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hi... i'm the black rappit *Trigger Warning*

Community Member

it said on the rules that i need to introduce myself to other new users, so i gess i'l do that now.

i'm the black rabbit. the name "black rabbit" was based on an a fictional character that i crated, witch is a tall cartoonish black rabbit whewing a white hoodie with the wards "no homo" on it in the same look as the subrem white hoodie

i've been drawing the black rabbit in order to express the feelings and emotions that i've been having, with is really helpful, i help get my feelings on a with confus and allway feel better aferwods.

wow... whiting this has made me feel good, i'm actchaly exited to see you'r react-shuns no this thanks for reding 🙂

(sorry for the misspellings, me automatic spelling isn't perfect)

35 Replies 35

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi black rabbit

Welcome to the forum and it was really great to read that even after only a few words you did feel good, that you felt like you could connect here.

We are here for a chat, to listen, to support you and to sit with you when times are feeling dark, or heavy or even if you just don't even know why you are here.

You can share with us as much as you feel comfortable to, people will comment and share their experiences too, which is why this is such a warm place.

I love that you use drawing to express how you are feeling and also that you have created a character who represents this, I think once we give something a name or an identity it is easy to process, to make some sort of sense of it and to address the feelings, emotions or behaviors we need to change or to welcome in order to deal with this character, and for you this is as you say "the black rabbit".

I would love to hear some more about this black rabbit if you feel you would like to share.

Welcome black rabbit and know that this is a safe space, no judgement or criticism here.

Hugs to you


Hi Sarah, thank you very much for the reply. I’m glad That you have a likening of my character (I wasn’t expecting that) But yea, James the black rabbit has been a recurring character in my drawings for awhile now, I think that reflection on feelings is the best way of dealing with them, “Facing your demons“ if You will. Like i said, I always feel better when I draw out my feelings and emotions, I always feel better afterwards, and it’s almost like as if they came from my body and on to the white canvas, and when that happens the feeling our gone, which is why it’s so helpful.

I’l be glad talk more about him in the future. thanks for reading 🙂

Hi black rabbit

It is great to chat some more with you and I too agree so whole heartedly with what you said about getting things out and on paper. I had some grief that I had to process in my life and I found writing to be the best purge tool. I could be raw, honest, sometimes it didn't even make sense, but it was out of me and also help me to process that feeling too. I don't think I will even read some of those pages again but the way it helped me was so great.

I think it also shows your emotional intelligence that you have been able to process these feelings and put them into a character that you can "deal" with if you like. To give this pain and hurt even an identity so you can manage it, write stories about this character and even project what you wish for this character ( and in turn your feelings).

I have also started some hypnotherapy for my issues and while at the start I had very low expectations, I am so happy that it is actually resonating with me and I can see some wonderful changes, in thinking, in feeling and in understanding....I am learning so much...

Great to chat to you some more black rabbit and here to talk if you want to share some of the ways of the black rabbit.



Hi Sarah

Keeping the topic of expression...“I had some grief that I had to process in my life and I found writing to be the best purge tool“ I have actually written a letter for the Australian kids help line, were i detail my feelings Of Gilt and Fear. Back then I was slow at writing so it took days to finish, It was hard to white, especially when it was entering dark territory, i felt so uneasy it got to the point were I just Typed in big bold letters rather than a long sentence. Despite that, I felt like I accomplished something amazing, more then anything that I’ve ever Dune, and when I sent it to them I truly felt like good things were happen.

so yha, writing definitely helps a lot. thanks for reading. gives a hug back to you 🙂


when do you think I should talk about my problems? I don’t know when’s the right time. You’ve said that i should whit until I feel comfortable “You can share with us as much as you feel comfortable to“ but I don’t know when that will be. Thanks for reading again. Giving more hugs.

Hello the black rabbit, and a warm welcome.

I looked at your thread yesterday and wanted to comment but time beat me.

There are people who can physically write down their feelings in an explicit manner, while others know what they want to write but are unable to express themselves or frightened for people to know, but then many just doodle or actually draw an expression of how they feel.

Interesting to know whether James the black rabbit is drawn first and the picture developed around it or otherwise.

I just say this because I drew a circle and from the middle drew lines out from it and one indicated a problem, so by the time I thought I'd finished another line was drawn, so it ended up looking like a map, that's what I handed over to my psychologist.

Drawing and doodling is a great to express how you are feeling, and often we suggest people write down what's been happening, now and present but drawing is also very good.

Take care.


Good Morning black Rabbit

It is so great to hear from you and also find out that writing is something that you are connecting with that proves to be a way to get out how you are feeling. It really doesn't matter I don't think if there are spelling mistakes, or like you said, if your letter was in big bold letters. I am sure that letter you wrote to the Kids Helpline would have some very valuable insights for them too. Sharing is such a powerful thing in that not only does it let your feelings out, it provides knowledge and understanding to others, this is so important too.

I am so happy to hear you felt proud of yourself, this is really fantastic as when we are feeling so very bad and in a dark place it is hard to feel or know anything really so that is really awesome that you did get to feel in that moment and that it was pride. Fantastic!

I can hear that you are maybe wanting to share your story here and I would really like to listen. You can do it in many ways, just as you have before with your writing...it might be one long sentence of the things in your life that trouble you or the trauma you have experienced, whatever you feel you want to get off your chest here and get some support on. It might be a list or a whole heap of words and feelings. This is your thread, we are here for you so however you want to communicate and get those feelings and thoughts out is up to you, whenever you are ready.

Also you may just want to chat for awhile about your day to day life and that is fine too, we are here for you in what ever capacity you need black rabbit.

Your hugs are received and I thank you so much for them, that is so wonderful you can care for me too.

I am looking forward to chatting more with you black rabbit.


Hi Sarah, thank you soooo much for for you’r Great replys.
I don’t know what to say.
you’ve been so kind and understanding and so reassuring and I’m so glad you what to hear more about me and James, and also, most importantly, what might Be going on.

your Making me feel so at-ease and so hopeful for the future.
you’ve made me feel so welcomed in this community.
I honestly what to cry.

I can’t express more words then this, this is amazing.

thank so much for being here, and thank you so much reading. X(

Huging You tight with tries in my eyes, the black rabbit.

G’day Geoff

really interesting what you’ve said there.
I’m assuming you’r asking how In what way James Is drawn out.

Basically, I draw what comes to my mind, and that can be anything, but in this case, what Comes to mind is what I’m feeling.
Be glad to get back to you on this.

As always thanks for reading 🙂

Hello the black rabbit, I'm always intrigued by what people draw in general, but also being able to watch, which rarely happens, people sitting down and see the first image, the surroundings and if they empathise something in particular in heavy lead and concentrate on that.

I'm certainly not a psychologist, however, the drawings I would do today would be totally different to when I suffering from depression.

Best wishes.
