Relationship and family issues

Anything to do with managing relationships and family, including parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships.


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BeyondBlue Hey there - read this to see what this section is all about
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Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a ... View more

Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a negative way. As always, we want to hear your story and how it impacts you and encourage everyone to support each other with kindness. There are a few things to consider when posting in this section so we can all get the most out of it: Everyone’s situation is unique. We all do our best to share what is important in our story but we can never share it all. Let’s be mindful we can’t know all of everyone’s story. Anonymous but public. These posts are available to everyone and while the moderation team will keep it anonymous, its still up for everyone to read. Have a think about what you want to share to get the best support for you. Please stay safe. This space is an amazing way to seek support from others who might understand what you are going through. We want to hear how you are going and what is happening for you. Please also consider 1800RESPECT if you don’t feel safe or 000 if you are in danger right now. You deserve to be safe. Thank you again for joining this conversation, your contributions are worthy and important to us here. Beyond Blue

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Blue69 Emotional abuse
  • replies: 7

I have 5 kids. Not to current partner. Son in primary school lives with me and I’m banned from my other kids because they don’t work and take drugs. My man drinks but because he has a job it doesn’t matter. He throws thousands at his nephew for motor... View more

I have 5 kids. Not to current partner. Son in primary school lives with me and I’m banned from my other kids because they don’t work and take drugs. My man drinks but because he has a job it doesn’t matter. He throws thousands at his nephew for motorcross racing but if I lend ten dollars to my son I don’t live it down. He caused a fight and banned me from going with them to the races. Calls me lazy when I cook and clean and massage and brave face for my son. Valentine’s Day his nephew got gifts but not me. He spent an hour on the phone with his nephew and said I was stupid for getting upset. His going to Hawaii this year and I can’t go with him. He says he loves me and it’s just fantasy but he is verbally abusive. It’s like 100 red flags but he says it’s all in my head and I’m crazy and psycho. He says because I put on weight since we met I’m being clingy and paranoid. I can’t breathe right but can’t talk to him. He says his money and none of my business. I don’t know how to explain it but I can’t go and I’m broken.

JM2020 Wife has new male best friend
  • replies: 36

I am hoping someone out there can give me their unbiased opinion. This may or may not help me from going out of my mind. To begin with, i have been married since 2009, my wife and I have always been on separate ends of the 'emotional spectrum. She te... View more

I am hoping someone out there can give me their unbiased opinion. This may or may not help me from going out of my mind. To begin with, i have been married since 2009, my wife and I have always been on separate ends of the 'emotional spectrum. She tends to me highly emotional whereas i am on the complete opposite end. Despite the differences we have made it work well and kind of balance each other out. However, from time to time it does create some tension. Over the past couple of years my wife has attended a personal training group, which is great, she has always suffered from social anxiety so to see her enjoy being around a new group of people and to witness the improvement of her mental health has been fantastic. However it did not take long until she started spending time with a male friend from this group. As well as group sessions, they meet on non group days and train together alone for up to 3-4 hour sessions. This usually includes lunch, coffee, etc. So they end up seeing each other everyday whether in a group or not. This also includes texts and phone calls throughout the day. I have questioned her about this. and have told her i am uncomfortable with the frequency, not necessarily the fact she has a male best friend. She has told me that they do have feeling for each other, they have discussed this in detail and have vowed not to act on it. They recognise that it is natural that and two people spending this amount of time with each other are bound to develop feelings, however its whether they act on it or not that counts. This doesn't sit right with me. Just because you have recognised it, and have been open with me about it doesn't make it right or less hurtful. This male friend has the emotional personality traits that i dont have, so it makes sense that she is attracted to him and wants to spend so much time with him. But where does this leave me? I cant help feeling she would rather be with him than me? why wouldn't she, right? Is she better off with him? I dont want to stop the friendship, 1. due to the improvement in her mental health, 2. why should i? if my discomfort isnt enough, shouldnt she recognise the problem a pull back? over the past 6 months this has put me in a depressed state, and if anything it has put more distance between my wife and I. I cant help feeling that without this guy out of the picture, we can not repair our marriage. I am seriously considering leaving her.

B-hopeful My son walked out on me,I'm torn
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I feel like my heart has been torn out of me. It happened all in a few minutes. Son just comes to my bedroom and says he needs to talk to me. Says he wants to move out,i asked why. He wants his independence and so on. There's absolutely no reason no ... View more

I feel like my heart has been torn out of me. It happened all in a few minutes. Son just comes to my bedroom and says he needs to talk to me. Says he wants to move out,i asked why. He wants his independence and so on. There's absolutely no reason no problem but just like that he says he's leaving whether i like it or not. He's 24ys old. He said a few things but thats not the reason for leaving, it doesn't make sense. I feel like a fool,i trusted him,he had this planned. Im heartbroken. I don't know how to make it stop the heartache.

anon143 How do you approach a family member about family issues?
  • replies: 5

I’m unsure how to start a conversation with an older immediate family member about the mistreatment my little one (3 yo) is facing from her eldest son & daughter. The mistreatment includes name calling, having a passive aggressive nature towards my s... View more

I’m unsure how to start a conversation with an older immediate family member about the mistreatment my little one (3 yo) is facing from her eldest son & daughter. The mistreatment includes name calling, having a passive aggressive nature towards my son, treating him differently to other family members the same age & similar. The two also “teach” my son to swear. I have faced backlash in the past from this elder immediate family member. Due to the exact same treatment as a child, myself. That did not end well on my terms. How do I approach this without coming off wrong or confronting? My first gut instinct is to vent my frustration but that’s not what I want to teach my son. Advice? I want to resolve this in a friendly but firm way if that makes sense but I don’t want it to reach the point of where I’m coming off hostile or ‘coming at two family members younger than me’.

Ccccccc Confused if I would leave or not
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Iv been with my partner for 3 years we have a dog and a house together. lately I just don’t feel happy with him he works in the agriculture industry and we had a very long harvest 11 weeks plus the lead up. we finally went away for a bit of a holiday... View more

Iv been with my partner for 3 years we have a dog and a house together. lately I just don’t feel happy with him he works in the agriculture industry and we had a very long harvest 11 weeks plus the lead up. we finally went away for a bit of a holiday and all we did was fight. i feel very forgotten by him and I wanted to be spoilt for once I do so much for him and I just wanted to to feel like a priority for once. iv been wanting to get married and I know he has a ring but he won’t give it to me- every time he tells me there to much going on - like his cousin got engaged a month ago and a few issues in the community I’m really struggling I have ptsd, anxiety and depression. Iv just had surgery aswell so I don’t know if it’s the anesthesia that has affected my moods. im over fighting. We are fighting over everything what we want have changed so much. I’m lost do I leave or stay. We live in a remote town and if I move out I won’t be able to work.

MissJ94 Be honest, am I overreacting?
  • replies: 8

Just a little back story first: I had my son at 17, hes now 10. I had to grow up FAST, didnt get a change to be young and free. But i did it, studied and am now a registered nurse but honestly still struggling. Ive been out of work since September. I... View more

Just a little back story first: I had my son at 17, hes now 10. I had to grow up FAST, didnt get a change to be young and free. But i did it, studied and am now a registered nurse but honestly still struggling. Ive been out of work since September. Ive wanted another baby for 8+ years. No baby came when i was with my ex(not sons father), everyone thought we would have ended up married and have kids but i realised how abusive he was and left, extremely glad now that i didnt have a baby with him. But that strong desire to have another baby is still there. I get quite emotional when people i know announce their pregnancy. Theres that excitement and joy for them but then theres that sadness that 8 years later and im no where near close to having another baby. I have my cry, sleep on it and am ok, if anything it just motivates me to do what i can now to prepare for another baby. Tonight though!!!! It was my primary school best friend who announced that shes pregnant! I shared that news with my mum because thats just what i do, shes usually the first i go to to share stuff like that. But tonight she responds with "Ill let you in on a secret, its the ones that are most promiscuous that dont fall pregnant! Nan always used to say sluts dont fall pregnant". So me already being a bit emotional and starting to have my little cry that i do, that turned into a massive meltdown, ive cried to the point my head is killing me now. To me, i feel like her saying that is literally her calling me a slut because i havent had my second child and thats what my nan would say about me now because i havent given my son a sibling. And thats after being called a slut by almost everyone back when i was pregnant with my son because i was so young (i got pregnant to the one guy i had ever slept with at the time!). So her saying what she did has really hit me tonight. I sent "wow maybe why i havent had a second child yet", she responds with "lol" and i sent back "not funny.". Then shes gone to try to change the subject before realising that i wasnt replying and started bombing me with me messages saying she meant its the sneaky teens who dont get pregnant, its the innocent ones who do. Theres about 30 messages she sent. But no matter the reason behind it, i feel like ive been called a slut by my own mum. She knows ive been wanting to have another baby for years and then thinks thats something appropriate to say. So tell me, am i overreacting??

Sensible Sea Feeling anxious about (future) mother in law. How to move forward?
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My partner's mum doesn't seem to like me. She started off nice towards me, but slowly over time things have changed. I've been with my partner nearly 6 years and she has always had issues with her mum growing up. Some things her mum has said/done tha... View more

My partner's mum doesn't seem to like me. She started off nice towards me, but slowly over time things have changed. I've been with my partner nearly 6 years and she has always had issues with her mum growing up. Some things her mum has said/done that bother me include: (to me) "I think you would have been a very difficult child". (to my partner, about me) "I don't need to know about her problems, I don't need that negativity, tell her not to tell me those things". Never asks me how I am, never asks about me, doesn't seem to want to know or care. Constantly changes the topic to herself when anyone else speaks about themselves. (to my partner) "What are all those spots on your face?" (referring to her pimples) & "Wow, you're so pale, you really need to tan" - just negative comments about my partners appearance in general that I find very rude & my partner feels upset about. She accidentally bleached her new towels, then blamed my partner for it when we visited one weekend, calling her the "towel wrecker". Regifting items as my Christmas presents - free items & products from hotel rooms/work functions, expired beauty products, broken/faulty things that I end up throwing away - whilst showering my partner with enormous amounts of expensive gifts. My partner feels uncomfortable with the amount her mum spends on her and has asked her to tone it back, but she hasn't. Undermining me - I bought my partner a coffee plunger & mug for work, and then my partners mum bought her the exact same things afterwards (she knew). Giving unwanted items - She recently tried to pack some food into my bag when we visited - without asking - I removed it telling her "thanks but we won't eat it, I appreciate the thought though", so I gave it back. Then, whilst I wasn't looking, she snuck out to my car and put that food behind my passenger seat. She is unable to take no for an answer, constantly disrespecting my wishes no matter how trivial. This resulted with me messaging her, thanking her, then asking her to "ask us next time so you don't go to so much trouble for something we don't need". She then texted my partner, telling her my message was so rude & mean that it made her cry. She then implied I don't truly love my partner for who she is & said, "I hope you're happy with her". I haven't spoken to her since. My partner is also unhappy about what her mum said. My partners mum texted her today asking to talk - and I'm now anxious about that, thinking what's going to happen next?

Doberman38 Dysfunctional parents; don't know what to do
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I'm in my 20s and still live with my parents, but I've been increasingly unable to tolerate their somewhat turbulent relationship. This has been going on for years but now I've really had enough of it. My dad is a nice, intelligent and funny middle-a... View more

I'm in my 20s and still live with my parents, but I've been increasingly unable to tolerate their somewhat turbulent relationship. This has been going on for years but now I've really had enough of it. My dad is a nice, intelligent and funny middle-aged person, but he can also be overbearing, stubborn, short-fused and rude, particularly towards mum. He gets unnecessarily angry over the most minor things, which can sometimes lead to incomprehensible shouting. He often takes any kind criticism or advice as hostility, and responds accordingly. He also has no patience with people and he often berates my mum for not doing something correctly or misunderstanding. This sometimes results in her dissolving into tears. She also has her own emotional issues and she does have a tendency to overreact, but that doesn't diminish how clearly hurtful this behaviour is. One of the things that I particularly want to stop is how he sometimes refers to her with expletives if he's frustrated with something she, in his mind, hasn't done properly. He never says any of this to her face, and it seems like frustrated venting not intended for others to hear, but I often can hear it and it's unpleasant. I really hope I haven't given the impression that he's a really horrible person or that this is non-stop. He's always stubborn and irritable, but the more over-the-top stuff is occasional. He's friendly, generous, caring and very against misogyny. I really don't think he understands how unreasonable his behaviour can be. The problem is, I'm at a complete loss as to how any sort of progress can be made. He doesn't like to talk much about how he feels. I've mulled over having some sort of conversation with him about it one day, in a very non-confrontational, father-son chat type manner. However, I'm really worried that this would just make things worse. I just feel totally powerless when it comes to this, every possible option seems bad. I love them both so much, and I'm certain they do too, but I just feel like there's no way to stop this unhappy situation.

Mellissa23 Marriage is ending
  • replies: 6

Hi, So this is the first time im posting and feeling ashamed to be even doing this, but I'm feeling very lonely. My marriage is breaking down, I've been with my husband for 13 years, we have 2 kids. For many years his family (mainly his sister) has b... View more

Hi, So this is the first time im posting and feeling ashamed to be even doing this, but I'm feeling very lonely. My marriage is breaking down, I've been with my husband for 13 years, we have 2 kids. For many years his family (mainly his sister) has been very cruel, very loud and opinionated and I have always been told to ignore. Its got to the point where I couldn't anymore and Ive had enough and took a stand for myself. My husband does not support me he doesn't see what his sister has done to me and takes her side. He doesn't see what his parents do and just sticks up for them. This has been going on for years now and our relationship is very toxic, yelling, arguing he has thrown and broken things. He puts me down alot, when we argue, has never complimented me which has lead me to lose all my self worth, feeling good about myself. We always had ups and downs, it has been 5 years since we have been intermediate. About 5 months ago I asked him does he feel attracted to me and said he did physically but not with the person I am inside. I am a good person, I try my hardest with everything I do. But he says me as a nagging wife towards his family. In that time we have had 2 X children (through IVF as I have a fertility issue) this has made me feel so unattractive, and low self esteem. Things got really bad where he left home, walked out on a 1 half year old and was pregnant at the time. I got access to an old phone checked his emails and was talking to another woman and talking "dirty". When I had confronted him he said he did it as he could see I was accessing his emails and wanted to get a reaction out of me. We had seperated and was going down the divorce road. I decided to try marriage counseling which we agreed to give it another shot. Even though deep down my trust is gone I can never forgive him for what he did even though I said I would move on. He has broken my trust and is not remorseful. To this day he doesn't admit he has cheated even though he had and saying be did it on purpose is a cop out. We have has another big argument since he has moved back in and just feel helpless, I feel guilty for my kids that I'm not giving them a happy home, I feel like a shit mum, a shit person and just feel low. I just want a husband to love me and care and protect me!

AlwaysAloneIrish Few/No Friends at 29… Am I doomed to be old and lonely?
  • replies: 13

First post on here, not sure if this is the right area. I’m male, 29, diagnosed Asperger’s 20 years ago. I’m gay, in a stable relationship and have a stable, full time job. I should be happy, right? I’m not happy. When I was at school, I was bullied ... View more

First post on here, not sure if this is the right area. I’m male, 29, diagnosed Asperger’s 20 years ago. I’m gay, in a stable relationship and have a stable, full time job. I should be happy, right? I’m not happy. When I was at school, I was bullied and ostracised for most of it, years 2 - 12. One of the jibes I always used to get was “no friends Nigel”, coming from large groups of students pointing and laughing at me on my own. I never had a single friend throughout school, I never got invited to parties or gatherings. After school ended I thought things would get better. But the group I fell into made me the butt of all jokes. This pattern has continued in the workplace. I’m nearly 30, have no solid friends and never get visitors. I’m always calling, messaging and asking to visit others. No one ever asks me to go out or invites me anywhere Do I have a huge tattoo on my forehead that says: “Hi, I am a vulnerable dickhead and I want you to hate me!” !?! I still get haunted by intrusive memories and I can still hear the boys from school laughing at me. Not anyone from school has contacted me in the 10 years since graduating, yet they all get together regularly. My point is, I was a social reject for a decade at school during my formative years. Am I now cursed to always be a social reject, no matter how hard I try to change it? and before you say “have you tried going to a psychologist?” I can’t get any appointments because normal healthy people have all of a sudden thought they need psychology. Now all psychologists and psychiatrists are closed appointment books, or cost an arm and leg to have my time wasted repeating the same story for no gain, again and again and again. I’m not paying $200 a session, including Medicare rebate for someone to sit there an nod their head, instead of doing their job and solving my problems.