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I don't talk about my anxiety with my offline friends

Community Member

Hi everyone,

My name is Jess and I'm 23 years old. I love doing photography as its a passion of mine, love animals, love walking/doing exercise, cooking and being with family and friends.

I have been with this pesky mental illness, anxiety, since late 2014. I recently came onto the internet looking for forums and found this website. I got sucked into reading the anxiety forum a few days ago and I thought it was about time I made an appearance as we're not alone in this world.

I'd love to chat to those who are experiencing some sort of anxiety and hope to make new friends as I don't talk about my anxiety with my real friends.

Hope to chat soon, Jess 🙂

109 Replies 109

It looks awesome! Wish I could show you 🙂

I'm sorry to hear about your horse and your nan. Losing a pet is one the hardest things.. we lost our 14 year old maltese x fox back in 2015. Our pets are in a better place now ♥

The best thing you can do for your nan is to comfort her, make her feel good, laugh with her and make the most of the time that she has left with you.

Just an idea. ... could you make one of your favourite photos that youve taken your profile picture?

Its hard loosing pets. They are family too. I know things will ease soon enough. Its still very raw

Yeah i know with my nan. Atm shes getting alot of visitors but shes bot well so gets tiref very easily and atm the hospital is in lock down because too many are getting colds and viruses brought in from the outside

How areyou today?

I've (hopefully) changed it so the admins are in control now! Can't wait for you to see the image that I printed 🙂

It will get easier but they are forever in our hearts.

I don't know what to say.. just be by her side as much as you can.

I'm good today, a lot calmer than the start of the week (was the first week without working at my first job). Looking forward to work tonight and tomorrow night. How are you?

Hey PL

i cant wait to see your pic either. i bet its fantastic!

im glad your looking forward to your work now. it seems this job is a good fit for you 🙂

its good to have a job you want to go to, gives you something to work for and to look forward to as well

im ok, still in a very tough spot but im hoping things will get easier soon

have you got anything planned for the weekend?

Hey SN,

It's brightly coloured, so you'll see it!

I like the atmosphere and the people who I work with. Never worked in the hospitality industry and I'm still learning! Always learning something 🙂 I may clean up after people, but it's the people who you work with that make the night go smoother and more fun.

It will get easier, just take it one day at a time. Keep talking to those who support you and do what you enjoy doing.

For the weekend so far, I've got work and catching up with a friend tomorrow but thats it so far. Don't think that far ahead anymore and just do whatever. You?


thats the spirit!

it sounds like an awesome workplace to be in and its great to hear your enjoying it as well.

my weekend pretty much consisits of the same thing, watching my sisters but im going to try and take abit of time out form horsing and babysitting to just chill before my hectic week starts all over again

Hey SN,

Good idea on taking some time out for yourself. We all need some alone time to chill out 🙂 Hope you enjoy your weekend!

My photo is up! Yay 😄

Hey PL

Spot on saying we all need some 'me' time. Not enough people do it unfortunately

Great photo by the way! What is the plant specie?


thats an awesome photo!

i love simple pics like that sometimes simple is best and really captures what your photoing.

you should change you pic every week so i can see more of your pics.

Hi Paul,

Everyone should do it, especially when they have a hobby that they can escape to.

Thank you! I think it's a Japanese Maple? I adore the colours that they produce.