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Understanding depression....TO BEAT IT ? *Warning, Contains Triggers*

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

We're here to learn, sure of it. Have to for survival.

Like so many have lived in hell a mammoth amount of times.

I firmly believe collectively we can in majority of cases get on top of depression. We have to, too many die & suffer in unimaginable pain. It's wrong.

We're intelligent, capaple of thought. It has & CAN be done including coming back from the bottom.

A psychiatrist said to me when I said I'm going to beat it..." It can't be done".

I say maybe it hasn't been, but that doesn't mean it can't!

I'm Bipolar type 1 & 2 (now moreso) & yes its taken yrs but condensed not so long, so far (details later) have achieved pulling the extreme type 1 manias down to more controlled type 2 & anyone that experiences or knows the euphoria & complete unadulterated bliss, NO BODY on this Earth wouldnt want it. Its what people take drugs for, Pure happiness/confidence the list goes on ...

Point being, mammoth to let it go but achieved reduction, still amazing though.

I like thinking, am DETERMINED to get this crap, worse scenario under complete control which'd be a WIN!

In shorter time frame thanks to mania that opens or wakes the brain starting to make huge headway breaking through extremely deep depression.

I'm more than a rapid cycler (4 or more a year) I have 8-10 major cycles a year. Gotta get on top else it'll take me too

BP has by far more suicide than any other mental illness I recently read.

4 attempts in teens, contemplated a few & until recently it was an option.

Learning Emotional control

Our brains are possibly the least understood organ but what we do know is they're VERY POWERFUL. If we can understand depression from understanding we can learn. Growth.

Believing creates hope & determination

Sincerely sorry for your pain people.

We can get this

76 Replies 76

Stress , if we can learn to handle it then I think we'd have a good grip on depression. Sleep disturbances which carries stress are very common with depression, we're down for whatever reason then sleep up the whoop adds to.

How to handle, I think it is adrenaline that kicks in when we're tired, esp when we're in deep, the body goes into proetection mode but we're too stuffed to use it for it's purposes & burn it off so it seems to stay as tension in the chest. Hard breathing in & out helped one time recently. Exercise can rid it with the hard or heavier breathing.
Our minds need to cope, not allowing the excitement that seems to shoot through to take over it revs us. Enjoy it but let it fall back down. When we follow with emotions if they're downs takes us with it.
We can have emotional control by thinking & doing mentally

It's easy to go down with emotion but the pain builds.
changing our thought habits

We need to think.. if we don't ...how do we get through .. our thoughts need to be for not against us

Mindset...if you can get the want happening helps, takes time though we need patience stubborness good too

With ENERGY ...our biggest strength, happiness seems more achievable. Lifes easier to handle

Sleep deprivation depletes energy, creating stress anxiety depression for many.

Most of us have times we dont sleep well. Our emotions are harder to handle.

How do we get energy

  • Meds to sleep
  • Stop...Rest. Lay down or comfy seat. Bodies getting rest.
  • Exercise or even small movement can bring on energy.
  • Eating can relax the body also gives energy
  • Meditation? Calming mind and body. Stress and pain sap energy.
  • Mindset. Not allowing tiredness to rule. Doing things as opposed to not.(Yes hard)
  • ?

Happiness with Energy

Depression without

well said DB xox

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Everyone,

I just thought I would put my thoughts down as to some ways that can help you feel better from depression

There are lots of things that we can try and do to help us to stop our negative thought pattern, .It might be very hard to get up enough motivation to try these things, but we need to try to get our selves on the right to help ourselves at times..

I think that self care is needed to help in our recovery and is very important to maintain at all times..

Self-care we could say is healthy well, excercising and getting a good sleep are very important to our overall wellbeing and it's a good start to improving ourselves. Keeping active can have a good to help with our negative thoughts and energy, so we could try a half hour minimum walk per way, or we could go to the gym, join a sports club. There are many different options open for exercise.

Thoughts..being aware of how we are feeling and our negative thoughts is important to be aware of.. Sometimes writing out how you feel can make us aware of which thoughts are causing us some problems doing this at night before sleep is a good way to dump you negativity before sleeping

It can take lots of hard work sometimes to try to do something that you used to enjoy, had fun doing. even if we don’t feel like it we should just do it...This can be very helpful in making us feel better. Maybe try learning something new such as learning to cook more difficult dishes, or sew, learn how to do handy work for around the home..

Relaxing, harder said then done but to be relaxed is good for stress and can help calm our chatty mind.. Breathing exercises are my favourite I Like counting my breaths in and out while Concentrating on my breathing.. Mindfulness, Meditation listening to music, and following one instrument throughout the song takes me away from my negative thoughts.

I hope something works for you if your needing a little motivation today.

I hope your days are getting a little brighter each day.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Thanks Grandy thats as always an excellent informative wise post. I'm going to try to apply this even if its slow happening and thats the 2nd time I read it and will again

Good onya darls 🤗

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello everyone,

When a friend or family member gets depressed and sinks into the dreaded tunnel and needs help. You not sure how to talk to them or what to say, Having a supportive person to talk to when you’re feeling depressed can really help.take the time to ask them if they are okay and tell them that you’re there for them.

Even though it’s important to show them support by being with them, some time alone can be helpful to them to work out how they’re feeling,

Just knowing someone is there when they need them can be a comfort for them.. Many people with mental health problems are afraid to ask for help.. Letting a loved one know that you are there for them calms them significantly.

.Feeling alone, upset and helpless can be frightening. Just saying, “I love you” lets them know they have your support no matter what kind of mental health problems they are going through.

Someone who is in a deep depression,, finds tasks that are easy, can be overwhelming things we do daily like taking a shower or cooking might seem too much for them to handle. Allowing them extra time to do these tasks is a good idea, have patience and love.

Going out to social functions when you’re feeling depressed can be hard and upsetting. By avoid these situations it can can help a person feel relaxed and allow them the time to focus on their own health

just telling someone that everything is going to be OK can calm their mind, When people get upset or frustrated, they often jump to the worse thing they think could happen. Gently calming them down and reminding them that baby steps can be taken to help them to recover

People often feel guilty for having a problem. When they feel alone and different from everyone else it will make them feel worse, so remind your loved one that although their Mental Health illness is real. It's healable

Guilt is a common feeling with depression. Often people feel like they are a bad person because they were too sick to go to work ,but this is not the case. You wouldn't think bad to someone for missing a family outing or going out with friends due to a normal illness, so why would you think someone was a bad person for having mental health problems?

Mental health problems are not a quick fix and takes years of being pro- active to heal. There is no quick fix.

Be clear that you are happy to help whenever you can. . Making sure they feel comfortable asking for and receiving help.

Hopefully this can be of some help to someone..


Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Deebi, readers and poster.

Ive been doing a bit of research on out pattern of thoughts..This is what Ive come up with..This will be the first of two posts relating to our thoughts and how they do affect us in daily decisions..

There are 4 parts to our thought pattern..

  1. Thought..original first thought.
  2. High thought... next the 2nd part of a thought.
  3. Argument... the 3rd part of the thought.
  4. Stronghold...the 4th part of our thought..

Thoughts....Your thoughts can determine your future, at times our minds produce negative patterns of thinking that needs to be arrested (stopped). We cannot allow these thoughts to roam free, they should be locked up, they are a menace, causing us negatively, so we must constrain them and refuse to let our mind wander down those destructive paths..

High thought...Contrary to accepted belief, Our minds do not control us..We control it, Therfore we need to be in absolute control of our thoughts.Failure to controlling our thoughts, will bring us to the next level where these thoughts become preoccupation or High Thoughts..They now pre occupy you and now dominate our thinking. Please remember that we build or devastate our life according by our thinking. Some very powerful things are in play here when we are in high thoughts, so we should try to notice and absorb the progression that's happening here.

Arguments...If we still cant/dont take authority over such thinking it then becomes an argument, where we are constantly in battle with destructive and non destructive (logic) thoughts.. Destructive being the dominant one at this stage of your thoughts.

Stronghold...Eventually an unchecked though then becomes a stronghold, which then needs to be pulled down, because strongholds are exactly that a strong hold over our mind and eventually will have a strong hold or a vice like grip on our thoughts..Which then leads to our destiny or way of living..

"thoughts" become "high thoughts" preoccupying or dominant thoughts.."high thoughts" become "Arguments". They resist wisdom and challenge you logic ...Then these "Arguments"...become "Stronghold" which causes a vice like grip in your thoughts and will build a destructive stronghold around your mind and stop you in your tracks..

In other words, it's very important to stop our negative though as soon as we think it...

I do have another page I want to share soon with you explaining in more detailed, the stronghold part of our thoughts.

Warn hugs and kind thoughts,



Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Deebi Everyone..This is part 2 of my research on how our thought pattern works..

stronghold 1.. the impoverished thinking....This stronghold will keep you feeling poor (depressed). and poor is a way of thinking. Many people live under the stronghold of believing that depression is their fate and there is nothing they can do to change it..If nothing is done to change this thinking, then this thinking is guaranteed to limit your life to the level of your belief and thinking..

Stronghold 2..ignoring advice..now that negativity has become a stronghold, the last thing you want is advice, you don't want anybody telling you what to do or how to do it. The now domineering thoughts (depressive). that rule you, will confuse you..You then potentially isolate yourself, and cut yourself off from any positive input..

Stronghold 3..The disadvantages..By now you won't see any positives in your thoughts, all the disadvantages and unfavourable thoughts have blocked your views of initial rewards, challenges, and good things, so the Depressive thoughts can't be blocked and they become the strongholds if they are not managed correctly.

Stronghold 4.....Giving up.. This is where your thoughts start giving up, and your believing that nothing you do will help you, You need to clean the house, but you can't because your to tired, or your feeling sick..your thoughts make These feel so real, and this now becomes the stronghold in your thought..you believe nothing will help..

Stronghold. 5......A Victim Mentality...A stronghold has the incredible habit of making you believe that you are alone with your problems..your thoughts are running wild, I am the only one that's like this, everyone else looks so happy, why should I be like this, I don't want this anymore, I cant live like this anymore....Everyone else has got there act together..If the victim stronghold raises its ugly head. You. Must loose this one quickly, because you are at the strongest stronghold there is and this is when, the detrimental, unhealthy thoughts start telling you to believe the extreme worse about you and your life. At this point of thought, it's very hard to understand any logic what so ever.

The most important thing I learned when reading up on this is, we control our mind, we must try our hardest to stop our unhealthy thought pattern even before we get to High thoughts, we need to stop domineering negatives thoughts as soon as they enter our minds..

Kind thoughts,


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

As always your inputs valuable, thanks Grandy.

It's interesting and makes sense. I want to re read because in the first part of my Bipolar I was doing exactly that catching and blocking negative thoughts before they became high thoughts.It worked through the mania.

Tiredness I think made it harder, but in time habit would make it easier.

That'd be a mindfulness to be aware of our thinking I imagine.

Community Champion
Community Champion

HelloDeebi, and everyone..

2nd one landed...

I hope this helps someone to understand their thoughts more easily.. it's given me something to think about now..

We are in control of our thoughts...

Kind thoughts.
