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I always do things ass about

Community Member

My first introduction thread after being here FOREVER..... because I always do things backwards...

Velvz. Bipolar.... type? Not sure. I walked out of the psychiatrists office the day he tried putting me on more meds. That was a decade ago.

Anxiety issues. OCD issues. Occasional SH concerns. Checkered history of substance abuse.

I manage for the most part by exercising, good healthy food and good sleep practices. Substances these days are 3 drinks maximum and I'm rat assed.

I work full time. Study part time. Bought my own house years ago. On my own. Ok the bank helped lol!!! Most days for me are 10-14 hours depending. That's work and study and house things and exercise.

At the moment I'm struggling because I believe I've burnt myself out and pushed myself into hypomania. I'm all over the shop. Been here before but no psychosis stuff. Woo.

Oh man I don't know what else to say. No kids. Love kids. But conscious decision not to have my own. Love men. But sadly I'm intolerant to relationships after a while. Moody 😁😁

Animals and music are my passions.

Yeh so..... **** awkward silence***


554 Replies 554

Community Member

On way to GP. Kinda scared. I’m afraid my options re contraception are now very limited and they won’t let me have the choice over my own body.

Very sad and anxious.


Hey Velvet

Hope all is ok

will be thinking of you


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey Velvz,

i hope you get to make the choice that YOU want.

sending hugs

cmf x

Community Member

HEY guys thanks heaps. I’ve a list of gynos to shop through now.


I got so upset this afternoon because I’m sick of it. Sick of being responsible with my body but yet not being allowed to make a choice for myself?


Been a bit hypo since dropping the pill. Brains been a bit like racing party town thoughts.

I’m cranky at myself for not having wise words of advice for anyone here. Just want you to all know I value you all. I support you all. Im here.... quietly lurking, keeping my mouth shut unless I got something helpful to add. Even if a snort.


Hi. Im meercat..lived with bipolar 64 years

Im sorry you are feeling this way..some days can be daunting.

After taking Li for 43 years its still a balancing game to find whats best for me. Recently I became heavily toxic but on the right track now with lower dose.

In all this time. No one had explained what this bp was about and how to handle it.

I'v just learned that meds have to be monitored regularly. I try to keep up with drs appts even if im feeling ok, keep my life simple and i drink fluids like a camel.

When i had my baby , i was taken off Li , it was strange, mother nature took over with endorphins (is that what their called and i was calm and happy.

meercat xx

Oh wow!!!! How did your thyroid cope with the Li?

Thank you for stopping by 😏😏

I manage with healthy food, lots of exercise, keeping life simple too and walking away from negative influences. Natural supplements as well. I’m not traditionally medicated due to bad experiences with meds over the years.

I want to give you a flower 💐🌹


I would love to tell you my mix,

cause you are so much me😱 Sorry about that.



Bid hello to Cat,

Vel you know what happens after a high, be carful.

Hello Dory monster

its cool

revisit to gyno 3 months +\- surgery tba lol ...... might solve the contraception issue !!!

omg the hobbits face watching the procedure was priceless!!!!!