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Should I just suck this up?

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

OK, this isn't easy for me to write bcas I respect police also but this is my situation.

I aparantly unlawfully entered a friends property, that's right a friends property. He wasn't home and I wasn't believed. Anyhow I was put in a mental institution. I preferred the hospital choice over the police station choice thinking I'll be in there for a couple weeks.

3 months later I came out overmedicated feeling like shite...misdiagnosed with a mental illness as a " safety net" seriously!!!!

3 months of my life where I couldn't work, and live my normal life. Inclosed in a small space, going crazy.

Should I just " suck this up". ?

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Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
I don't think I'm thinking straight Croix, lol, just re- read...my minds a but dark ATM.yikes

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear MM~

No I'm OK at the moment ta. Just was saying what had helped when I was down, can I put the hug on account for when really needed?


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
You sure can, & you've just about reached 3000 posts, congrats!!! What an achievement! Well done, fireworks!!!!

Definitely pepper, we must go through the pain to get to the gain...and I'm sure there is "something" to gain from pain! Just have to find what that " something" is

Sn my breaths r shallow. Might have to work on the deep breathing another day...can't seem to reach that place....my psychologist wants me to deep breath as well...

Hi monkey_magic,

Sighs...if only either of us knew what we were "gaining" from the pain (bemused smile).

Sometimes, I think we can't always try to make sense of things as we move forward. Sometimes, I think things start making sense in hindsight...

Gentle thoughts,

Pepper xoxo

I believe it's spiritual growth & strength that u gain from pain, also compassion & understanding for others going through the same. We r all different though. Some ppl stay in their pain others move through it. I sometimes find the moving through it part a struggle. Pain is also a good teacher I.e." I won't do that again, be around a person like that again, allow myself to get treated like that again.

If u wear your heart on your sleave I find life hurts more, when its in your chest it's better.

God I've grieved a lot in my life lol....

At the moment my pain manifests into my brain. Felt a " black spot" in my brain today because the tears were " inside". Then I swam, I've had a cry but there's more in me. I get close to ppl lose them & cry over them. I'm soft.

Pepper I freaking love hozier!! ( you mentioned him on your thread) I never get sick of him. I used to always listen to his " take me to church " song. I agree that music soothes the soul. Music music...and he is "chilling".

Hi monkey_magic,

I'm glad you have made some sense out of your pain. I agree we are all different and handle physical and emotional pain differently...

I don't know...I think both the people who wear their hearts on their sleeves and the ones who keep to themselves hurt about the same but maybe just differently. I think it just might be more obvious with the first group but perhaps more subtle in the second group...but both are hurting all the same...my 2c 😉

yes, you have loved and lost a lot in life...I'm not sure if you're "soft" as you put it but maybe it reflects how you know how to love, that's all. After all, as the famous saying goes...grief is the price of love.

With you on Hozier! I love Take me to church; it's probably his most iconic song.

Sending Kind thoughts your way.

Pepper xoxo

Sor PEPs just need to vent;

How is this legal, sadating ppl on an order, making them tired! I am tired!! I don't understand, I really don't understand this. I'm not bad, I'm a happy go lucky strong person. I do not understand. I want to be off these drugs. I am sucking it up on these drugs but I don't want to be on them at all, at all!

hugs Monkey lots and lots of hugs
