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Should I just suck this up?

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

OK, this isn't easy for me to write bcas I respect police also but this is my situation.

I aparantly unlawfully entered a friends property, that's right a friends property. He wasn't home and I wasn't believed. Anyhow I was put in a mental institution. I preferred the hospital choice over the police station choice thinking I'll be in there for a couple weeks.

3 months later I came out overmedicated feeling like shite...misdiagnosed with a mental illness as a " safety net" seriously!!!!

3 months of my life where I couldn't work, and live my normal life. Inclosed in a small space, going crazy.

Should I just " suck this up". ?

2,271 Replies 2,271

Thanks PEPs & Croix,

Laying in bed thinking about where I'm at. Have been suffering some depression of late. Thankyou Croix for using the word temporary & thanks PEPs for wishing I'd be set free. I had a scary moment where I felt like ......( if u get my drift) but I got through it luckily...I got through that moment....I've had ppl bringing me down and I've been depressed over my situation.

Hi monkey_magic,

I know you're hurting and I know the depression is surrounding you; it's a dark and scary place to be.

You must have really wanted the pain to end to contemplate leaving this world. I'm glad you didn't act on those thoughts. Very proud of you, in fact. I hope you're proud of yourself too...

Thank you for sticking it out and sticking around. I hope you keep holding on.

In swtpotato's infinite wisdom, if you ever lose hope, we will hope for you in the mean time.

Much love,

Pepper xoxo

hello Monkey


I actually lost hope during that moment, wow thanks pepper, thankyou so much & starting new, it can b overwhelming hey...great writer u r pepper. I wasn't going to say what i felt but I'm glad I wrote it down now because of the support here...

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear MM~

The ups and downs are very hard. I cling to the fact I've been there before and have come out of it. That is is temporary and little things can make quite big changes.

On a much more practical note, have you a copy of the app BeyondNow? I don't think that well when right down and my imagination goes on strike. This app makes a reasonable substitute if you set it up well beforehand.

BTW I'm pleased to hear your social life is improving - good


we are very happy to help Monkey, express it the best way you can. we are hearing you and listenng to you

sending lots of hugs


Thanks sn,

Im tearing up, and shaking like I've read you do too, I'm in pain, it hurts.

I have a good support who said I feel exploited. I do! I'm lucky to have this guy in my life ATM as he is wanting to give me so much, buy me food, give me money, buy me clothes, hug me etc etc...I also know how it feels to not want to be touched as I feel my ex exploited me. It was a good as well as abusive relationship from his end. He hurt me, other ppl hurt me, and here I am laying in bed crying.

I know I have a healing journey ahead and I'm glad I'm feeling today. I didn't like the emptiness I felt before & the numbness...

i know the feeling. that numbness its shocking isnt it. im glad your feeling abit better. try to take a few deep breaths. imagine im there with you holding your hand laying right beside you , letting you sob it out then take a few breaths and let it go

Hi monkey_magic,

I'm glad my words helped you feel supported or validated you (or something). Thank you for your lovely words 🙂

Sometimes I think hurting is part of the healing process, I think. Pain calls to be "felt" sometimes.

Here is to both hurt and healing.

Pepper xoxo

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Croix yeah I have ppl that want to support & that understand ATM...I think my friend has been in those places/ is in those places too. It makes such a different wen someone fills u up when ur empty & exhausted. He's my godsend right now.

I haven't got a copy of beyond now, might look into it. So Croix your feeling right down, did u want to talk about it, do u accept hugs? I'd gladly give you one.