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Introduction - Hello Everyone

Community Member

Hi all,

I'm new to this forum. I'd like to introduce myself. I'm 40 years of age, female. My interests include music (any genre), reading a great novel, watching comedy, Restuaranting, and learning new things. I suffer from depression and anxiety. Depression feels very lonely for me. I'd like to reach out for some support. Thank you.

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Thanks, flatmate will be moving in on 1st of September. He seems nice enough.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Bluberry, and saddened by what has happened and by writing these letters, in itself would be terrifying but wonder whether you have considered contacting the Medical Ombudsman.

Take care.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi EM, I forgot to say mentioning Porgy and Bess, well does that bring back memories, only in memory as I was too young but always remember people talking about it, although at that stage ha no idea what it meant.

Take care.


Community Member

Hey Geoff,

How are you? No, I haven't ever thought about the medical ombudsman. Would I be better off contacting the Victorian Ombudsman or Medical Omdudsman or both? Ugh, I wish this never happened to me.

I spent some time with my flatmate over a few days now (he hasn't moved in yet), but he seems to be really nice. He's respectful and friendly enough 🙂

Community Member
So ... my flatmate told me today that he's attending AA meetings. I asked, "so how do you find it"? His response: "it's in (location), it's easy to find". Lol.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Yeah Mara's left I think now. She posted it on her thread last night.

Porgy and Bess - yes I'm too young too lol, but dancing alot of my life you get to hear great old time music.

The film clip in online and the singing is incredible - reaches my soul quite deeply. always has.


Hey Monkey_Magic,

I'm super bored. How are you this evening?

Hello Mocha delight, all the qualifications a person has in all types of psychology doesn't mean they will be able to help you, simply because different problems from people may not be able to be discussed in a meaningful and understanding manner, in other words, a highly qualified engineer maybe unable to boil an egg.

After being in a private hospital (workcover) I was being treated by the top psychiatrist and was regarded as the 'best', I didn't see him for long, he didn't or couldn't answer the questions I asked him.

Someone either unqualified or an elderly lady sitting on a bench maybe far more helpful and I'm not saying that this will happen to every psych.

Take care.


Hi Bluberry,

Had a day out with my dad having a belated bday lunch. Seafood carbonara and the white wines were delish.

My car wouldn't start so I spent the night at my dad's and he drove me back this morning.

Organising a mobile mechanic.

Now it's mum's bday and I'm checking out cakes. Going to have another celebration tomorrow.

Lockdown would get boring for sure. Do U get out at all?

It's so great to hear you had fun with your dad. seafood carbonara is something I've never had before. Sounds beautiful. I've only ever had carbonara with bacon, and seafood pasta (sauce with white wine). I've only been out for walks. We're only allowed to travel 5km within where we live, and with shops, hairdressers, nail shops, and businesses closed, there's nothing much to do.

Geoff, I did some research last night on medical or health ombudsman in Victoria, and we don't have one. We have the health complaints commissioner, and I've already made a complaint with them. My only option now is the Victorian Ombudsman and the media.