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- It's over. Feel like giving up.
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It's over. Feel like giving up.
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I'm clinging to everything by what feels like a thread. I feel very fragile right now, I narrowing escaped another hospital admission yesterday. It's getting to the point where even the local mental health team seem to be having trouble making decisions about whether they should just let me leave the emergency department or admit to hospital. I begged to not be admitted. A lucky situation where my husband found me after I left the ED otherwise I may not be here. and to keep as safe as I can I have to break the law. Sounds like a strange thing to be saying but that's exactly what I have to do.
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Well Missmara, at least you are aware of the issues caused by bottling up. You are right, if pressure doesn't find an outlet, it will either lead to explosion or implosion. An inescapable law of physics...The only choice here is how best we can avoid both.
Putting up the OK front is something I can relate to. I did it many years. Unfortunately, whatever walls we build around us to shut people out also end up locking us in...a self-imposed prison that can be very difficult to break out of.
And yes, there are times when everything seems to pile up against us. Mental/emotional conditions ill-equip us to deal with the overload. I have found the only way I could cope with overwhelming, complex situations was to break up a big problem into small pieces and deal with those one at a time. Difficult of course when some of them link together (as they often do). Wouldn't choosing to see your case manager as needed be a better option than being forced back into the system ? If it is going to help you with the court case, wouldn't it be a good idea to get that out the way so that you can move on to the next hurdle ?
Would writing down the pros and cons help ? Perhaps you could then give further thought to ways of minimizing the cons ?
Of course, I can only see your situation from the outside and offer suggestions coming from personal experience. Those are questions only you can answer for yourself.
All I can do is wish that you will gradually find a way out of your predicament.
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Hi Missmara,
I wish I had some answers for you and suggestions on how to make things better.
We don't fully know your situation. Like Croix said, talking to someone face to face about how you are feeling is best. I know that is not always possible.
Medical people do the best they can. Sounds like you really need help right now. Please accept it.
Mrs. D.
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If you are feeling suicidal, it's really important that you get immediate help rather than posting here. Call our support service on 1300 22 4636, we have professional counsellors there to take your call around the clock. If you feel you are in immediate danger, then please call emergency services on 000.
We will still be here to support you once the immediate crisis has passed, to share strategies about what worked to get you through and what can be improved for next time.
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HI Missmara,
I'm wondering if you have been writing stuff down and it that helps you.
A psychologist I am seeing at present has me writing down the SITUATION I am in, and then my THOUGHTS and FEELINGS around that, to write down ACTIVITIES I could do to help me feel better and then to re access my THOUGHTS and FEELINGS.
Doing this has helped me to realise how powerful thoughts and feeling are both positively and negatively.
For example my husband has just gone on a European holiday without, this morning I had a cry about that, I don't want to feel miserable about that any more so I am going to make plans for the time he is away, and will write down when I am feeling lousy, then work out what I can do to feel better again.
My psychologist has also recommended a strategy called "Acceptance and Commitment Therapy". I have only just started with this. It looks like you accept how you are feeling and find ways to commit to a different way of reacting.
I am going to learn more about this, my mind has a pattern of how it reacts to stuff I don't like, so learning to change will be excellent.
Today I am going to have my lunch outside in the sun. I might draw some pictures, do some craft, a little gardening, play some music in the garden and watch the clouds. My options are endless...so are yours.
Try and do something different and pleasurable and see how that makes you feel.
Cheers from Mrs. D.
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