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Surviving: Being in a better place
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Hi all 🙂
Thought this thread might be of use to talk about your stories if you like and where you're at now.
In a better place.
I have Bipolar, (BP) pretty sure all my life. Wasn't diagnosed, I approached them thinking I have this at age 46.
The ups (mania) are magic, ying and yang (opposites) evident with BP & in many other ways.
The downs, crippling. Still ..but I'm DETERMINED to beat them with time & effort and professional help.One of the psychiatrists said it can't be beaten, I say cause it maybe hasn't been done, doesn't mean it can't be.
Have come an incredibly long way so far.
Long way to go probs but HAS to be sooner rather than later, else this mother of a demon will get me, I live in fear of going under the line again which majority of the time the head goes South but looking back at those times knowing I got through & that it's not always like that helps.
SO many good times, happy times between.
The cycles have gone from Rapid cycling (4 or more a yr) to 8/10 a yr since the loss of my beloved partner of 28yrs to leukaemia.
My teens starting at 14yrs I attempted suicide 4 times.
You're in hell considering, contemplating & ultimately attempting suicide, we're going against our strongest basic instinct. Survival.
Wanted OUT, couldn't see anything but Black in my head, no light, no way out, no other choice, the depression beast had me engulfed as it does most of the time in cycles now too.
Rock bottom. The pits.
I've learnt a lot one thing is it doesn't stay this way.
Sleep's vital. We don't get a lot or quality when down, it affects how we feel usually in a negative way.
Life's so much harder when we're tired and exhausted, we see feel & react to things differently
That part of our brain that works at pulling us down, I think with everyone, not only mental illness or disorders
Self esteem rock bottom, still working at it, it's true we have to like/love ourselves works as a shield.
Great loving good parents lucky
If I'd known in suicide yrs I'd meet a beautiful loving partner and have so much love from family, friends and happiness between the downs, I wouldn't have attempted.
BP downs equate to heavy grieving alone without it on top.It slammed but now I'm looking back and Yes still hurts, always will but we owe it to ourselves to keep going. We don't know whats ahead and nothing stays the same.
I know that now.
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Hello Beautiful Deebi👩❤️💋👩...and everyone...🤗..
I am just popping in to wish you a very good and peaceful sleep tonight..and hope you wake up filled with the light from the brightest star that’s shining tonight...
I very often look over the distant mountains and wonder what your up to....and if your okay...
How are you honey ?...Not just words lovely friend..I really want to know how your doing...
Keeping a close 👀 on you, and 👂...I renewed the super glue on our 🤝..so you don’t let go...nor I let go....soul sisters found by our spirits and happily super glued holding each other up...😚...
Good night honey...sweet dreams...and peaceful sleep...Love you deeply dearest bbff ..your the bestest eva..🧸🤗🦋🌱🕊💭..
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BP day 5/6ish
Dear Grandy 👩❤️👩 Mr Croixy and Paul ☺
So nice seeing you all thank you so much for your time support and care 🤗 It really means a lot 💗
Croixy you hit the nail on the head.
I thought our friendship would slow and become different cause beautiful Grandy hi lovely talking to you as well ☺ has more responsibility now and taking up more of her time.
I need to trust my dear friends word as she's not let me down before 💜
I thought in a way she/you was leaving me darlin 🤗
Cried quite a lot. All good now ☺
Realised I was in BP causing extra ouch & beasty yabber!
Backs. Unbelievable pain isn't it.
I've been through deep hell countless times over 35ish yrs.
Agony & excrutiating pain I'm no stranger to. It's cruel.
I'm lucky usually no pain between the many outs.
Slowly regaining confidence again to get out of bed sit down shower etc.
This out was around 5 mths 😐 my weights shocking making it worse tho in the past at perfect weight same wicked pain as the yrs before.
Sorry you suffer so much too it makes life very difficult doesn't it.
Thank you for your kind support Croixy man it goes in deep.
Pauly good man 🤗 always lovely seeing you too ☺ I very much appreciate your support as well.
Dear Grandy 🤗 Ahh thank you sweetyheart for your always beautiful friendship and uplifting caring supportive posts.
Sorry darlin I've been a bit over the shop and at times don't feel like writing but always want time with you hun. Please know it's just me. It's never ever that I don't want to talk to you lovey. I love and cherish our time so much. Truth. It's kinda like the beasty stop for doing things sometimes.
Thank you for the porridge and coffee what a treat 😄 and the Rose is gorgeous.. oh I forgot we have a garden on the 645th floor 💼. Ah ha so that's why you leave it out in the rain... to water our garden. You're so gorgeous Grandy 🤗
Thanks for what you said lovey 💗
Yip completely get it with smokes hun. Geez how many times I've given up. Now I have to get the bloody weight off again grr. Thanks for your support on that as well. And you're doing well keeping them down as in not heavy. Well done beautiful ☺
It was really nice you asking how I was thank you darlin. Been a bit here and everywhere but going well. It's so far the easiest BP with hards but getting through. Geez can't believe slept most of today. Needed it.
Hope you're all going well lovely people 🤗
Love you Grandy heaps always 👩❤️👩💜🗯🕊🌹🦋✨
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Hello Beautiful Deebi👩❤️💋👩..
I sort of knew that you were thinking that way...How can I ever leave you dearest bbff...I’ve always got time for you...and always will...I was before supporting a few newbies and felt good in myself and thought when I was contacted..I would go ahead with it...I was really afraid I had hurt you..which I did by the sounds of your tears... I’m sorry...please believe I am still me..your sss..and you ground me so much when I need it..
I’m sorry about your back honey..I wish I had a Magic wand to send the pain away from you..I don’t think weight has much to do with your pain..it’s coming from a damaged spine..I think..Same with my hips..no matter if I was skinny or fat the damage is still their and will hurt just the same..my thoughts only...Please bbff..each time you see your gp...get him to check it for you..My Dr is sending me for a bone scan..to see if it’s bone related pain I’m feeling..
I understand about Beasty stopping us from writing here even if we want to....But once you ignore Beasty and do the opposite...It feels good😚...We have to try as hard as we can to do the opposite of what’s is telling us...Everytime we do that it’s a win for us....
So pleased that this BP episode was easier to manage with the downs..your winning honey...You will be victorious...Your strong in want Deebi..that’s a huge help for you..Well done dearest friend..
Im pleased you liked the porridge..I love porridge in the colder weather..and it keeps me full for a long time..I buy the microwave packets..ready in 90 sec...so good no fussing around...
I hope tomorrow is a better at for you then today was..
Sleep good precious friend...love you Deebi..💜🌹..🧸💜..
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Dear DB~
I've been a Community Champion for a fair number of years and do find there is a difference. New people coming on the Forum tend to treat Champs as if they were specially trained or something, not just ordinary humans who need just as much help as before they became champs.
It does not work the other way, Champs remain friends with their friends and continue to give and receive support and care.
You are slipping - you only used 22 emoji in that post!
Croix. 🌈
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Hi everyone!
DB you are incredible to get through with all that pain each day.
Just swinging by to say hi really, since I read along and have gotten to know you all for years now!
Hope you all have a good 🌃 night's sleep...💤
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Hello Beatiful Deebi👩❤️💋👩..and all..🤗. Hiya Magic..
Oops, my afternoon turned to evening/night..I hope your okay Deebi, and not struggling to much with either your mental or physical health...
Thank you for your very beautiful post on mine..I loved the pillow so much and will use it always it’s so soft and the aroma and little popping noises that comes those popping bubbles sure does continue to comfort and ease my soul..Such a beautiful gift from my beautiful bbff...I’ll treasure it forever...as I do you...
I’m really sorry you cried Deebi.. I feel bad for causing you to cry..your my best friend and I never ever want to be the cause of you hurting in any way...I made you a promise a couple of years ago that I will always stay with you, love you and care for you...We got superglued hands honey..I’m not going to break my promise and I’m not melting that glue...I need you just as much as ever...I’m still me..always will be..I still have struggles, and I’ll still go down with triggers...and be too much for you at times..You understands me, grounds me, cares for me...helps me...and I try to do the same for you...I never want that to change...not ever..
Pubok..yadimh..forever in my 💭...and always hoping that we will be wyip....
Big bear hugs 🧸🤗..with big love,💜 respect and all my care..dearest Deebi..🤝👀.
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Hi good people reading and posting 😊
Me too Croixy man 😂 @ 22 emojis. haha I had to check so counted too 😄
Thanks matey I really appreciate you pointing out things about my/our beautiful Grandy which helped me adjust & understand the sitch.
You helped me see things more clearly ☺ onya champ...Oh oh 😁got a little 🎁 😜 for you.. 👑..It's a wisdom/appreciation crown...only a select amount of highly respected and deeply cared about people get these limited edition hand made delicate concrete delights.
You need to be very protective of this.
I'm afraid there comes quite a responsibility having a wisdom crown.
See they're highly sought after. The extremely valuable rare jewels have been tirelessly sought out from years of painstakingly hard work extracting them from gum ball machines all over Australia.
Now to give it the best possible care you must every night before bed polish it with the sandpaper cloth provided...cloth on..cloth off ...and chant ..."I love that Grandy & Deebi use multiple emojis. I'll continue being cute throwing the odd one out there 🌈 because I know I'll never be able to stop the overuse of them no matter how gentle funny and tactful my complaints are. I adore the girls as they do me so I tolerate it" 😉🤗
It's because of the CC's highly class posts giving the ultimate in wisdom compassion & kindness. I'd take that as a compliment Croixy but yes absolutely hear what you're saying.
You're one that I care very much about. I wonder how you're going Mr. Thanks for being you 🤗
Hey there Monks 🐒 lovely you swinging by hun. Nice hearing you follow us. I'll see you soon at yours ☺🐇 Gifting you a tasty choccy 🍌
Hey my bbff thank you for your beautiful comments too. It's really good hearing I ground you. We help eachother so much it's a great loving friendship I treasure. Ditto wiyip so so much 🤗😢🙁
Dear love I meant to add it's quite ok me crying. Please don't feel bad. I hardly cry now which 😆 isn't intended to make you feel worse 😄 It's purely out of love a bit selfish & fear. It caught me mid sensitive of BP (later) was good to release. I hadn't thought it through. Since I did also with you and Mr Croixy man helping.
Darling I'm so glad you like the bubbles ☺😚 It's fun doing them but so good if someone gets happies and comfort or a giggle isn't it 🤗
Thank you for your gorgeous posts I really love you deeply you da 💣 honeyheart.
Nigh nite lovelies thank you all
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You read my mind and taste buds with that choccy!
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Hi wonderful DB & a wave to all,
I just wanted to say hello and send some love to you here.
I felt for you as I read about your fears. Although it sounds like you and Grandy are talking about it & figuring things out. Such a heartfelt & lovely conversation reflects your deep friendship.
I think it’s beautiful how you keep that line of communication open between the 2 of you...
Sending love and hope (& of course Super soul hugs).
Peppystar xoxo
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😀 oh yeah the amazing cook servant Magic 🐒 that discovered choccy for his King deserved a life time of peace and all his dreams coming true 😍
Peppystar beautiful friend so lovely to see you and gratefully receive your love 🤗 naturally returned in spades.
Often I wonder about you and worry too. You're such a lovely kind intelligent gentle soul I'd so love to see you happy.
It is really good being in a friendship where we communicate. So much easier that way isn't it.
Good to see you've kept up your soul hugging practise and definately mastering them.. why thankyee me sweet.
Always wishing you well darl please take good care and thanks for the lovely visit..it' just ...um..🤔 ... did you forget anything...like...umm...I don't know ...maybe a truckload of 🍫...sheez I love her a lot but seriously where are the priorities here 🤗😅
Hi gorgeous Grandz no need for reply just saying hiya beautiful.
Sounds like you had a good day sweets 😚
Love to you all 🤗