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Understanding depression....TO BEAT IT ? *Warning, Contains Triggers*

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

We're here to learn, sure of it. Have to for survival.

Like so many have lived in hell a mammoth amount of times.

I firmly believe collectively we can in majority of cases get on top of depression. We have to, too many die & suffer in unimaginable pain. It's wrong.

We're intelligent, capaple of thought. It has & CAN be done including coming back from the bottom.

A psychiatrist said to me when I said I'm going to beat it..." It can't be done".

I say maybe it hasn't been, but that doesn't mean it can't!

I'm Bipolar type 1 & 2 (now moreso) & yes its taken yrs but condensed not so long, so far (details later) have achieved pulling the extreme type 1 manias down to more controlled type 2 & anyone that experiences or knows the euphoria & complete unadulterated bliss, NO BODY on this Earth wouldnt want it. Its what people take drugs for, Pure happiness/confidence the list goes on ...

Point being, mammoth to let it go but achieved reduction, still amazing though.

I like thinking, am DETERMINED to get this crap, worse scenario under complete control which'd be a WIN!

In shorter time frame thanks to mania that opens or wakes the brain starting to make huge headway breaking through extremely deep depression.

I'm more than a rapid cycler (4 or more a year) I have 8-10 major cycles a year. Gotta get on top else it'll take me too

BP has by far more suicide than any other mental illness I recently read.

4 attempts in teens, contemplated a few & until recently it was an option.

Learning Emotional control

Our brains are possibly the least understood organ but what we do know is they're VERY POWERFUL. If we can understand depression from understanding we can learn. Growth.

Believing creates hope & determination

Sincerely sorry for your pain people.

We can get this

76 Replies 76

Community Member

Hello DB & everyone
my goodness a lot has haapened here since I was last able to visit!
Its good to see you Grand and also Tony. You both off valuable insights here.

SLEEP- is so very important and what others have covered here. I dont have anything else to add.

Grand- that is not a stupid question at all- there is no such thing and you wont know the answer unless you ask
I do understand what your trying to say. Its hard to explain I understand but I hearing you and know what your getting at.
Depression and any mental health issue has its own path embedded in our brains, we have the reasoning side and the panicing/depressive state. I find that I can sometimes pick up when my demons are speaking and this often comes around in the form that I shouldnt be on this earth, that I deserve and should be dead or in the form of there is danger around every single tiny corner.
What helps me is to thought challenge? Have you tried or heard of this? I wont write it up unless you havent but I am happy to share that strategy here with you.

POSITIVITY- we all need positivity in our lives, I find that is what keeps our hopes alive and keeps us going when times are tough. Sometimes the positive stuff is buried deep but it is there and can be found. I call it soul searching, when I cant find anything I will go right down into the core and find something. Anything.
I do however think that we need to acknowledge our thoughts which brings me to the next point

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT- I find that it is good to acknowledge our feelings. They are there for a reason even if we cant see it. I also find basically saying ' oh hey anxiety, your around today, lets see what we can do to cope today' helps. It validates the feelings but it also doesnt control me. I work with it rather than against it

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Startingnew and thank you,

I hope you are doing well

I haven't heard of thought challenge, I will google it, try to find then read it, saves you writing it out..thank you.

My anxiety/ depression has been full blow now for a couple of days, Anxiey is constantly going in circles blocking all other thoughts, except about a visit to a new physiatrist, . the visit is not until this Thursday but I've already had over 100s of this visit in my thoughts. I know the visit will go bad, and now trying to find ways of getting out of it, depression has now joined forces with anxiety, these two together makes it hard to stay positive.

Kind thoughts


hello GG

take a look and see what you think. not everything will suit everyone so if its not something for you that is perfectly fine 🙂

ahh yes the days when we dont know if we are depressed or anxious so makes us go round and round and round. i find trying to break the habit so to speak can be helpful. kinda like doing the opposite.

what are some of the things you would usully enjoy? pick one of those and then just do it. dont worry that you dont want to do, get out and see if it helps. sometimes its jsut good to get out of the 4 walls scenario and do something we like to do.

how do you know the appt will go bad? these are just thoughts remember and no you dont have to be positive about it but go more with an open heart.

sending some hugs to help you get through today


Soz Knight was just scanning and hadn't seen your thread name to timing of motivation, thanks, I'll put in to do list that I haven't got yet lol MUST...just wing it 🙂

Hate not answering people if they're good enough to give time and listen, let alone being helpful 🙂

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello startingnew,

thank you so much for the suggestion "though challenge", looks hard to do it properly but I will try it.

Its hard for me to go outside 99% of the time, Don't know it's just hard to get out the front or back door,

Hmm, interests and things I like to do is hard, I used to do long stitch, sewing etc used to like it until I was told my work was for better word crap. Believe it or not,,sleep, I used enjoyed, the reason is it was like a refuge a haven an escape away from the the violence and abuse from early childhood through to the death of hubby. ( now sleeping is usually flashback n nightmares) so I try not to sleep to much.

The visit will be bad, I really know this hun,

firstly, I can't talk face to face with people, fear, I get so scared , I freeze ie: my mind goes blank, I can't get words out especially sentences, I can't concentrate on what's being said to me.

secondly, Physiatrist is a male, I have feeling of being that scared, that I shake, from inside out, I've hypoventolated a few times and ended up in hospital a couple of times, Brother, father, husband,& husbands so called "friends" all abused me, I feel so violated, sick, degraded and pathetic how much I hate myself for not being a stronger person, I still have no courage to defend myself that's gone a long time ago

thirdly, I only drive my car on a Tuesday ( it's my safe day). Around 10 years ago I attempted, had enough of everything, I failed, it was a Tuesday so I feel safe on Tuesdays. This physiatrist is flying from RPA, Sydney out to Central West, appointments are only on Thursdays. My physiatrist will stay with me but not easing anxiety.

Sorry it it took so long to answer, but it was really hard to do so honestly without triggers.

Kind thoughts and thank you for caring hugs🤗🤗



thought challanging is bloody hard but it can be worth it. Its because we challenge our demons, we sit there and say basically nope thats not right im going to do what I want even though you (demons) are telling me to do something else.
Not easy but possible.

I do understand abuse not physical but the other 2 I am also a victim too. I can really empathise with you here about the trauma and the things it takes to talk to a male of any kind. Im a carer for my pop and im still iffy around him even though he has done nothing to me. Like you it was someone I loved (close family friend) who took their advantage over someone younger and less powerful as them. I too have attempted suicide twice and have failed at it
If you want to talk more about that stuff feel free to talk to me. I am happy to talk and just listen anytime you need xoxo
sleep? Im not really sure what that is either. I get a small amount in but the rest is still often plauged by nightmares so im hearing you.

I can really understand your anxiety, in a way its good because they can really see the true you not the person wearing the mask. Do you currently have a psychologist?

And there is no need to apolgise for delays, im not going anywhere 🙂

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Startingnew,

im truely sorry you went through such a terrible time. I really feel for you and really hoping you are managing

it was the 3 abuses I've been through since the age of 12 right through until hubby passed away. 4 years ago. That's nearly 50 years. I never seeked help until around 6 months ago.but only started theraphy a few months ago I'm trying hard to beat it, to win, but I think the wounds and hurt is buried to deep. I was in a mutual spot a few weeks ago, until a little doll and a little girl knocked me right back down. Amazing how easy we fall right down again, and so quickly, instantly, and how hard it is just to start that torturious climb back up..

I have a gp, physiatrist,phycologist and now this other physiatrist..My physiatrist wants to hit my beasts hard. Last week I had 3 back to back sessions on Tuesday. Was way to much for me.

My anxiety is high now, wanting to run again feeling like I did through out my life trapped and wanting out anyway I can.. now this coming Thursday this physiatrist, (male) i really won't be capable of going. I'm really scared and really depressed crying most of the time, being kind of (well I feel forced) to attend, which again make me feel like there's no way out, a feeling I've felt most of my life trapped , vulnerable it's hard to put into words.

I was really getting on top of this depression until the doll and little girl, the first and only time I managed to get up , it felt good, but it's really extremely harder to get back up a second time. I'm finding that out.

Im okay. Just really down.

Kind thoughts and hugs🤗


Hi all & listeners, Hey Grandy, Starts, very good post re sleep acknowledgement and positivity

93+ % listen and don't post. BB (beyond blue) has up to 95,000 visitors a month.

Anyone go for it if yous like, no hassling here just understanding and support for pain. Excellent site, very well moderated and run. Thankyou BB
The more talking, experiences, what people have learnt, opinions either way the better chance we have of getting this.

8 people suicide every day in Australia alone. Depression. We've gotta get this crap. We're intelligent, capable of thought and problem solving.

As a COLLECTIVE we've got a better shot at getting control over depression. Crippling 1 in 3/4 people in Australia alone have depression/anxiety.
Reasons: Life, Natural disasters, Mental Illness, and I think safe to say the Main contibutor is PEOPLE

Emotional control, it's the key imo sure of it. (majority)

I heard about 5+ yrs ago If we don't get on top of mental health by ??? 2020 ??? maybe less it'll be globally the biggest health problem. That's frightening considering how many major health problems there are out there.

Thanks listening 🙂

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Dear sweet Grandy after all that crap you've lived and look how lovely you are, and you think ("IT" Beast) you're not strong. You are, you're pulling up, keep holding our hands, we gotcha. We're getting there. Time

Sweety lady you need to see the psych hun I know the demons are slamming, you're getting stronger you can do it. Thinking actually, what about him coming to you or would that be worse. Just thinking about is that agoraphobia do you know, heard a bit about it and sounds similar. Just checked. Anxiety characterised by fear of open spaces leaving house etc, but psychiatrist is the one that diagnoses & clinical psychologists can to.
What about ringing them and could you handle a phone consult and email that post to them maybe. You poor darling. If you call they maybe able to work something out.

Hun, strength, you did it, didn't give up and posted, you're a bloody champion Kudos lady. I did too the other night, stuck with it and kabooomb, did it too. WIN we pushed through

Grandy could you please copy and post the hard one in.. Suicide...why not? thread because as mentioned you're starting to pull up. I know you're going to make it cause you've got the want happening you're listening and doing. People are reading & for those there on the thread if they know more about you I know you did one there already too, then you'll be SOLID HOPE for many There's a reason for everything, we met for this. Look at the beautiful people also supporting you and it'll get stronger. You're going to at the very least put these MUTTS to SLEEP, and find peace I KNOW IT. Not just saying...you've got it happening so proud of you.

Deeply sorry for your crap life, your turn now

((( Souls lovely lady xx )))

Spent an age on reply here so hopefully it'll land, if I've not posted, good reason to cry 🙂 actually I'll be very hacked off so time will tell so I'll beeeee backkkkkkk