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He is good at nose bops... but even better at ear snuffles... so he is sending you some of both... I'm sure that in his regular evening chat from the back verandah with all dogs far & wide this evening that he also had a word with your lovely Miss Storm (dogs have great hearing) & she will be able to deliver them to you in person.
Be gentle with yourself lass... maybe give yourself permission to put the thesis on hold for a day & instead spend it doing special things for & with Stormy... focussing on making her day special might give you a break from the sad feelings...
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2 days til thesis conclusion
12 days left of prac
Today was the first lovely sunny day in forever though, so i snuck in some weeding and two walks with miss stormy ♥️
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Hi Katy!
Lovely to see u on my thread ❤
Sounds like such a busy time, amazing and exciting
Sending 🫂 hugs
Wild weather Ur way before today? Must be awesome to have a sunny day after bad weather. It is hard when there's lots of depressing days.
Today we had a of light rain, but there were still ppl in the park, where I hung out with my book. I didn't intend to but found myself reading a book set I a psychiatric hospital....
Hope tomorrow u have a beautiful day 💗
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Hi Katy
Good luck with it all! You're near the finish line!
When you're finished there's a great utube channel which is women talking about their bodies and fashion especially older women and women who don't fit our notions of beauty. Would love your thoughts on it. Style like u.
Cheers 😊
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Hello Katy,
How are you lass?... Not many more sleeps until the prac is finally done & dusted... I really hope now the thesis is in you are able to spend more time doing all those things you enjoy... I'm picturing a giant pink lamington in celebration of handing in your thesis with a second one on the horizon when prac finishes...
How is the lovely Miss Stormy doing?... Have you been able to get in any beach time to help with her mobility?... Have her cauliflower ears cleared up?
I immediately thought of you earlier this week... my sil was very proud of herself for finally being brave enough (her words) to get a tattoo on her wrist in memory of my late brother... she said it didn't hurt like she thought it would... she confessed she hadn't gone to the tattooist to get it done that day, she only went to find out how much it would cost (she already had an image)... he didn't have an appointment at that time so said he could do it there & then... so it was done before she had time to panic about it... I wonder if perhaps if you go to a tattooist just to discuss the image you want & it's cost as a first step, having a drawing of the final image choice to take home & think about might help you get there...
Hugs & pats
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Hi there 🙂
We’ve not really had much sunshine here to enjoy, but it does look pretty stellar mid week onwards!
Poor Stormy has been back at the vets. She had another ulcer on her eye, poor love. So we just spent the weekend resting. I think we both needed it.
I should be finished prac by end of month. Centrelink cut me off early as I didn’t finish by the date I was supposed to, so that’s been interesting- no pink lamington celebrations yet!
I love that your SIL jumped right in and got the tatt, Paws. How wonderful. I do have some strange rare brave days, so I really should take advantage of them. Of course, they would need to coincidence with actually having money lol
I hope you’re all going well. Sorry to have been absent. Nearly there!
Hugs to all x
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Hi Katy, I know centrelink jpcan be so stressful. Good luck for finishing Ur prac, proud and happy for all u cotpntinue to achieve and kick ass
I hope ur feeling good x
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Hello Katy,
How are you lass?... by my calcs you have finally finished your prac... yay!!!!
It looks like you have sunny weather over there in celebration too...
Grrr to centrelink cutting your payments off... I hope you have managed to sort things out with them... the last thing you need is any additional stress...
Has Stormy's eye healed ok?... poor little thing has been in the wars this year hasn't she... Woofa sends her friendly snuffles...
I've pulled out some comfy chairs... with a big pot of tea & yummy cakes on a table in the fresh air... sit yourself down & we can watch all the wildlife living on your plants & simply unwind & relax.
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Thanks so much for your support sleepy x
Paws, a cuppa and cake and relax sounds amazing! I officially passed prac yesterday, and did my final day today. Phew! I cried a lot yesterday. Still a bit surreal to have actually got there when I felt like I’d never make it. Now to await my thesis mark, which will be underwhelming but getting it and passing is the final step to graduation.
Centrelink sorted my pay and I will actually have $ tomorrow for a lamington celebration! And Stormy is going ok, though I look forward to getting her in to the water to improve her mobility. Have you tried Woofa in the car again yet? My pile of furs are all a bit worse for wear. Poor old loves.
Well I’m super looking forward to books, bike rides, boarding at the beach and bugger all 🙂 🙂
yay yay yay! Thanks so much for all your amazing support, women. Wouldn’t be here without you all xxx
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Hi Katy
We'll that's great news! Prac is over and passed. Hooray!
Well done you! Now have a long relaxing summer break at long last!!!
You must be breathing a sigh of relief!
Great news!