Relationship and family issues

Anything to do with managing relationships and family, including parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships.


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Chris_B PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING: 3 important tips to get the most out of this section
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Hi everyone, The Relationships & Family Issues section is one of the busiest here on our forums. It's also one of the areas where we find members can get themselves into trouble! Before posting here, take a deep breath and be mindful of the following... View more

Hi everyone, The Relationships & Family Issues section is one of the busiest here on our forums. It's also one of the areas where we find members can get themselves into trouble! Before posting here, take a deep breath and be mindful of the following 3 tips: 1. Do you really want to share this with the world? This is a public forum. Are you thinking of posting something that could identify you to a friend or family member? Once you've posted, you can't delete what you've written and we don't take posts down from here unless they've broken one of our community rules. This is because our members spend a lot of time composing replies, and there is a much wider audience that gets a lot out of reading what has been written. It's not fair to ask the community for support, then ask to have it removed once you've read it so others can't also benefit. Use discretion when posting here - think about the level of detail you are sharing, and think also about who might know you are posting here. Also, please keep it clean: this is an all ages forum and explicit discussions about sexual problems are not permitted. Threads and posts of this nature will be removed and your account placed on a moderation hold. 2. What do you want to get out of posting here? Relationship and family issues are stressful. Members sometimes post here seeking advice about a relationship that has broken down, but find themselves getting upset when they don't agree with the response they get. This is a peer support forum, meaning we are not mental health professionals. We are people of all ages and backgrounds, with a wide range of life experiences. While we aim for our discussions to be conducted respectfully, people here will respond with the truth as they see it, from their own experiences and perspectives. We are not here to take sides. Offence is almost never intentional, but it can be sometimes taken. The advice you will see here is not intended to be a substitute for professional counselling. 3. What other support do you have? Most people posting on our forums (about any issue) use this space as a supplement to other supports. This forum is not and cannot be a substitute for offline supports, but it is often a good place to start the ball rolling and find the courage for seeking help. If you are relying solely on an internet forum to resolve your relationship or family issues, you are likely to be disappointed. Check out the Healthy Homes section of our Healthy Families website for further information and resources.

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Sweetmonkey71 Where to from here?
  • replies: 4

Hello to everyone, I am not sure what to do, I have been married for nearly 14 years to my second husband who I have loved dearly. Howeve, last week I had my ex over from interstate and they both went to the footy but it did not end well. My ex is il... View more

Hello to everyone, I am not sure what to do, I have been married for nearly 14 years to my second husband who I have loved dearly. Howeve, last week I had my ex over from interstate and they both went to the footy but it did not end well. My ex is ill and we are not sure what is going to happen. Anyway he stayed with us for the weekend, and he witnessed the most horrific situation that he has ever seen and that was my husband was screaming, swearing abuse at both of us about no one listens to him and then one thing led to another and he must of fell down at least 4 times on the floor and was hot. My ex and tried to cool him down also I tried to call police and ambulance but he bolted up and shouted 'NO'. It came to a point where my husband attempted suicide. My husband does not remember this part at all. Also he had the nerve to raise his hand in front of my face and my ex faces like he was going to hit us. He has previously been bad before but to do this with other people is a worry. My ex called him a monster to my face and said he never wants to see my husband ever again and he is not welcome into the home the day he dies for the sake of our two sons (they are young men). I completely understand this but the image in our heads and how he behaved has got me worried and this week has been hard. he carries on like nothing has happened. There was no drinking or drugs involved. He does not have a job as he had a workplace injury a cupule of years ago. I completely understand his frame of mind would not be the best. but he will not seek help. I have no confidence left I am battling health issues myself, I have no close friends anymore as my husband drives them away. Anyway I have rambled on enough to where I think you would see the point. I would like some advice please to what do I do if he doesnt want to get help or take ownership?

Evvee I can't stop over thinking.
  • replies: 6

Im ruining everything.. People sit there and say oh it's not you, but it is. I can't think straight I'm happy one day enjoying everything then I'm angry so angry the next it just happens. Waves of emotions. Freaking out like I'm not good enough, like... View more

Im ruining everything.. People sit there and say oh it's not you, but it is. I can't think straight I'm happy one day enjoying everything then I'm angry so angry the next it just happens. Waves of emotions. Freaking out like I'm not good enough, like I'm the reason everything is going wrong. My partner smokes weed, and it drives me crazy. I'm fine with the every now and then. But every say is annoying. It's no linger a lovey relationship it's me fighting for attention. To the point where I get angry and grab his phone or poke him.. I know. It's wrong. I get called crazy, psycho. Yea probably am that. I don't have friends or family. We moved in pretty quickly. I have my own place to go to if needed but I'm just struggling. I'm scared of loosing everything. I get told he regrets his decision on being with me bc I'm so crazy, that his wasting his time with me, no point taking me to family events so he doesn't waste his families time. Bc I cause drama every day. I've told him I'm struggling and I just get told tk relax. I feel like I can't talk about my past bc his not interested or it hurts him. I'm so stuck. I'm over this emotional roller-coaster everyday. I'm exhausted, I feel like Im wasting everyone's time. I was fine this morning on top of the world and now I'm in a heap. One small thing and it just sets me in a course of over thinking, he might step out for a bit and j think the worst. His not even doing anything. I can't stop I'm hurt, I dont want this relationship to end.. I dint want to act like this. It's not me. I miss me...

Tote442 Feeling crushed under the weight of the grief of a recent break up
  • replies: 2

Hi, This is my first time posting. I still feel raw after breaking up with my girlfriend - by email, then talking about it face-to-face. The waves of emotions are hard to describe - there is guilt, emptiness, sadness, despair. I feel a lump in my thr... View more

Hi, This is my first time posting. I still feel raw after breaking up with my girlfriend - by email, then talking about it face-to-face. The waves of emotions are hard to describe - there is guilt, emptiness, sadness, despair. I feel a lump in my throat sometimes. My chest is heavy. I suddenly feel weak and I need to collapse somewhere and curl up and cry. Keeping this at bay while putting on a brave face can be exhausting. And I'll be honest, although I can describe, using reason, why I broke up with her, I don't know why I am going on or what I want in life anymore. I feel that meaning is extinguished and I can't make sense of it anymore. The emotion will settle sometimes and I think I'm fine, then it comes surging up again. I don't want this to be true. I feel sorry for myself and for her. I don't want to be alone processing this awful experience. I feel unprepared and drained. It is so much bigger than me, and I feel weak by comparison. But I don't know who to turn to - I don't feel the closeness and trust I need in family and friends to make myself vulnerable this way and tell them about something so personal and intimate. I keep doing things, like eating or going about my life, by instinct or routine, but it feels senseless. I can detach and observe myself, even examine myself doing what I am doing, or in the clutches of grief. What I want to do most is get on my hands and knees and tell her how sorry I am and that there must be a way to make it ok again, even though I know there isn't. My reason tells me it is the right thing to do, breaking up with her, and I need to do this to look after myself, but I experience this as feeling so wrong. Four years of my life - ended. My grief is beyond words. The only thing that makes sense is my grief - it is a raw pain like a gaping wound. And I know I won't be ok tomorrow, or the day after. I suppose I need to share this or lighten this - but how? I'm told I have to go through this, give myself time to grieve. The pain makes me want to scream. The guilt makes me want to feel as small as possible. I don't know what is right or wrong anymore - I feel lost. I don't have any direction. Yet somehow I can't get rid of my survival needs. I'm so unprepared. It is overwhelming. I want to go back and change things, but I can't. I can only carry around this awful pain.

SingleMum123 Feeling overwhelmed after rejoining workforce
  • replies: 2

Hello I'm reaching out because I feel so overwhelmed right now. I just recently separated from my husband. I have also started full time work after having a long career break. The work training is quite intensive and I don't get rest at home being a ... View more

Hello I'm reaching out because I feel so overwhelmed right now. I just recently separated from my husband. I have also started full time work after having a long career break. The work training is quite intensive and I don't get rest at home being a single parent. My ex-partner is possibly autistic (based on my GPs opinion) and doesn't show me any empathy or much support. I feel like I want to quit the job but I can't due to needing the money. I nearly cried at work today. It almost has been 2 weeks since I started and I'm already tired of the before and after school care pick ups and drop off's. My ideal thing was to find something part time and closer to home but had no luck. I don't know where to come up for air. please advise. thanks.

Stewmi Parenting decisions in blended family
  • replies: 4

This is my second marriage. My kids who are now young adults and late teens have always been in my care. My husband new this when he first insisted to date me. He has 2 young children not yet teens. We are the same age. My older kids dont live at hom... View more

This is my second marriage. My kids who are now young adults and late teens have always been in my care. My husband new this when he first insisted to date me. He has 2 young children not yet teens. We are the same age. My older kids dont live at home. Theyre not in trouble and are well. I have a close relationship with them, theyve only moved out for independence. They got along with my husband. They come back to visit regularly like once a week sometimes they may stay over. Not all at once but to say hello or feel at home. One of them needs to come home as living out there is not working out. My husband does not want any of them back home and he doesnt like them coming regularly. I dont understand as they're not interfering. They're polite and considerate. We have been very accepting of he and his boys as they are our family. But this stance of its his way or the highway i dont understand. I have to ask his permission first and I tend to not anymore because theyre my kids they have noone else as their bio dad doesnt bother and the answer is always no, i don't accept his reason of they need to learn to be more independent. They moved out. I get that but we're a family and my door is open with boundaries ofcourse but his boundaries are like for his younger kids. I can see where hes coming from but theres somethings that arent age or developmentally appropriate. Its a new way of his being and I'm stressing to accept it. Im scared to talk with him as i feel im not heard.

CrazyMaisie I made a mistake and my guilt kills me
  • replies: 2

Hello to whoever is reading this, I have always considered myself a very strong morale, loyal bubbly person. I come from a family of all women as every father/step father I’ve had has cheated on my mother and left. I suffer from severe anxiety so I r... View more

Hello to whoever is reading this, I have always considered myself a very strong morale, loyal bubbly person. I come from a family of all women as every father/step father I’ve had has cheated on my mother and left. I suffer from severe anxiety so I react in ways that I almost can’t control. I’m an impulsive person and have retaliation tendencies The last 3 years I have been in a relationship with someone extremely quiet and different to me. I have settled for a lot, however he has grown heaps and has never sworn at me, hurt me or anything like that. He cherishes the ground I walk on, is INCREDIBLY loyal to the point where no other woman is attractive (not that he will ever admit it) and I love him but I have always felt like there was a slight link missing between us. I have stronger friendships with other people. Recently I hung out with a guy best mate and we kissed and did things (not sex). I didn’t see it coming and I wish it didn’t happen and now my guilt has engulfed me. I love my bf but for a while I just haven’t felt whole. He knows me better than anyone and he adores me and I just turn around and do dumb stuff like this because I am incapable of taking care of myself and my mental health help me, I never imagined I’d be this person and I hate that I have become my worst nightmare. What do I do

Thetiredwife Feeling broken and under appreciated.
  • replies: 4

I’ve been depressed my whole life but I’m highly medicated for ptsd and still struggling. I have a family of special needs kids, I work .7 and my husband who I’ve been with for 20 years is emotionally distant. Always has been. I feel like I’ve spent ... View more

I’ve been depressed my whole life but I’m highly medicated for ptsd and still struggling. I have a family of special needs kids, I work .7 and my husband who I’ve been with for 20 years is emotionally distant. Always has been. I feel like I’ve spent all this time setting myself up for failure. I am stuck in my job and my life. I feel trapped in my void where love should be and I don’t know how to fix it. I spend every waking hour dealing with specialists for myself and my kids and my husband won’t even consider any sort of counselling to assist our issues with communication or even his own mental health. I can’t/won’t leave him. I can’t change careers. I do way too much around the house and my kids are extremely difficult bordering on endangering myself and each other and seem to lack any capability to pitch in at all or treat me with respect. I am broken, lost and desperate.

Orchard Other woman claiming to be pregnant
  • replies: 43

I have been in this relationship for better part of 10 years, my partner took a job at the start of the year which required him not to come home - early start, late finishes, then I found out that another female was there needless to say I had my sus... View more

I have been in this relationship for better part of 10 years, my partner took a job at the start of the year which required him not to come home - early start, late finishes, then I found out that another female was there needless to say I had my suspicions. Then she messaged me saying she was pregnant with his child, we had been in a break to sort things out. He told me that he did indeed have relations with her but with no intention to be with her, however, she has threatened me, sent over 40 messages claiming he is kicking me out so she can move in, has vandalised his things, gone through everything blabbed around the town personal information. She claimed that she would provide test results, but it’s been three days and nothing, she refuses to do a DNA test on said child. I’m fearful because I don’t see her stopping until she gets what she wants which seems to be my life, the house etc. does anyone have any insight into what I should do? Ignore her until she can prove otherwise? Counseling? I’m struggling to see the end to which lengths she will go. I feel what she has sent is half truths and what she wants me to believe. She is going to the extent of driving past, wanting to confront me. I feel that she is claiming to be pregnant to keep him, I feel she needs some professional help.

Country Mum 82 In law trouble
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Hi all I am after some advice from anyone who may have experience dealing with a similar situation. How do you handle when you don't get along with your inlaws very well? We use to get along okay but since my 3 children have come along, my inlaws hav... View more

Hi all I am after some advice from anyone who may have experience dealing with a similar situation. How do you handle when you don't get along with your inlaws very well? We use to get along okay but since my 3 children have come along, my inlaws have become jealous of my own parents as obviously I am closer to them, and so they treat them poorly (ignore them, leave them out of things) and this makes me really cross. I don't like seeing my parents left out and treated unfairly when they have done nothing wrong. It makes me not want to be around the inlaws ever but obviously there are times where I have to. My parents dont want to bring the issue up with them as they dont want to start a family war, but not sure how to get it through to the inlaws that their behaviour is not acceptable. We all live very close (within a few streets of each other) so that makes it all even harder!

noharmstartingover Harrassment
  • replies: 4

Hi all, Needing some advice on dealing with a situation. I separated from my wife and have started seeing someone. My ex wife calls and harasses this person and makes repeated calls on private numbers. I am unsure how to handle this as it is affectin... View more

Hi all, Needing some advice on dealing with a situation. I separated from my wife and have started seeing someone. My ex wife calls and harasses this person and makes repeated calls on private numbers. I am unsure how to handle this as it is affecting the new relationship I have formed. Any ideas?