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Not coping after disclosure

Community Member

Please help me. Im really struggling.

last night i disclosed something that ive kept with me for 2 years now. Im already struggling with ptsd anxiety and depression but the event that i disclosed also comes under ptsd.

I rang a hotline and the first time in 2 years ive spoken about it and im so embarrassed and ashamed. I hate myself and blame myelf for it. And im terriffied! !

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Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Little Butterfly,

I hope it's okay if I just sit with you for a while..I'm feeling lonely and your struggling as well as me so I thought maybe we can sit quite together for a while and help each other a little....

Im really sorry your having trouble with your professionals..They just don't seem to listen to us...

Hoping that things start to improve for you soon sweetheart,..

Love snd big squishy hugs..


Hello little angel, your most welcome to come and sit with me. i would appreciate it very much xox

did you want to talk at all? im happy to listen xox

Community Member

Hey SN, (and pepper and grandy)

I don't have a psych at the moment, but I do have a good gp so that's something at least.

I don't mean seeing things from her perspective, I more mean trying to analyse her actions to find ways that she might show affection that aren't the same ways you would. Does that make sense? I don't bother trying to see things from my mum's perspective. She's quite narcissistic and trying to see things from her perspective just makes me angry at how selfish she can be sometimes. She basically tried to laugh off calling me a know it all last night (said "oh I thought you knew everything?" When I asked her what she meant by something), there's no seeing comments like that from her perspective without coming to negative conclusions.

It sucks that the new gp didn't go well. My advise is to keep looking until you find one that's a mental health practitioner. At least then they'll have adequate knowledge of dealing with mental illnesses. I reckon since I was 18 I've seen over 10 gps and I've only just found a good one and that was by fluke. Unfortunately sometimes switching doctors until you find a good one is all you can do.

Crochet is a great hobby. I wouldn't know how now, but my mum taught me when I was a teenager. It's awesome because you can actually make things for yourself like blankets and beanies and jackets etc. Soon you'll have all sorts of hand made things! You could even sell them on etsy!

Hugs xx


Community Member
Hi Lici

oh im sorry I mis understood what you meant, thank you for clarifying. Yes that makes sense, I guess I could try.

It hard for me to keep changing, theres no other gps in the clinic that are taking on new clients atm and since 2 left/on leave so its made it harder to. I dont really like any other gps in my area.

Yeah it is a good hobby, not sure how long the excitement will last though lol. Im still in the very early stages so lots to learn and challenge my brain with!

Community Champion
Community Champion
Thank you little butterfly....

GG πŸ’šπŸ’•πŸ’œπŸ’—πŸ’™β£β€

Community Member

Hey SN, (and grandy 😊)

That sucks that there's no other gps in your area that you like. Is there another area close by that you could maybe travel to? I know travelling sucks, but if it means that you get the help you need it might be worth the effort.

The excitement may not last with crocheting, but instead of being exciting, it may become relaxing instead and a way to calm your mind down when you need to. Once you get good enough at it, you could make things for yourself, your family etc. My mum is constantly making things. She made clothes, booties and blankets for my nieces and nephews when they were babies etc and they become like family heirlooms that my sister's can give to their kids to give to their kids when they grow up. My mum also makes scarves and beanies that she sells at her charity shop etc, so it can end up being a rewarding hobby to have 😊

Anyway, I hope you have a good day πŸ€—


Hi beautiful Butterfly Wings,

The vicious voices in your head must be very difficult to deal with...hopefully one day, the volume of those voices will be turned down...

Your new GP sounds disappointing. Seemed to just want to get to quickly out the door...

You can rest your weary wings on my shoulder for as long as you like...

Thank you also for the lovely message on my thread. I’m excited to see more butterflies as it gets warmer πŸ™‚

Warm cuddles and much love

”Dusk till dawn”

Pepper xoxo

Hi Wings and all,

Forgot to say that I’m very happy that you’re enjoying crochet. It sounds like a fantastic challenge and it clearly keeps you preoccupied πŸ™‚

I think maybe just enjoy it for now, and don’t worry too much about whether you will sustain interest in it or not. Maybe you will and maybe you won’t...I feel what matters most is you’re enjoying it in the here and now πŸ˜‰

Love you little butterfly

”Dusk till dawn”

Pepper xoxox

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Little Butterfly,

Thank you for letting me stay last night...I was so overwhelmed with sadness and felt alone...πŸ’œπŸŒΏπŸ¦‹..

Im sorry about your gp, I'm totally over their attitude out here..Sounds like you don't have many quality gps out your way...

The voices in your head..I hope they leave you alone..

I used to crotchet, it was my escape. I used to make doilies, blankets, pillow covers jumpers etc..i tried not long but couldn't do it just not the same...

I hope your day was okay ish sweetheart, and tonight you sleep in peaceful slumber....

Big soul healing hugs, and love I'm sending your way...πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ’œπŸŒΉ and of course lots of peace..πŸ•ŠπŸ•Š..

Love and hugs, sweet lovlies..πŸ’œπŸ€—..
