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Anxiety and Depression in Relationship - Love or Not?
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I have been with my boyfriend for a little over 9 months. The first few weeks of getting together I can only describe as bliss, and I was the happiest I had felt in a long time. I would get excited to see him. I couldn't stop smiling and everything that comes with being in a new relationship you really like and begin to really love.
After the first two weeks of officially getting together though, something happened. I was at work one day and in the morning I thought that I was really falling in love with him and it made me very happy to think. However later that day when things were quiet I started to question: "Is this really what love is?" "Is this love or lust?" "Is it wrong to think like this?" Then I couldn't get these questions off my mind. I resorted to Google at the time and read horrible things like 'If you're questioning love then you're not in love.' and I started to freak out. I started to talk to my Mum and she's been helping me through it all but nothing she says really sinks in, and I still have these thoughts and question why I am having these thoughts. For the first month I woke up early mornings and unable to sleep. I was somehow able to get through this in time.
My boyfriend knew something was up and he has been my rock and trying his best to support me through this too. However up until recently he said he cannot cope anymore because nothing is sinking in.
I'm now really struggling with my thoughts. I'm waking up in the morning feeling sick again like I did a long time ago and it immediately makes me think about the relationship. My palms are always sweaty and my head is always feeling fuzzy. I have thoughts racing through my head every single day and I am always tired.
I am on medication.
I'm upset and I can't relax and I cannot just accept that everything in my mind is anxiety. I keep trying but unable to switch off. I have been told by my councilor that I have sever anxiety (with ODC tendencies), and by my psych that I have Depression and going through something called anhedonia.
My thoughts recently that I have to break up with him have been in my head and it's making me panic and cry all the time. My chest hurts, I cant breathe and sometimes feel like throwing up. I cant concentrate at work and have no motivation to do anything I used to enjoy doing.
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Scared and Confused and Smithsons, I read your post and it was like it was coming from my own head. I am right in the middle of feeling like you have described and it has given me unimaginable comfort to read your story. Thank you for being brave and speaking out. Thank you for giving me hope and optimism.
I hope we all find some comfort in sharing our stories, but most of all I hope we all find a way to manage what at times feels overwhelmingly impossible. I never thought I would join a forum like this until tonight. I got home from work and felt so hopeless at my thoughts that I didn't know how to cope or what to do. Thankyou for bringing me comfort, at a time when I truly didn't think anything could help.
MANY thanks
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Just like to reiterate the thanks from Guest_30 toward Scared and Confused and Smithsons. Can completely relate to all said. Finding an article that is described in such detail and which really helps you feel not so alone in your struggles is such a treasure
I'm a guy, 33, and have just had my first full encounter with anxiety beginning about 2 1/2 months back. It's all about thoughts relating to whether or not I like my girlfriend. Seems weird that I would get so distressed, anxious and perhaps above all, confused about feeljng convinced that I had to break up with with someone I'd only been seeing for a couple of months. And I suppose that's why I decided it didn't feel right and tried a therapist for the first time in my life
My thoughts are almost identical to those described in posts above, but I'll add a few of my own none the less. Doubts about my feelings toward my girlfriend. Maybe I'm not really into her, I'm wasting her time. I'm just going to hurt her, and because I'm empathetic and care about her, then it'll hurt us both. And yet all evidence points to the contrary: I do like her. I'm always making plans to hang out and enjoying it when we do. I admire her, respect her, enjoy her company, have excellent sexual chemistry with her. None of this is supposed to suggest that it's perfect - rather that it's awesome, and doesn't fit the bill for something I'd want to end
I get anxiety attacks when I have these serious doubts and feel maybe I'm going to lose her to my very strong thoughts that I should break up with her. I have to quickly find a private place in my sharehouse, such as my room, to pant loudly and sob. The thoughts become unstoppable
Again, seems strange to get so upset about the prospect of losing someone you've only recently met, and with whome you're not even in love with yet right? Yet that may be the reason it sucks so bad: I'm sad about losing her, but also realising this would probably happen with anyone I was with
It's early days in my battle. My therapist gave mixed results, helping me with managing anxiety on the one hand suggesting mindfulness etc, but perhaps not really getting, or believing that I actually like my girlfriend. And this really didn't help. I'm hoping to find another who understands
Because the notion of anxiety is so new to me, it can get so easy to doubt some days, and I think I'm just being weak and stupid and need to face up and break up. Then the cycle of confusion and anxiety repeats
Best of guys
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I hope that atleast one of you are still active on this forum. I couldn't believe how much this post resognated with me. I feel like I am going crazy.
i too had gotten out of a 4 year year relationship and even though I planned to stay single for as long as I could, 8 months later I met my current boyfriend. We have been together for 7 months. When we first met it was that absolute bliss you speak about, however shortly after I noticed I was comparing every little detail to my ex boyfriend. Down to how he dressed and how he spoke. It was awful.
It continued and after a few traumatic experiences I've gotten into an absolute anxious and panicked state where my anxiety is telling me I need to break up with my boyfriend. But then when I think about it, I feel even worse and conflicted. My boyfriend is everything I wanted that my ex couldn't or wouldn't give me. The only thing is I don't have that intense feeling with him like I did my ex (probably because the relationship was so up and down and he would leave me all the time so I believe I got obsessed with the Highs when he was actually amazing). I planned my entire life with my ex and we lived as if we were married... despite getting exactly what I wanted with someone else it still doesn't compare to the feelings I had with my ex. I believe this is what is making me feel so anxious. I also don't want to talk to anyone because if I say I feel sick or like I have a gut feeling the first thing google or anyone else will tell me is to leave my current relationship- BUT I DONT WANT TOO! It's so insane.. I want to be with my partner all the time because I feel safe and have that normality with him but when I'm alone, the anxious thoughts tel me I need to break up with him because I don't feel as intensely as I did before! How did you guys end up? Please tell me it has improved?
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Hi there,
I understand what you feel. I too suffer from severe anxiety and depression and it's been driving me crazy. It's like a little devil pinpointing out all the bad things about my boyfriend and talking me into breaking up when he's not there, even though there's nothing I could ask more from him. But when he's there I feel whole and normal again. I think the important thing here is that you need to externalise your thoughts. Try to seperate the depression/anxiety talking and yourself. Don't compare yourself to the last relationship because that just makes you cling on to the past. Maybe talk to your boyfriend about your situation so he'd understand if there were anytime you were not yourself, so he can hopefully understand and calm you down.
What I say may sound cliche but it works. It works for me and hopefully it'll work for you too. I'm still battling with depression and anxiety and it seems to take forever but again, communication is the key.
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ive been going through the exact same thing! I've been married for 4 years, and about 7 weeks ago I was laying in bed next to my wife while she slept.. I was watching Netflix and then out of no where... a thought in my head "what if I don't love her" and then instant anxiety and feeling sick.. I've gone through anxciety and she has been my rock for so long, I told her what was happening in my head and she is very supportive saying we will get through this.. I have been off work for 2 and / half weeks I'm a disability support work so very mental draining.
we booked into see a doctor as I started to go into crisis mode aka panic attacks, she said that I'm suffering from depression and anxiety and put me on medication it's been 2 weeks since I have started that. We went to see a therapist I had 2 sessions but did not feel very comfortable talking with him.. I guess all I wanted to hear from him is that this is normal people go through this.. instead he would asks well what would you do if you could not love again.. I just found these sort of questions not very helpful.. I have just started to see a cognitive behavioural theripist so I am hoping I can get tools that I can work with to help me through it..
reading these post do give me a little piece of mind.. but it's just so hard! I'm hoping to read some success stories hear.
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Hey smithsons,
sorry to hear your going through a tough situation. I am going through something quite similar so I know how annoying and frustrating it can be.
i have been wanting to ask a girl out for a while (I actually am not in a relationship with her) and I needed advice from her friends becuase I was lost of what to do next. But one of her friends told me to give up and that the girl would never like me and I don't like the girl in the way I think I do. These thoughts really got to me and still do, with me being terrified whether she is right or not.
But after reading your story and your experience, I am feeling extremly optimistic and hopeful about the whole situation, so I thank you greatly for this.
Scared and Confused, I hope you can get these thoughts beaten soon enough. It is draining having these thoughts constantly going through your head, and it really does effect your day to day life.
One thing that has helped me personally is finding something to distract myself, and going out with friends. I don't know how much spare time you have with your job, but it would be worthwhile at least from my experience. And another thing that helped me was just thinking about how lucky I am to have such a person in my life. Now this one is not as helpful I think becuase it can lead to more overthinking, but just remember that you are not alone and you can pull through it. I am definitely not an expert in anyway and I am quite lost with this situation myself, but I hope I can at least provide an inkling of help. You can do it!