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I always do things ass about

Community Member

My first introduction thread after being here FOREVER..... because I always do things backwards...

Velvz. Bipolar.... type? Not sure. I walked out of the psychiatrists office the day he tried putting me on more meds. That was a decade ago.

Anxiety issues. OCD issues. Occasional SH concerns. Checkered history of substance abuse.

I manage for the most part by exercising, good healthy food and good sleep practices. Substances these days are 3 drinks maximum and I'm rat assed.

I work full time. Study part time. Bought my own house years ago. On my own. Ok the bank helped lol!!! Most days for me are 10-14 hours depending. That's work and study and house things and exercise.

At the moment I'm struggling because I believe I've burnt myself out and pushed myself into hypomania. I'm all over the shop. Been here before but no psychosis stuff. Woo.

Oh man I don't know what else to say. No kids. Love kids. But conscious decision not to have my own. Love men. But sadly I'm intolerant to relationships after a while. Moody 😁😁

Animals and music are my passions.

Yeh so..... **** awkward silence***


554 Replies 554

So the whole time,ok not the whole time. I kept thinking about you can you answer this?

All over the beach there are thousands of river rocks/stones ,where do they come from and how and why? You should of see the massive Eagles they had at least a 2mtr wing span.

Has the man thing being good again?

Dory,yeah I was always on detention too.


The river rocks and stones must get washed over Millenia out the river mouth and up onto the beach. I’m talk YEARS. The ebb and flow of nature. Eagles are so cool. My corella would disagree lol.

man thing is feeling sorry for himself I think. Tough. I’m just chilling out watching tv. Eating ahahahahah.

Heh a fellow reprobate huh? 😊😊😊😊

Hi v

how are you going?

You have a corella that's pretty cool, fellow bird lover then?

Thinking of you


Hey Nath !

I am a huge bird lover. Birds are my favorites. My corella is a devil though. Spoilt little brat LOL !

I am going good at the moment for a Monday. How about you? I read about a lady interest? HEHEHE. I have internet dated a bit. Good fun. I would still do it but my man creature would no doubt frown upon it. Bad joke.

By the way my name is Chae. My real life proper legal drivers licence name.


Hi v

would you prefer to be called Chae or v? Nice name by the way if you hadn't already guest my names Nathan, haha.

I love birds to I rescue them as much as I can, my galahs a bit like that, haha he can be a nasty bugger.

Im glad your doing well. Yeah I'm doing really well at the moment I'm feeling motivated again so I'm outside doing stuff today. Haha, yeah she's really nice it's looking good I think.😊

Haha, I love how you call him the man creature, your pretty awesome.

Thinking of you


Either / or i don't mind.

HEHEHE cockatoos have a lot of personality. Too much at times.

I am glad you are doing well. I read on your thread she is a rather nice girl. Likes animals and is a caring person? I hope it goes well for you guys. I will go over to your thread actually.......

The man creature resembles a hobbit. I call him the hobbit. He is short and cuddly and has fluffy feet. Longish dirty blonde hair too. Samwise - esque HAHAHAHAH.

Be good . If not, be good at it.


Ok I think I'll call you Chae if that's ok it sounds good, haha.

haha, yeah well I just got bit by my galah, he's annoyed with me becuase I'm digging out the bottom of my avery to put mesh down and hopefully keep the rats out.

yes she loves her animals and is very caring, I'm falling for her pretty quick, haha.

Haha, how's he feel about being called that? Haha, your cool.

haha, I always am 😉


HEHEHEheeh bad human !!! Lol. Hope the bite wasn’t bad.

the hobbit is ok with my term of endearment.... I asked and he’s quite happy with it.

chae is fine lol.

hope she’s sexy too huh??? 😁😁😁😁😁

lol at the Dory snort.


uhoh here comes my train !!!!

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

BAHAHAHA @ the last few posts.

Hope you caught the train ok.

The Dory snort now? LMAO