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hi... i'm the black rappit *Trigger Warning*

Community Member

it said on the rules that i need to introduce myself to other new users, so i gess i'l do that now.

i'm the black rabbit. the name "black rabbit" was based on an a fictional character that i crated, witch is a tall cartoonish black rabbit whewing a white hoodie with the wards "no homo" on it in the same look as the subrem white hoodie

i've been drawing the black rabbit in order to express the feelings and emotions that i've been having, with is really helpful, i help get my feelings on a with confus and allway feel better aferwods.

wow... whiting this has made me feel good, i'm actchaly exited to see you'r react-shuns no this thanks for reding 🙂

(sorry for the misspellings, me automatic spelling isn't perfect)

35 Replies 35

Hey Black Rabbit

It is really great to hear from you again, please don't apologize for your absence, you come and chat when you need to or when you feel you are able to, there are no rules or obligations about that.

You raise some very good questions, however, these are questions that can really only be answered by you. With regards to what to do now, I would reach out to Kids Helpline and to have a chat to them, see what supports that they may have in place that they could recommend. I think it would also be great to make an appointment with your GP to also check in to have a chat and to run this past them, to share how you are feeling in general and to get some extra support.

I think you will be ok, you absolutely be ok, however it does take someone with mental health expertise to guide you through this time, while I am so happy to chat to you I am no expert, just someone who cares about you. I am so proud you shared your experience with your parents and that they have given you support too, keep chatting to them if you still need clarity and conversation over what happened to you. Curiosity is a natural part of being human and very much apart of growing, so please take some time to consider that too, there is nothing wrong with being curious.

It is so wonderful that you have come here to share and to run some questions past us and to get some support, we can absolutely do that and like I mentioned before, come and chat anytime.

I suspect you are on school holidays now, do you have some fun things planned to do? I am planning on going camping and am super excited about that.

So great to hear from you again.

Hugs to you


Hi Sarah, good to talk back With you again.

I think your answers is helpful so thank you very much.

as for your question, no. sorry but I don’t think I have anything fun planned for the holidays, other than doing holiday homework and celebrating Christmas. I see why you would me to something fun, since, you know, I’ve been though stuff. (Btw witch State do you live in? I live in Melbourne Victoria)

Thanks for everything so far.

~the black rabbit

Hey Black Rabbit

It is really great to hear from you again. I too am in Melbourne and am just feeling a little anxious about what these borders are doing with NSW and with COVID, I would like to be able to spend Christmas with my father who lives in NSW but that might not be possible this year.

Do you have a lot of holiday homework to do? I am getting my kids sorted for the next year already and am looking forward to a smoother year of learning for them, I am sure you are looking forward to that too.

Yes I would like you very much to have some things that make you feel good about your self, that bring a smile to your face and that bring you true joy. You are not a bad person black rabbit, you have not done anything wrong. I understand that you are concerned about things that happened in the past, but they were just thoughts and not actions..that is the most important part. As I mentioned before, as humans we are curious, and it is good to be curious and to ask questions and to want to find out information and to wonder about things, however when these things are not permitted or illegal or immoral it is what we do next that matters. You have shared your concerns and you have our support in knowing that you are not a bad person. If you are still struggling with these thoughts it may be time to get some professional help in this space.

I hope to chat to you some more and to see how you have been and how your week is going, I really cannot believe it is Christmas on Friday, it has really arrived so quickly.

Hugs to you black rabbit


Hi guys.
I think I really need your help. I was thinking about a detailed fact about the thing that happened and my eyes got wide and not move. I got this before, but this time I wanted to move I just cannot, as if my nerves pulled me back from were I wanted to move too. I know for fact that this isn’t normal because I’ve never had anything like that before. I think I should see doctor or something because I’m worried I have some kind of condition. I need to ask for help about this to the kids help line and my parents but I’m soooo nervies. (I think I’m having some anxiety). Can someone please sure some helpful advice to work this problem out? because I don’t Know want to and I want to make the right decision.

Feeling scared.
~the black rabbit”

Hi guys. Good News!!! I finally had a chat with someone on the kids help line after 2 or 3 failed attempts. he said that I should go to a local GP, and he also said that I can just pick up the phone whenever I feel bad, which is neat 🙂bad News (or a mistaken assumption) I looked at truma and insomnia on Google after looking at Ptsd, and recognize a lot of the simtums on the list.

• lack of sleep at night except for daytime

• feeling the stress of when I experienced the truma coming back after I think about it.

• templeing. when I was writing the notes down a while back I had trouble with a shaking hand.

I'm thinking of getting a diagnosis from a doctor or something.

• ect...

I feel like making a big milestone here, I feel so good.

feeling optimistic,

~the black rabbit

p.s i hope anyone is having fantastic Christmas Day, make good memories, have fun with your family and friends. stay strong. ☆☆ Merry Christmas!!! ☆☆

Hey Black Rabbit

Just stopping in to see how you are doing and how your feeling.

I was so proud to read that you were able to contact Kids Helpline and to get some support from them, they are so very right, you can just pick up the phone and chat to them any time you need some extra comfort or just a bit of direction at that time. A trip to the GP would also be really good too but one step at a time hey!

It was really great to read how positive you are feeling and your message sounds like that you are making some great steps forward which is awesome.

Hope this finds you really well and lots of hugs to you.
