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Community Member
Hey there,
Im feeling really depressed, i just got off the phone to a acquaintance and i had to lie about how i was feeling. they were going on and on with how things are great and wonderful for them and i felt like screaming,im happy that their happy but my life is just me surviving day to day, i suffer with bipolar bpd anxiety and depression so things change each day, i just need some support i think
2 Replies 2

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hello Callumm and welcome to Beyond Blue forums

It's good you've made your way to our community of caring, friendly, supportive and non judgemental people.

Feeling depressed is the pits isn't it. Some of the things I do when I've been really down include:

  • Get a double appointment with my doctor to talk about going on a mental health plan
  • Get a referral to a health professional, e.g. psychologist or psychiatrist
  • Read some of the facts about depression on the Beyond Blue website

There's a really good thread - This Bipolar Life. It can be found, if you want to have a look, by doing a search on the Beyond Blue website for that title.

Keep reaching out to us and maybe share more of your story so we could help some more - no pressure however for you to do so if you don't want.

Kind regards


Summer Rose
Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Callumm

I'm really sorry that you are struggling and feeling so low. I know it's hard and I think it's really great that you posted.

Sometimes it helps just to know that other people care and understand. Here on the forum, we do just that.

Take things one day at a time. Be kind to yourself. And never give up hope of brighter days to come.

Life can get better. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers