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I don't talk about my anxiety with my offline friends

Community Member

Hi everyone,

My name is Jess and I'm 23 years old. I love doing photography as its a passion of mine, love animals, love walking/doing exercise, cooking and being with family and friends.

I have been with this pesky mental illness, anxiety, since late 2014. I recently came onto the internet looking for forums and found this website. I got sucked into reading the anxiety forum a few days ago and I thought it was about time I made an appearance as we're not alone in this world.

I'd love to chat to those who are experiencing some sort of anxiety and hope to make new friends as I don't talk about my anxiety with my real friends.

Hope to chat soon, Jess 🙂

109 Replies 109

Oh nice 🙂 glad you're keeping busy. Wow, what kind of certificates do you have? I've also got 3; Cert II in Animal Studies, Cert IV in Photo Imaging & Diploma in Photo Imaging. Whats the other certificate you will be starting? Sounds like you're a busy bee then.

I work casually as a waitress at my local club and I'm quitting my first job which was working in a boarding kennel. I've been there for 2 and a half years and it's time for a change. For study, I will starting this NEIS program (basically a small business course to get a business going) next month which is exciting as it will benefit my photography. I want to start up a pet photography business, been a long awaited passion of mine.

I have a certificate in medical terminolgy, a certificate of achievement in basic psychology and a certificate of achievement in human anatomy. I only started looking at courses this year. So ive done these within the past 8 months or so.
Im doing a certificate of achievement in the basics of nursing, then the same cert in common illness, then midwifery. Im only doing basic ones at the moment because I cant handle anything big but the smaller stuff- well the stuff that I can do online over 8 weeks suits me better.

Thats a really good career, I wish you all the best with that. Its good to have an end goal so it shows all your hard work

All those small qualifications you have done, add up which is really good. You've done well in that small space of time! Keep going 🙂

Thanks 🙂


I just read that you recently had your first appointment with your psychologist. Good on you too for having a follow appointment 2 weeks later 🙂

It takes great courage to get ourselves organised with having a supportive counselor (and GP)

My kind thoughts



Yeah they all add up. My new course starts today.

How are you going? Have you had any more psych sessions?

Hi Paul,

Good to hear from you again. Thank you for the nice words.

I have just transitioned to a new GP and to a new psychologist (as my first one was going to cost me too much) and I'm hoping they will support me through all of this.

Hi SN,

Thats exciting, I hope it well for you today.

I'm going okay. Kinda had a rough night last night which is effecting me today. I have some thinking to do is all.
I haven't had any since the 28th. As I mention above, I have decided to reach out to another psychologist due to the expenses. I have one booked in on the 22nd. Thanks for asking.

How about you?

do you want to talk about why last night was rough for you?

thats ok, its ok to change psychologists. i hope this one works out well for you and you recieve the best care from them.

No it's okay, I'd rather focus on today or this week. Thanks for your concern though. I'm feeling better today. I printed one of my photos and it is now hanging on the lounge room wall. Looks wonderful 🙂

How have you been?

wow thats awesome! i bet it looks fantastic hanging on the wall- right where they should be 🙂

umm im ok just going through a heap of stuff including loosing my horse the 2 days ago and my nan going into a nursing home and not really sure how long she has left