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Fed up with Dysthymia

Community Member
I was diagnosed Jan 2017 with dysthymia. I came out of a severe depression in March 2017 that lasted for 7 months. Im not sure if the diagnoses is right as I am now in another deep depression that is causing me great pain and anxiety. Can anyone who has dysthymia please tell me about their episodes so i have something to compare. I have many episodes over 40 yrs..just discovering this now...but not sure if this has been dysthymia. I am so tired and disappointed as I dont think I can make it through this time
3 Replies 3

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi celery, welcome

Im 61yo. Diagnosed with dysthymia at 53yo. Along with depression bipolar 2 and anxiety. Anxiety I overcame.

So I went all those years with dysthymia. I cried a million tears. I'd cry for no reason. I'd cry watching a bird, a river, songs. Whatever.

I was also suicidal but likely that was bipolar.

Two things helped me from 2009 onwards. Medication and emotional maturity.

With the latter its like I was very immature and played catchup


Topic: dysthymia- beyondblue

Repost if you wish and ask questions.

Tony WK

Hi again Celery

I forgot. For all those years my emotional cycle came around every 6-8 weeks and lasted around 2 weeks. Unfortunately that cycle length was such that I didn't see it as a cycle until my psych asked me to monitor it.

Treatment makes the world of difference. I'm now almost dysthymia free.

Tony WK

Hi White Knight, I just read your reply again about dysthymia. I am still in the dysthymic cycle which is now 8 months, the longest for me. I am having a bit of trouble here trying to get my thoughts into text and on the screen. I wanted to know what you meant in your post about maturing..could you expand on that please. I also think I have had anxiety for many decades and recently found out that my CPtsd developed in my early childhood. I am having therapy with a Pshyc at the moment but i find it very slow. Just my impatience as my head insists on telling me 'you better get this sorted quickly as your 59 you know'. Old critical parent tapes going off in my head. Thx you for listening.