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Hi Katy,
I was thinking last night about your loss, and I am thinking it was a miscarriage, so forgive me if I have things wrong. Without having gone through it, I thought what I would be grieving for - the loss of the child within me, I'd grieve again at the time she would have been born, I'd grieve that I never got to raise my child, if a daughter that I never saw her grow up, how she would turn out to be, have the joys of having a daughter.
Also that a baby once born or a child people understand your grief absolutely, but with a miscarriage I think they mostly don't unless they've been through one themselves. I tried to think through it - that she never took a breath, or knew life, or blame myself somehow for it all (quite wrongly), and that if I spoke to other people about it would they understand that she has a name, that I loved her, or will they not understand my grief.
And the partner who could share this mourning with you isn't there. So you must feel so alone with it.
I am trying not to say something that will make you feel upset or sad because I've put it wrongly. Please forgive me I I have. I fear I'm putting this clumsily and I mean not to. I'm trying to say that I realised just how much of a loss you have been through, and how difficult it must be for others to understand the depth of it.
Paws is right when she says its time and time and more time will heal - not that you will ever forget your child and her loss, nor should you, and nor do you want to - but time will ease it eventually. I think the idea of something lovely that is between you and bub is a wonderful idea.
I'm not sure what else to say except that we are here to offer whatever feeble support we can give you when you get the awful horrible days, and through all the rest as well. I think Uni will be good for you, and something along the lines of Paw's suggestion, whatever you decide to do that feels right for you.
I am anxious none of this is helpful, or is less than helpful. I can only speak as someone who has grieved the non-existence of the children I longed to have. Yours is a different grief again. I have tried to think deeply about what it must mean for you. And all I can do now is send my love and hugs, and tell you you will get through this, you are being so strong, and have more courage than you know. And that it's absolutely OK to have the awful terrible days because that's a part of the grieving you need to do. Hugs, and more hugs. xx
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I wrote a reply and it got eaten by gremlins! erk
I really appreciate you taking the time to try to understand my situation, and I feel you do. So you see it's complex, and at times the sheer weight of it has felt unbearable. Time, time, time and leaning on you all when I need to (thanks so so much!) has gotten me this far.
Your post did prompt me to remember how understanding my son was, and what he said to me when I told him. It was beautiful. So that's something.
Thankyou for being here for me x
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Hi Katy,
I'm sorry your reply got eaten!!!! That happens to me too...…
I wasn't sure if my post was OK I was a bit worried I might be wrong or upset you - but I have (in my work) had to deal with a lady who suffered three stillbirths in a row (no known cause, labour was fine, each babe stillborn so something happening during the birth) - and I knew how important it was when talking to her to use their names - they were her sons. And I was thinking how few women you hear talking about a miscarriage they have suffered.
Yes it's a complex grief for you to carry. I'm glad your son was so kind. So do know I am happy to listen anytime you need to talk about it - and I do understand your need for privacy about it too. Many hugs dear lady xx
And on another note entirely - do let me know how you find the Randolf Stow - I've read Tourmaline and To The Islands and I find him rather unusual...
And do let me know when you are starting Uni and how it goes, you know i'm interested! xxx hugs again
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Hi everyone.
I'm here if anyone wants to chat with me about whatever. If not then that's fine too I guess.
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Hi Tayls, Katy and everyone else here.
So sorry for my slackness and my absence here, I’ve just been snowed under with work to the extent I didn’t want to go near a keyboard and type. I feel I’ve probably let people down here in that regards, but I’m still here for those who want me to be.
Katy, congrats on your promotion to valued contributor. You should be so proud to have opened up with your losses, and the fact that our chats have not only helped you but those who are here as well. I totally understand what you mean when you have those days where you feel so hopeless that all you want to do is curl up and cry - extra hugs for you.
Tayls, my good friend. Despite my absence here, I’m here if you want to chat. That has never changed. Wish I knew where in regional Vic you are, as I’d love to be able to talk face to face, but here is fine. I hope you’re well and getting the help you truly deserve. The book you mentioned sounds interesting, would like to read it some time. Did you listen to the song I mentioned? Extra hugs for you as well if you want them.
Take care everyone, be here for each other.
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Hello Katy,
Gentlest of hugs lass. My suggestion was just that, a suggestion only. It's quite ok to say that it is not something you would find helpful. A tattoo is a lovely idea, though like Hanna I'd be a wuss about getting one. Take your time lass, you have a memorial to your bub in your heart, only create another if or when it feels right for you.
Huggily hugs
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Hi Katy (and a wave to Hanna Tayla and Simon)
I hope you are doing okay..I remember when you joined 445 posts ago! You are an asset to the forums providing the support you do to other members especially when you have been going through so much ...not that there is any high expectations of course
There are so many caring members providing their heartfelt support here...wonderful thread Katy x
Bear Hugs..(if thats okay!)
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Yes Paul, you're quite right.
I'm lucky to have had so many wonderful people pop by my thread. A huge thankyou to everyone for your support, hugs, presence, and kind suggestions which are very much appreciated - always x
Sending big hugs right back to all of you!
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Hi Katy, just checking in to say hello and to see if you're alright.
I'm here if you'd like to talk with me. I've just been trying to eventually catch up on all the threads I've commented on, so bare with me, sorry about that.
PS - I'll reply to others at some point, sorry for taking so long everyone!
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Hi all,
Hope everyone is well. Had a really rough day at work today. Won't go into a lot of detail here, but it's left me saddened, angry and lost. Went for my afternoon walk and took out my frustrations on screaming my guts out and chucking my water bottle as far as I could into the river on the walking track I use daily. Cried all afternoon.
Not looking for a lot here but just wanted to have a little "vent."
Sorry guys.