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Understanding depression....TO BEAT IT ? *Warning, Contains Triggers*

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

We're here to learn, sure of it. Have to for survival.

Like so many have lived in hell a mammoth amount of times.

I firmly believe collectively we can in majority of cases get on top of depression. We have to, too many die & suffer in unimaginable pain. It's wrong.

We're intelligent, capaple of thought. It has & CAN be done including coming back from the bottom.

A psychiatrist said to me when I said I'm going to beat it..." It can't be done".

I say maybe it hasn't been, but that doesn't mean it can't!

I'm Bipolar type 1 & 2 (now moreso) & yes its taken yrs but condensed not so long, so far (details later) have achieved pulling the extreme type 1 manias down to more controlled type 2 & anyone that experiences or knows the euphoria & complete unadulterated bliss, NO BODY on this Earth wouldnt want it. Its what people take drugs for, Pure happiness/confidence the list goes on ...

Point being, mammoth to let it go but achieved reduction, still amazing though.

I like thinking, am DETERMINED to get this crap, worse scenario under complete control which'd be a WIN!

In shorter time frame thanks to mania that opens or wakes the brain starting to make huge headway breaking through extremely deep depression.

I'm more than a rapid cycler (4 or more a year) I have 8-10 major cycles a year. Gotta get on top else it'll take me too

BP has by far more suicide than any other mental illness I recently read.

4 attempts in teens, contemplated a few & until recently it was an option.

Learning Emotional control

Our brains are possibly the least understood organ but what we do know is they're VERY POWERFUL. If we can understand depression from understanding we can learn. Growth.

Believing creates hope & determination

Sincerely sorry for your pain people.

We can get this

76 Replies 76

Ok thanks Sophie. Thanks & good reasons:)

Thx Starts 🙂 xx

Understanding Depression: ........Retraining thought patterns & habitual thinking.

We can only have one thought at a time(may not apply to all)

The brain has to have thoughts (medically researched) by not blocking, allowing our next thought to be a good one....? two in memory to start with.

Before depression or at some time in our lives we'd have had pleasure. Without this pain what would you like to do? Could use that

Down/good/think how it made you feel. Feel it. Freeing mind of pain temporarily.

The thoughts continue to barge through,listen, and don't think anymore on it (for now,) redirect

(Self pity) takes us down.

Hey ☺

This thread will be ongoing but maybe bit slow at times. I'm in process too of working this all out & very happy to say getting there, way to go but every smalls a win.

Working on stuff intermittently & all takes time, not complaining just communicating ☺

Welcome & encourage discussion, it's a mighty beast to slay & with many minds we can I strongly believe blast our demons.

Believe to achieve

Thanks 🖐

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello DB, & everyone reading/posting.

Love your new Avitar Startingnew, its peaceful plus I like butterflies,

DB says, if I may quote our lovely DB,

""The thoughts continue to barge through,listen, and don't think anymore on it (for now,) redirect""

Reading through this thread and some other threads/posts, to help ease depression, you have to be aware of your thoughts and interact on them....ie: when a negative thought pops into our mind.....acknowledge it, don't really think about it, just let it flow on, then think of a positive or good happy thought and stay with it".

I'm just curious how many people with mh and or depression : can do this little excercise... I have tried to do this, through meditation/mindfulness a number of times...I find once negativity enters my mind, it's there to stay, it's the positive thoughts that seem to be acknowledged, thought about, then the (positive thought) flow straight through. Leaving just negativity.

Does anyone else have this problem.

Or have you been able to learn how to apply this little excercise properly.. to keep the beast asleep for more then a minute.

Would like to hear your thoughts.

Kind thoughts &a hugs ( 🦋🤗🦋🤗) if you want one..


hi Grand

yes i sure do have that problem. it is very hard to do and takes alot of practice.

i find the same thing, the positive thoughts arent even acknowledged, the negative overpowers them all together.

its hard to do but something that i do i actually sit with the feelings and thoughts. its extremely uncomfortable but sometimes we cant do anything more than jsut letting the thoughts swirl around however acknolwding them that they are there, they are only thoughts. id doesnt mean they are true, it doesnt mean we have to act on them. they are just there, i dont fight it, i dont shut them down. i literally walking around with horrid thoughts but try my best to continue on with my day. very hard to do though.

there is a thread i started called 'COPING STRATEGIES' i havent updated for a little while but some coping strategies there might help you in managing your thoughts/emotions etc. feel free to add your own or comment so you keep updated, ill try and fine another coping strategy or 2 to put in there later

hugs to all that need them xoxo

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Startingnew,

i had a look in your coping thread, but will admit I only glanced at it, I will slowly read it the thread and take some notes.

I can destract myself, let's say half the times I need to. Working on this, it will improve, some different coping tools will help improve this.

My problem..... I can't put these into action all the time, what I mean is, It would be so nice just to sit down on my lounge and just look out my front door at the mountains in the distance, or the paddock across the road, or even just sit or lay down without worrying about trying to put coping tools into place all the time, to control the fires in my mind.

just to sit and try to relax is exhausting, sitting with coping tools in place is more exhausting, would be nice just to sit with an empty mind, no thoughts. just to sit and relax.. This is not possible, i or others with mh issues, just can't sit and relax.

Kind thoughts,


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Thanks for great input girls. You both speak & communicate well 🙂 I hope to learn this too from you both & many others here. Major frustration.

Grandy for initiating conversation & expressing difficulties. (bbl, working on this to post)
Starts for replying & your depth & insight. You're both very appreciated for many more reasons too 🙂

I too am learning how to tame the beast & starting to have breakthroughs.
Some thoughts/ideas might change or add to, hearing other opinions & anything said by people could work for someone

Until recently thought it was taking yrs which it is for many aspects of growth & self belief related to depression but realised I wasn't applying enough thought on how to work through it.

Bipolar's complex, in a nutshell it's extremes with emotions UP & Down.
Surprsingly hasn't taken that long so far for these monumental breakthroughs with depression.
Lot more to learn but happies so far

Some contributing factors are mania, opens the mind more, thought, belief, stubborness, want, determination that I think comes with belief and want.

Severity of symptoms & behaviour in BP cycles depend on each individuals personality traits

Some on other threads re BP when I can fully understand it all & articulate properly
"Surviving... being in a better place" & "Your mental Illness...what goes on" (bits in both)

Still great pain intermittently & lot more learning to come, here's helping enormously. People are talking, their insight, wisdom, coping strategies, it's amazing.

Anyway It's happening. I aim to leave on top & help as many as possible on the way.

What BB have provided for us & how they run this site is mindblowing. Eternally grateful to all involved including posters Community Champions through to posters.

If the world was like this we'd have peace.

bbl. Thankyou

Hey DB, you sound tired, understandably so. Bit concerned about you. It’s all very well to have a mission, but useless if you lose yourself in the process.

Your post above is reading a bit like a farewell, not sure if I have misunderstood?

Hugs, M 🙂

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
No not a farewell & yes it's rough as hell but better than usual so I am starting to have breakthroughs Mathy, thanks for care 🙂

Hard to be brighter when you're not feeling it but OK xx

Gunna put a bit more in surviving today

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Thanks Geoff, think I owe you an apology not sure. I might have as we do in depression taken something the wrong way in another thread, you'll know where, wasn't agro but if I did I'm very sorry Geoff. No disrespect intended.

Other thread yeah I do feel in good times too sometimes am I helping or just hacking people off, can't express properly, drives me crazy & nearly every post's the size of an encyclopedia.
Learning untold here & from thinking. Bud I HAVE to get this & want to help others on the way.
Knew it would be hard & ok mostly thx 🙂

So in answer moreso because of head space atm, saving my sanity here & self doubt probably is necessary to keep in check I guess. Starting to realise there's some plusses in depression. Later here.

I feel for people & do care but mostly not taking it on board, hate their pain & suffering though. Doesn't trigger & I don't go too deep into memories of exactly how it was so empathy's not pulling me down there.

Hearing you re threads 🙂 Taking off is good otherwise we won't get a chance at improvement. That's my main priority here
Know what you mean about some posts that overstep, had one other thread which has trigger warnings which entire thread would be to many & trigger warned on post as well. Last thing I want to do is upset people but stuff needs to be spoken about too & people know it's triggers. Don't want to rock the boat, here's for such a good purpose but it's stuffed stuff I was going to do here too. Not sure now exactly how much I can discuss here which is making it harder.

And feel guilty having trouble keeping up with threads I've done & supporting others, hate not answering people when they're good enough to give time & effort but something I'll learn.

I'd happily put hrs (well do anyway) here and not be downed so yeah Geoff it's more down to mood hate to say, not bad mood (rare) depression from BP. Hold up usually well but life seems to throw wobblies also when we're low.

Thx for care asking & listening