I work. However, with the added burden of looking after 2 kids, I have been getting overwhelmed with everything. I am also taking over looking after the kids when I get home on top of everything. Most nights I am still awake doing chores when I need to feed my child at 1am. This leads to a 2am bed time when I have to be up at 5 at the latest to get to work. When I bring up how exhausted I am and ask for help I get told that her friends partners are doing everything for them and that I'm a chauvinist for expecting her to do anything after she has looked after the kids all day. Her anxiety is at a stage where I need to make late night trips to shops and pharmacies to stock up on spare formula or nappies because she doesnt want to risk something going wrong and being left without them. This is seen as normal. I brought up my concerns that her anxiety might be stating to get worse again and I have been told that I'm gaslighting and if I bring it up again I will be reported to the police for domestic abuse. I dont know what to do and I cant really talk to anyone about it.