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Not in a good space

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
It's like a feeling just bubbling up to the surface. It's panicky and disgusting and I dont' know what to do with it. There's no thoughts associated with it. It's a feeling. A really gross one. I called the Suicide Call Back service. I didn't find them helpful. What do you do? What helps you?
1,405 Replies 1,405

Community Member

Hi all.

Just popping in to say hello to everyone, and to check in to see how everybody's going.

And to apologise for taking ages to reply, I had a break from the forums, so that's why.

Take care all, I'm here if anyone needs me. I'll be catching up on the other threads I've missed too so bare with me.

I've missed you all.

Tayla x

Community Member

Hey there Katy girl,

As I mentioned, I left you a message on the 'Housing and mental health thread' but it has never come through. At first I thought it was with the moderators but now I think maybe I have accidentally pressed cancel instead of post (apologies BB staff for thinking it was on your end). I wouldn't be surprised if I have done this as I have been a bit off with the fairies due to a pesky head cold or flu or something I have had, its definitely made me a bit spacey! Yesterday I woke up and realised I couldn't hear out of my left ear, its totally blocked and has pangs of pains through the day. Anyhow, I am sure it will all clear up soon but its no fun.

I have been busy trying to spend a decent amount of time on an online CBT course I enrolled in. Its interesting and I am hoping with time it will be useful. Face to face CBT with psych would probably be more beneficial as its tailored and this online course sort of pitches the ball in the middle for everyone. Have you ever done any CBT? I do find managing GAD takes some determination and focus and I get a bit exhausted going into battle with it sometimes.

How is uni going so far? Do you feel youre back in the routine of it all yet? Any assignments yet?

Sending calm vibes your way for an awesome day xo

Hi Tayla

Nice to see you popping in on my thread. I said hi to you in the cafe 🙂 Good to have you back x

Hey CS

I did keep an eye out for your post, but it never appeared. I do the same sometimes, think I've posted, but haven't. Sorry to hear you've been unwell. I was a bit worried when I hadn't seen you post.

There's lots of research backing CBT, so that's great you're doing an online course. I've been seeing my current psychologist for a decade now. Prior to that I saw four or five others, whom I didn't really gel with. But in my experience, one of the first things they all do is explain CBT, so you can understand the relationship between thoughts/feelings/actions (from memory). So basically in changing one aspect of this, you can effect change in the other interrelated components, which makes sense. It's been a while so feel free to correct me if I'm off track.

So everything that I do with my psych I presume is CBT based. So if tell her I'm nervous about going on campus for uni, we examine my thoughts to see if they're accurate, my behaviours (what will I do? what can I do differently?), and my feelings (does it make me happy, sad, excited?). What can I change? What will make a positive difference?

Does that sound similar to what you're learning about?

Interestingly, I've only recently come to the conclusion that I've been just waiting on my therapist to fix me, instead of working on myself, which I should have been doing all this time. No point kicking myself, at least I know that now! So I can take those techniques and apply them for myself between sessions, as well as all the supplementary helpful things like yoga, meditation, healthy eating...

Of course, it's all pretty hard work, as you've mentioned, so it doesn't always happen anyway, and we need to be ok with that too. Some days are just "not today" days.

(Sorry for talking your ear off here!)

Anyway uni is going ok. I'm on track, I think 🙂 How's your daughter managing so far?

Katy x

Thanks for the kind words Katy, nice to be back. I replied to you on the Cafe too x

Hi Katy,

Really glad to hear things are going well with you, and that you’re enjoying your course.

Sorry I haven’t been on in the last few days, just having a break from digital land. My psycho said it was probably a good idea to have a detox as he’s noticed a bit of a slide in my progress.

Tayla - nice to hear from you again.

Hope everyone is well.


Thanks Simon, it's nice to be back. Sometimes being off the internet can be good, I've tried hard a few times but I just can't, because I don't have much else, just my walks and stuff like that really, I get bored with things easily. But trust me I've tried.

I did go off Facebook a few years back for a year or so though, didn't seem to miss it after a while.

Take care all

Hi Katy,

The CBT online that I am doing does have all the components of what you described yes. I actually saw a bit of an increase in anxiety when I first started instead of decrease - I think I was finding it difficult to implement the strategies being taught to me and having a panic about 'well where else have I got to go if this doesn't work ?' - also they want me to be able to identify thoughts during a panic episode which has always been so difficult for me to do. They have assured me that a bit of an increase is normal and all the tools I am learning take lots of practice and patience.

Its interesting that now that I am learning what CBT is all about, I have realised that the appointments I have with my psych don't seemed to be based around CBT from what I can gather, they seem to be more talk therapy- like. My psych is a lovely lady , but I really am not seeing her often enough (probably every 2-3 months) and I think I actually know more about her life than she does mine to be honest.

Don't be sorry for talking my ear off! I love it! I am sure I was talking straight out of the womb,lol. I am a talker through and through. The few good friends I have say they have to have conversations with me in 'instalments' as there is no such thing as a quick phone call or catch up. My conversations are on average between 2 and 3 hours long! I do think I am just as good a listener as I am a talker though, so I believe that balances things out! 2500 characters may not be enough for chats here, I think 1000 might be more to my liking 🙂

Funny that you mention you've only just realised that you have been waiting for your therapist to fix you and have concluded that it doesn't work like that. I too have only just recently realised that I have actually been seeking out that one tip or skill that magically takes all the pain away. I think I had been under the impression for a long time that there will be 'one' thing, whatever that may be that will render me anxiety free. Like you, I am now realising its a mixture of lots of different things that pave the road to recovery. Sound like we are both learning 🙂

I hope your day has been kind to you.

Always a treat to catch up with you.

CS xo

Community Member

Just popping in to say hello to Katy and everyone else on the thread. I hope you're all well, take care everyone.

I'm around if anyone needs me, as always.

Tayla x

Thanks Tayla,

Will keep that in mind. Hope you’re well.
